『 The Sharky System 』

writers in this would like to remain anonymous. (last updated : 08/21/23)

This is a rentry explaining our situation with 'The Sharky System.' The people contributing to this rentry haven't known them for very long, yet we would still like to explain our side of the story. I will be abbreviating TSS for 'The Sharky System,' for ease of viewing. TSS will be reffered to with he/him pronouns, because most of his head-mates use he/him pronouns.

I can't really sum this entire situation up in a singular paragraph, but for anyone who doesn't have time to read, the topics include: Disrespecting of Boundaries, Saying Slurs that he Cannot Reclaim, Faking his Disorders, Using Cultural Names, Problems with Addicts, His Ableist Behaviors, Another entry on disrespecting peoples boundaries, Guestbook comments, His issue with Pronouns, Making fun of eating disorders, and another entry on my personal experiences with TSS.

Please, do not go and harass anybody mentioned in this rentry. This rentry serves its purpose only to let people be aware of the trouble that the writers faced.

『 Content Warnings 』
In this rentry, topics will be discussed that may make viewers discomforted. Topics such as abuse, slurs, substance abuse, fakeclaiming, suicide, grooming and traumadumping as well as pedophillia.

『 Disrespecting of Boundaries 』

During our friendship, TSS as a whole would constantly disrespect the boundaries that we had previously established and I felt very uncomfortable while we were having certain conversations. At one point, an alter that belonged to TSS, asked me if I wanted any of his nudes. I never showed any advances towards TSS or the alter in particular, and I am already taken and TSS knew this at the time, as I make it very public that I don't enjoy flirtatious behavior from my friends, especially if I've only known them for not even a month. (I don't have any proof for this encounter, as I left the group chat that it happened in, but I have a friend that can vouch for me, because ze was in the group chat at the time.) I've also received a few sexual direct messgaes from TSS, even though I'm not sure which alter it was in particular. I don't know if this is like... a song lyric, or something... but I also don't know why you would send something like this unwarranted? He's talked about being a victim towards unwanted sexual comments and even saying that he's been sexually harassed, getting mad at people for not asking his boundaries first, yet he goes and does the same exact things that he clowns other people for. I think It's hypocritical, I don't know if it's because of his trauma but I still don't think it would be okay to send things like this, even if it was a result of his past.

『 Saying Slurs that he Cannot Reclaim 』

This is behavior that actually disgusts me. It's so gross to look back at these screenshots, and I have proof now... and I'm going to share it. My friends can also vouch on the legitimateness of these screenshots, because they were all there whenever this went down. Not on every occasion, but enough to know that these are true... and we all know that TSS is masc heavy, and I've only ever spoken to their masc alters... obviously meaning that they weren't identifying as lesbian, so they shouldn't be saying things like this, no matter what. Not to mention the death threats? TSS shouldn't be saying anything like this. At all.

『 Faking his Disorders 』

We all know that TSS is openly a DID system, as well as a person with autism. In his rentry, he openly states that he has diagnosed autism... and for people to stop telling him that it isn't diagnosed. However, while TSS was talking to me about a particular subject, he confessed to me that he was faking his mental disorders. I didn't believe him at first, but then he got very serious with how he was talking to me. Here are some screenshots, I don't really have a alibi for any of these from my friends, as they were sent to me in a personal DM, but I am still able to provide photographic evidence that I gained myself.

『 Using Culutral Names 』

One of us had the Simply Plural of TSS, and looked through his alters at some point to get to know his head-mates better. His body, as far as I'm aware, is white. He has alters that are fictives that come from sources where the character uses Japanese names. While I'm not bodily Asian, and I can't really add a lot to this subject due to that, I'm fairly sure that this is considered appropriation, due to the significance of names that are belonging to Asian culture. Here is a link that goes to a carrd explaining why people who are white shouldn't use asian names, click here. Here is a link that goes to a carrd explaining why systems that are bodily white still shouldn't use POC names, click here.

