TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of pedophiles, child pornography, bigotry, sexual abuse and harassment, grooming, mentions of rape, zoophillia and animal abuse.
Hello! I do have another link since these kept getting deleted and restored. Both links will store the same amount of information but this will be the main one! The other link is:
Why are there two links?
When I first put this together, they kept getting deleted for an unknown reason. As time went on, they've obviously been restored.
Viz isn't problematic, they're fictional characters.
Fictional or not, it doesn't make her actions okay. As I've always said, art shows what the artist is like. Art always tells a story of the creator. (Not all the time but you get the point.)
The Update - 17th April 2024.
I've decided to add the evidence of Viz being racist and what not. Please read this for more detail. In this site, I'm adding two screenshots that I have found + asked to use.
I'm copying and pasting everything for those who use screen readers (apologies if thats spelt wrong.) Please bare in mind all of this information isn't mine. I am simply taking people's research and adding them here. Recources: ! If you would like to provide screenshots or any more information, please dm me on discord, shyzomb.
First of all, what did Viviepop do?
Viziepop drew child pornography and has hired a known pedophile to work on prns cartoon, while doing nothing significant to distance prns from any of that. Prn has also been accused of being racist and transphobic, which prn tried to excuse in prns apology.
- racist
- antisemitic
- a Nazi
- transphobic specifically towards transmascs and trans men
- homophobic
- ableist
- a proshipper + affiliated with them
- slave wages her workers
- one of the characters in the show is meant to represent an indigenous person she knew and said character gets brutally SA'd and it's treated as "the best joke in the show"
Abuse allegations
On June 22, 2022, a former employee named Erin Frost made a post on their tumblr blog, making several accusations that Vivziepop is a toxic boss that abuses her employees and insults other creators. Some allegations included being overwork to meet deadlines, and insulting animators and their shows, such as Dana Terrace. This resulted in a few more people making similar accusations. While some people have turned against her, others support her or have stayed neutral due to the accusers failing to provide evidence to support their claims.
The drama died down after a couple days when a decent number current of SpindleHorse members, such as Sam Haft, Monica Franco, HorrorFreak, and more talked about their positive experiences, and some were convinced that the accusations were exaggerated or lies.
Erin Frost's rants
Erin Frost made more claims on October 26th, 2022. This time, she managed to provide screenshots that she felt were proof of bullying. However, many have pointed out that said screenshots feature a conversation regarding Frost not meeting project deadlines, and while Spindlehorse Higherups may have been a little strict, it's a far cry from bullying. Some who originally sided with Frost or stayed neutral have stated that they no longer feel sympathy for her, believing that she's blowing the situation out of proportion and only attacks Vivziepop whenever she has upcoming news about her projects. Frost was also called out for namedropping other ex-employees, with people thinking it's wrong for her to drag them into her personal conflicts.
Erin Frost returned yet again in November. At this point, many are sick of her continued attempts at showing what she considers proof of her mistreatment, especially since she shamed others who won't stand with her, calling them "spineless" and sharing private messages without their consent. To a large portion of people, Erin Frost is not the innocent victim she claims to be and is attempting to twist the situation so that she comes out looking more sympathetic than she actually is.
In May 2023, Frost returned to criticize the character of Sallie May, the sister of Millie and a widely popular character due to being an example of positive Transgender representation. It was revealed that Frost had designed Sallie May and Millie's brothers, with the intention of making one of the brothers Transgender and was upset when higher-ups decided that Sallie May would be Transgender instead. Many have voiced that this makes Frost come off as Transphobic due to wanting a Transgender character to be relegated to a non-speaking background roll. Frost was also heavily criticized for saying it was "disgusting" for Sallie May to be sexualized in Valentine's Day themed merch and it was "Trans fetshization" despite that fact that every character in the Valentine's Day themed merch is sexualized. Morgana Ignis, Sallie May's VA and a Transgender Woman herself, voiced her opinion on Twitter and made it clear she doesn't agree with Frost in the slightest.
The Youtuber Ayy Lmao has covered the drama regarding Erin Frost's rants extensively on their youtube channel. In May, they announced that Erin blocked them on Twitter despite their videos being overall neutral and informative.
