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stamp count: 590 something? blinkie count: theres not even that many i just dont want to count anymore fml Hi . harass me here! I make My own too! I guess

i am now uploading my own stamps to here bc i wannaaaa (PLEASE check my (AND OOMFS) site out!!!! no credits needed its literally a stamp base edit that takes 3 minutes to do max


IF YOU WANT TO USE THESE FOR YOUR OWN RENTRIES, DO NOT hotlink from me, upload to a place where links dont expire , ex: catbox , filegarden(kinda going to shit rn..)


if you have any on you, gimmie gimmie! support palenstine.

i love yonaka kurai! my gf identifies as syakesan! i love wada!! soft vore solos hard vore everyday!! fiction is not reality, but can be used to affect reality. even then, the ability to seperate the two is crucial to enjoying literally anything ever without going insane i love endo quit bitching!!!!! I was born in (spits) may.! bahhdancedancedanceydcane they....ate...kinda? i miss myspace! trust. ahaha.. ha.. i dont. um..... bad apple!!!!! bakakabkaba! OH MY GOD. WTF, IDATE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? vocaloid fan!! ahhhh!! ew...!!!!! fuck vaporeon. i want them ALL. wieie qhqehjq and, of course, wouldnt be sera without.... i love lucky star!! i love stocking anarchy! (she solos STAY MAD PANTY FANS (i am the panty fans)) ilove rainbows! I love salwada! animal crossin water im veery autistic. stars flying or wahtever i stay up LATE. rain and stuff no no NO NO ddjdj i love (everyone boos) fall! qij AHHHHHHHHH GHOST POTION!!!!!! LEAN i do straight coke! EVIL COMBO OF DOOM im obsessed w nyan cat! uuuhh..i ike caramedansen. stars cannot shine pills me for real! im edgy! I LOVE GUMI webkinz fan! im fat as fuck!!! i support shit spelling im literally rd! jjjj anti eating! glowing stamp! DDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY thanks for visiting my rentry! :) applejack BEST HROSE stars and shit im a foalcon! (thats a joke.) if she was a human, 5'9 21 year old white woman with blue eyes. stampsaregay! I DONT daw porn with this ugh.. ugh.. I HATE FURRIES cocoacocoa!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD fuck it , brah. i love er help i love mlp g3 and g35! shes annoying. AHHHHHHHHH SHARK lol jdjd fatty fatty fattyyyyyyy! I draw furry porn! um I LOVE SPINNING WIGH UNDERAGED ANIME GIRLS devianartt!! Im a masochist! recovering zs! so edgy..... DONT DRINK!!!! borf, borf i love gumi. so much. IM A VAMPIRE ^,.,^ miku!lalal I GOTZ DA LEEKZ get fucked two cookies. HARDKKORE BUNNI :3 cieling cat... O_o ladidadatadam backtraced slow internet SUCKZ lilgorl glasses wearer i use msp! what the hell happy 100 stamps 101 meow RUN AWAY oof internet addicted buwah creacoded i like idate samekichi twitter porn! i love mlp! um whales hyelp uh diamonds! LSD rogue! catgirl luvvr! copic user! vocaloid fan! BZT burritos! i love stamps! mcr turned into cat sorry for slowing down on updates! i havent abandoned u cherubi! heartses bble tea lovver! missy real my problematic cookie run ships I LOVE WAL FORT sorry for the random cookie run surge HEPL dont make me artistcore 31kb blood cutter! msi INSANITY regressor cry wafflesss watermelon! pika chis candycanetee merrychristmas from the slaves in my fields! merry christmas from victor flankenstein! coca d hamper! vint! .. beeches hikara plane blu waterc horsefucer dogfucker hlvoer hroses marisa! compooter rainbows! im obese! paintool whyy DEAD ASF remile! I LOVE HER OKAY patchyy kalice i want to have sex with stocking anarchy. nyappy pp what eithcalb carebare dino nugger what WHAT pcokee sex with mario shad too fast! kang sonick punkye being a girl catart me with my god abuse beliefs dear artwhores OKAY, SEXUSALITIES NOW sorry that its so unserious next to like. you know. FUCKING LOVE MUSIC! swagh EPIC WIN!!!!!! hi eddie 2014 luvver water baloons wii lover micker by 
aurore-vacances by aurorevances by autorevances AAAARGHHHHHHH!! okay just to get it off my fandom stamp checklist rainbows MEET EATER I HATE MATH hallows jacket skg thats another down falloute velvrem bj lmao me fr animefan! colrofreak literally wada poke pokee lucario glace scanty match kneesocks match me and yotsuba ALPHAAAAAAAAA next few made by n1kki on spacehey okay no more made by urs truly BWAP hip hip hooray next few made by kara man i meant several me fr this is me making this rentry did you know family guy was made by funamusea? FUCK YOU The Entirety Of Bad Apple BURRRP sorry Autistic YAYYY meow meow meow made by me made by me made by me made by me im going to cry theyre so corny but cute by dax the panda dont be weird okay..? SOAP the missing border is on purpose kokichi dance number i am ALPHA please dont nuke me for this guys sighs yeah i got a WHOLE bunch of pokemon ones sorry MATCHING WHITE MATCHING BLACK I shiny hunt! rad me after ummm being cute BWAH gs YAY! rottytwop! by pjuk by sugar joy spark by sugar joy spark by fujoshi kuro...? crazy name by plastic cuties by bizarro stamps by bizarro stamps by bizarro stamps by aoikatsu16plz next several will be by karitsuni by mobbo stamps by nyo-maganta by doublelunar stock by a mint leaf by rogueranger by rabidweasels by anniyon.nn.. the name is the file name. by lonely coconut by twilight prowler by twilight prowler by stratosqueer by galaxystamps by mel rosey by azraelle wormster by kezzi rose by bbagels by bbagels by sunbirds (puttng this next to 2 food stamps is diabolical ik) he is stuck in a perma loop into spinning into nowhere SAVE HIM augh gulp i hc he likes inflation rolliver nirkle yeeeeeeep! the gifs are still here. lice ticks agetha computer i used to have the delusion i was her and im genuinely glad i got better /srs ART BY TAKOBATSU @akaruiknight on twt @ps1paka on twt art @000x000_PNG on twt @WIITCHINGH0UR on twt art @twowo9 on twt I love pAInter !!!

ODD SIZE!!!!!!

me to my girlfriend by shiela


Click here (or the button below..)to view my blinkie collection!!!**


Pub: 07 Dec 2023 03:48 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2025 17:04 UTC
Views: 4235