aj's interests !
a very messy list of most of my interests
- HYPERFIX persona 5 royal, nbc hannibal, typology, & house md
(mrdensmore)and CRASH COURSE / THE GREEN BROTHERS !!!!! - MAJOR INTERESTS (MISC) PHILOSOPHY, psychology, european history, liturature, art history, baroque & renaissance art also fine art in general. i also obv like animanga and games. huge fucking fan of history, talk abt it all the time. gets political a lot i love politics
- SPECIFIC MEDIAS persona series, the summer hikaru died, resident evil series,
idv, puppet combo, chillas art, aot, death note, litc, HOUSE MD AGAIN I LOVE HOUSE MD and sooooooo many more. - MUSIC macabre plaza, icp, the symposium, the buttertones, PART TIME, the smiths, puzzle & enjoy / the garden, the cramps, slowdive, deftones, SO MUCH MORE HOLY SHIT
OVERVIEW i'm really into a lotta things, but my main interests lie with history and art and philosophy etc. i am an avid quizbowl player so naturally i spend all my time learning to be prepared etc. i just really love learning lmfao, though obviously i enjoy consuming all forms of media; my fav medias ever are p5r, hannibal, and house md. i also quite like true crime (not in the cringe way), and i love the macabre. macabre? like macabre plaza? sorry i love macabre plaza so muchgikfwds anwyasy. i am james wilsons #1 fan along with densmores hugest fan too. whos densmore? densmore is the quizbowl coach guy at my school. you will probably hear about him, inevitably. heres more info abt him.