『 Problem with Addicts 』

If you’re already familiar with TSS, you might’ve already read his DNI that’s belonging to his main rentry. This includes a list of things, but what I’m mainly going to be focusing on is the part of his DNI that includes people who use substances. This is an acceptable DNI, don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against this claim in general… but it’s more so the way he treats those who struggle with addictions. Whenever I told TSS about my substance usage, he referred to people who did drugs as “those people.” While this might not seem horrible, it’s extremely dehumanizing for being talked to like that for something that’s out of my control. He then proceeded to flex the fact that he’s never done drugs or alcohol, and was just acting as if he were disgusted of me and another friend of mine, because my friend also struggles with addictions and was there to talk about it whenever this particular instance happened. (I will not be namedropping her for privacy reasons.) Like I said, I can see why he would have substance users on his DNI, but it’s pushing it whenever he’s purposefully being disrespectful to those who struggle with addictions when he has no experience with them to begin with. Even if I wasn’t an addict, the first thing I would’ve done in that situation is encourage my friend to get help… not instantly dehumanize them and back away from them in-game.

『 His Ableist Behaviors 』

There isn't a lot to say on this subject, surprisingly, so this section is going to be a bit short. There isn't any firm evidence over the matter, but I'm 99% sure that TSS was demonizing my friend for having BPD, calling her abusive for absolutely no reason. Yes, there was a personal situation that happened between me and my friend but we were able to be mature, communicate, and work it out. My issue with this is that my friend was clearly demonstrating symptoms of BPD at the time, as fe was going through a split due to a misunderstanding.

『 Once again, Disrespecting Boundaries 』

Putting this in a different section from the original part where I talk about TSS disrespecting boundaries, but I've had this screenshot for a while and now I do feel the need to share because I read over another carrd that was made over TSS, and I've gone through a similar experience with the unwarranted talk about wet dreams. Yet again, TSS was fully aware that I was taken at the time, and I still am. It's disgusting that he can be so hypocritical towards things like this, being so inconsiderate of other peoples feelings and never thinking about anyone but himself. It sucks to know that other people have had to go through this, and I'm sorry that it happened to whoever else got DMs like this.

『 Guestbook Comments 』

...Seriously, TSS? Coming to harass me in my guestbook comments instead of having a civil conversation with me? How immature can you possibly be. First, making fun of eating disorders, even going as far as saying you WANT my friend to develop one... and then telling me to kill myself, and telling lies about me? I've never supported anyone who tells others to kill themselves, and if they did I would drop them right away, without any exceptions whatsoever. No matter how long they were my friend, if they made someone suicidal they would be GONE from my life. Stop spreading lies and maybe grow up, TSS. Here are both of the photos I've taken. I don't know if he's gone on other guestbooks that belong to my friends, besides one that I know of.

『 His Issue with Pronouns 』

I'm only bringing this up because I've seen other material about in on the other rentry, and I'm only bringing it to the attention of everyone because it seems to be a reoccurring issue. He's misgendered other people before, in a way, because he's been using only he/him on people who use any pronouns. For example, someone in the other rentry used he/she/they, and TSS only ever reffered to her with he/him pronouns, and also used it/its on them at some point. I am an individual that uses she/him, and never in our friendship did TSS reffer to me with she/her pronouns. It isn't that big of an issue for me, personally, just because I use both interchangeably... but I also don't know why it's so difficult for him to use pronouns other than he/him? TSS has also discussed 'gatekeeping' she/her pronouns, which, in itself, is insanely odd. I also don't know if this is true or not, because I don't know the person we were talking about myself, but TSS also called someone a detransitioner because they began to use she/they/him pronouns. Again, I don't know if this is actually true, but if it was only because of the pronouns, I think that's problematic in itself.

『 Making fun of Eating Disorders 』

This is.... something. I don't even have the words to express this. The screenshot can tell enough, and frankly.... I feel insanely bad for what his partner system has to go through. I don't understand how anyone could support TSS after knowing this information.