Lackadaisy funding
In July 2023, Viv donated $5,000 to a fundraiser meant to give the "Lackadaisy" franchise a five episode first season on youtube after the success of the pilot in March of the same year, while also voicing her opinion that Indie animation should not be a competition.
Later, an animator on Lackadaisy known as Zebirdbrain left a passive aggressive remark under Medrano's post for not including the link to the fundraiser and made it out to seem Viv only donated as a PR stunt. This led to many people calling out Zebirdbrain for unprofessionalism and called for her to either be reprimanded or let go from the Lackadaisy team. It reached a point where some Hellaverse fans have stated that they refuse to support Lackadaisy because they were so put-off by the passive-aggression and rudeness on Zebirdbrain's part. She would later delete her tweet instead of apologizing, leading to people calling her out again for ignoring the incident.
On August 2023, her pledge was canceled for reasons unknown, with fans speculating that it was from the Lackadaisy crew disassociating themselves from Viv and any potential drama.
She has also been transphobic to Dollcreep (also known as Jo), who she used to be friends with back in 2013, when she made a Zoophobia character named Jojo as a way to make a parody out of him, which came of as insensitive and offensive.
She was then recently outed for being transmisandristic again in 2023, when she refers to trans men as being "ashamed" and "confused". Ken, who used to be a writter and former friend of Vivzie, would talk talk to her about it, only for Vivziepop to say that it was "rare". Vivziepop would also refer to Transphobia as a "political statement".
What makes this even worse is that she doesn't credit the voice actor who voiced a trans male imp in "Queen Bee".
Improper Representation of Sexual Harassment
With the characters of Stolas and Blitzø in Helluva Boss, Stolas is commonly portrayed to be constantly flirting and talking dirty with Blitzø, even though Blitzø doesn't reciprocate his feelings. This has led to arguments over whether this counts as sexual harassment. Stolas would also have Blitzø make a deal to borrow his grimoire so Stolas could have Blitzø have sex with him, with Blitzø going with the deal reluctantly. The song "Look My Way" does come off as Stolas having a pity party rather than him actually feeling guilt for his actions.
This also would happen with Angel Dust and Husk, as Angel Dust would occasionally flirt with Husk in a very vulgar manner.
Improper Representation of Sexual Assault
In one of the episodes of Hazbin Hotel, there have been some criticism about how sexual assault has been treated, as one of the chatacters, Husk, would tell Angel Dust that the latter will "get over it", even though Angel Dust has experiences with being sexually assaulted by Valentino, which is one of the things you should never say to a person who suffers from PTSD/Trauma. There is even a song that insults Angel Dust by calling him a "loser" for being sexually assaulted and having his trauma belittled.
Racism / Using Harmful Stereotypes
With one of the Hazbin Hotel trading cards, there are some characters, including an angel character named Emily in particular, who is supposed to be portrayed as a black character. Many people are shown to have a problem with her making Emily a gray skin tone instead.
In Hazbin Hotel, some characters within the series were given criticism by critics, most known in particular being Vaggie, who is portrayed as a lesbian latina woman. However, people were not very happy of Vivzie's representation of her dislike towards men and the portrayal of Latina characters being violent and hot-headed. Vivziepop also does not give any certain physical features to POC/POC-coded characters in said designs to indicate that they are POC/POC-coded.
Alt: So Valentino was recently confirmed to be black by Faust... y'know that guy who abuses angel dust the Italian guy... why did did Viv think this was ok to have a canonically black character be a abuser to a canonically white character..? Her racism is showing
Alt: Also Viziepop:
"The only black character in Hazbin Hotel is a rapist pimp stereotype that we promote as the WORST character in the entire series! Throw trash at him!
Shame him! Shame the black man!"
Not taking criticism
After a user made a voice over of The Amazing Digital Circus video of what if it was directed by Vivziepop. However, Vivziepop did not find it funny and took it very personally, causing the uploader to delete the original video. However, the reuploads of it can be found on YouTube. It is also shown as she likes tweets of people who say that criticism is hate and defends herself from valid criticism. She also sees criticism as "bad faith".