『 Personal Experiences 』

Here, I'm going to list things that are more so personal experiences rather than actual public things that can be considered problematic. There was an instance where one of his alters, whom I'm not going to name for the respectfulness of privacy towards TSS, confessed to one of the writers head-mates. This was a bit odd to him, obviously, as the two have only talked for about... I don't know, three or four days roughly? My head-mate, being a bit uncomfortable, tried to turn down the advances in the most respectful way possible. This isn't something to really freak out about, obviously, I just found it a bit odd. One of my own friends, whom I will also not name, did a few acts of kindness towards TSS as we knew him, and then never got thanks or appreciation for the things that my friend did, which she went out of the way to do for TSS. This also goes for an experience that I have had personally, where I've made a gift pony for an alter of TSS, and never got any amount of thank you. It isn't hard to say two words, and while I understand thinking that this isn't a huge deal... it's not that difficult to show appreciation towards someone when they go out of their way to do kind things for you.

TSS never treated my friends with respect. He never bothered to learn their names until they did things that actually bothered him, and they always expected me to know his friends names and their personal lives, somehow. TSS got bothered because one of my friends, let's just say three, for this occasion, was sitting next to one of their friends. This wasn't even anything bad, in my honest opinion, and yet I still tried to be as considerate to TSS as possible. He pressured me to drop three, whom I have known for over 10 years, and instead stay with him... when I only knew him for about three weeks, at most. He was pressuring me to drop this friend, even going as far as GUILT TRIPPING me, saying that he was going to have a 'breakdown' because I was still talking to three. I tried to reason with him, saying that it's a genuine possibility that they can coexist as my friends, but he just... wasn't having it. I'm obviously going to side with someone who I've known for that long, and not someone on the internet that I only met three weeks ago.

TSS even started saying that my friend was being abusive to me, which is just another thing his delusional mind came up with. Three hasn't ever been abusive towards me, and EVERYONE makes mistakes. If we're just going to throw around the term abuse, succumbing to TSS petty idea of what actual abuse is, TSS would have been considered abusive towards me. All he did, literally all of his head-mates, was use me as an outlet to vent, without even asking for my permission. I obviously listened, but I just snapped once I had to talk one of his alters into not committing suicide. Even so, when I did that, my efforts weren't appreciated at all. TSS told me that they were considering ending their lives again, and then went offline for a long time, leaving me to be stressed over it for hours. Then, he finally answered, just saying that he 'took a really long nap,' being so inconsiderate of my feelings, not even thinking of the fact that he might need to apologize or reassure me for my worrying.

『 Miscelanious Screenshots 』

Pretty self explanatory. These ones were found more recently, as you can see from the profile picture change. The names are censored due to privacy reasons. I apologize for the quality on some of these, I had a bit of an issue with the resizing in order to make it as user-friendly as possible. The guilt tripping, the manipulation and the IP grabbing... you name it. It's all there. Calling my boyfriend hot, despite the fact that they literally have a partner system, making them a cheater... lying about being trans and gay, It's insane. All of it.

I'm tired of it. I'm tired of this entire situation, and if TSS is still going to be a huge crybaby over it then I will leave this rentry up. There are so many more things that I can't even comprehend, but he's also made many jokes about his groomer around me, completely unwarranted... although I did play along with them, I would've preferred if he asked me first. Same goes for the constant trauma-dumping, he never asked if it was okay to dump all of that stuff onto me, and I've even had to talk him out of suicide because of something his delusional mind made up. I'm just sick of this situation entirely.

I don't want apologies, I don't want explanations for this behavior. I was tolerable of TSS until they brought my friends and even going as far as to bringing my partner into the situation. That was absolutely unnecessary and completely immature, you have NO right to talk about how immature other people act about your problems when you're acting this way to begin with.

I'm not trying to be in petty drama, especially over a game as stupid as Pony Town, and this is merely to show people what to expect whenever they interact with TSS and how their behavior really is, behind closed doors.

Pub: 06 Aug 2023 01:36 UTC
Edit: 21 Aug 2023 17:34 UTC
Views: 1874