Demonization of Black Culture
With the Hazbin Hotel Trading Cards, many people are angry that Vivziepop represented Alastor using Voodoo (a religious practice used by black people), as Voodoo is a closed and is part of cultural of Haitian people, in which if a non-black person needs permission from a Haitian priest or priestess. Many were not happy that Voodoo is portrayed as demonic and evil.
Poison music video/Supporting a user that romanticizes Sexual Abuse
As of recently Vivziepop has got a lot of backlash when she released her new song of "Poison", which is a song made for Angel Dust. However, in one of the posts, she makes a very offensive joke of which was in bad taste. It was then revealed that Vivziepop also supported a Twitter user named R2ninjaturtle, also known as "Tony Raphielle", who is an NSFW artist that actively makes art of non-con/rape of Valentino and Angel (in which Valentino is the abuser, and Angel Dust as a victim of Val), with Raphielle even supporting said ship despite it being toxic and very wrong. Raphielle also worked in/directed the scenes of Angel dust Sexual abuse in said episode. The incident went viral to the point that even KiwiFarms was aware of it.
What makes it worse that Raph romanticizes it as well, despite mentioning that he has dealt with being repressed and being controlled, which is not a good excuse of drawing rape porn, in which Raph constantly fetishizes it. When a user tells Vivziepop about it, she went her way to defend Raphielle instead of holding him accountable. Raph also went as far as to ask for images of screenshots of times where Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss characters were sexually harassed, mentioning that he wants to add NSFW to the image library that people were saving of him. Raphielle a would even cosplay as Angel Dust just to pose sexually with a Valentino cosplayer and admitted to changing his name to Tony to make it close to the name "Anthony" (the real name of Angel Dust). It was also mentioned that Rathielle has as sexually harassed a 15-year-old minor and leaves twitter because of it, with his account also being deleted. Vivziepop tries to claim that Raphielle was a survivor of sexual abuse and doubles-down by blaming the minor in question and not firing Raphielle for it, with Raph to admitting that he wasn't an sexual abuse survivor. Vivziepop would also liked Raph's art and dialogue from the Valangel non-con comic to the point that she personally added it to episode 4 of Hazbin Hotel, with Raphielle also storyboarding it instead of properly reporting him to authorities.
Raph would then reveal an Angst pin set preorder of Angel Dust and Husk neing chained up by Valentino and Alastor, with Vivziepop saying that she wants it, showing that she is supportive of Raphielle, even after being called out by other people as being a bad person. This would make Vivziepop and Raphielle responsible with portraying sexual abuse as a joke, even when it was not supposed to be portrayed as such.
This caused Vivziepop to be in so much backlash due to her terrible actions that Vivziepop was planning to leave Twitter and move on to a different platform.
Supporting Cafés with mistreated animals
While mostly known by Instagram users, Vivziepop also had backlash for going to animal cafes in Japan in which animals that were there have been abused and neglected.
Toxic Workplace Allegations / Mocking other projects / Underpaying employees
Although they have not been adressed, there have been some people who have said that they have dealt with some bad workplace conditions with Spindlehorse because of Vivziepop. However, this caused vivziepop to take legal action against former employees that speak bad about her by claiming that they were spreading "confidential information". Her response to said allegation don't give her any favors.
Vivziepop would even go as far as to mock other projects and is accused for underpaying her employees for the sake of favoritism.
Art stealling / Not giving proper credit
During plans of designs for Cherri Bomb, a character who is from Hazbin Hotel, she traced the design from another artist and never gave credit for the idea. It is also noted that the artist didn't want Vivziepop to copy the entire thing.
Vivziepop has been through some drama when he has been called out for her hypocrisy of when she says that people should not trace, yet she does trace in some of her animations, including with tracing from fans for some merchandise, specifically with the two-sided alastor gold pin (which was traced off of artist "Ryuu_Hazbin"). She would also steal art for a profile picture for the Helluva Boss Live Autograph account (in which Vivziepop stole art from a fan by the name of "NinjaHaku21").
Vivziepop ingenuously gives an apology in which she tip-toed around to avoid admitting that she traced in her original “apology”, before saying for them to “get the fck over themselves”. Vivziepop would also admit that she traced things that were “homage and memes”, even though she never credited the original animators, not even trying to deny that she traced, while giving the excuse that "every animator under the sun does it, so it’s okay" for herself.
When she used the DJ Paranoid's song "Just Look My Way" with a slight change of the lyrics, she didn't credit Paranoid, and instead credits Alex for twice the credit.
Blaire White
It was also mentioned that Vivziepop supported Blaire White, despite the latter having used blackface and the latter having lied about it (saying it was just a face mask) instead of apologizing. They also have both tagged the "blm" tag with a post mocking both the black community and people that are non-binary black and non-black alike. Vivziepop was in fact aware of what Blaire did, but decides to lie about it anyway, while pretending that she drew Blaire in “good faith", when she actually supported Blaire White.
Supporting of Proshipping
Like said before, while she has supported Raphielle, who supports non-con/rape ship of Valentino and Angel Dust, Vivziepop has also be revealed to have sexualized Morty from an adult animated TV show called "Rick and Morty" (in which Morty is 14-years-old, mind you). Vivziepop would even go as far as to ship Morty with Rick Sanchez (who is Morty's 70-year-old Adoptive grandfather).
Vivziepop would even go as far as to outright support people who publically dont just support it. It is also to mention that Nicole (one of the said pro-shippers) has also created child porn of Morty, despite the latter being underaged.
Supporting / Following a Child Predator
It is also worth noting that Vivzie supports Zone Tan, who is infamous for being a child predator who used a real child's voice for his child porn. It was also shown that Vivziepop directly interacted with Zone.
Allegedly toxic behavior
She has been accused of being passive-aggressive and an "immature jerk", to even blocking people who she sees as against her and bullying people who used to work with her/were her friends. Vivziepop has also been shown to follow a few controversial figures, such as Spazkidin3d (A Twitter use who made porn of characters from Pokémon, Steven Universe, Sonic, and Nintendo including Mario) and Bridgette N. (A proshipper).
She has liked several tweets referring to people as sub-human, underpaying her animation crew for their work, and burning bridges with other artists/friends. It was also implied that one of said former artists/friends that Vivziepop was abusive with one of them.
Vivziepop was accused of being a hypocrite as she says that it was okay if people gave her criticism only to later show that she refuses to take it.
Debunking - This is not my information, do not attack me for this. (I am still doing research and more than happy with people sending stuff to me)
Underage: The accusation of drawing underage sex was actually false. The characters involved are Gustav and Addison who are 19 and 18 respectively and was based on the fact that Gustav is a teacher assistant. It still is relatively young people in a normally pedophilic scenario.
Pedophilia Art Accusation: There is an accusation of Vivziepop having a pedophilic relationship in her comic, Zoophobia. The characters involved are Mirage and Kestrel. Although Kestrel is a minor and Mirage is an adult, the two are not a couple, and Mirage is the antagonist. However, there still is implication of them being a couple despite her saying they aren't.
Doxxing: She came under fire for joining in on canceling Scott Cawthon, the creator of the Five Nights At Freddy’s games after he came under fire by his fan base for donating money to Republican political parties saying in Twitter tweet "You've been cancelled before, your a hypocrite adding to the cancel mob" "I wasn't canceled for what Scott did. And I didn't encourage his harassment with what I said. Doxxing is abhorrent. But look what ya'll are doing to me now”. This resulted in her doxxing herself and moving.
Not crediting Paranoid DJ: Vivienne did credit Paranoid DJ in the music video for "Just Look My Way"; he can be found in the end credits. Though more valid arguments have been brought up that Vivienne should have credited Paranoid in the description and not just in the end credits.
Underpaying her employees: The wages she has given to her employees are actually standard wages in the indie animation industry and in fact are even on the higher end. This was proven by a Twitter user showing the pay rates for another indie cartoon Monkey Wrench, which actually has lower wages than Hazbin.