.. L idk what to title this.
uhhh wakko goes insane and uhhhhhh he feels like his brotehr and sister hate him idk

btw tw for sh (hitting) and self hatred. thats prevalent in my fics arent they. lol

Wakko was lying in his hammock. He knew he was feeling... off, mentally. He couldn't quite figure it out, shouldn't he be happy? It's in his character to be happy, he was written to be happy.

So then why wasn't he?

He got up out of his hammock and proceeded to the bathroom, noticing that he felt unreasonably exhausted as well. He was walking slower than he usually does. He genuinely couldn't tell what the hell was going on. He reached the bathroom and closed the door, craving a sense of privacy that was away from anyone else. He sat down, back against the closed door.

He shouldn't be feeling this sad.

Wait, sad? He finally realized, he was sad.

Wakko was really upset the previous night, finding out that, in the shoot for the video game episode of the final season for the reboot, while he was static, his brother and sister said that they've always thought they'd work better as a duo. Once Wakko became unstatic, they then said, "Wakko's alive? ...hurray." He felt betrayed, and, while his sibs apologized profusely, it really hurt him. Weren't they a trio? The fact that he didn't even find out until that night was what set him off. His memory was fuzzy, but he did remember there was screaming, likely from himself, and he was in the bathroom for a long while (maybe two hours?) before heading to his hammock to sleep.

Apparently while thinking about last night, Wakko started crying.

He didn't even realize, he just started feeling empty. Nothing felt right anymore, he felt unloved and hated by Yakko and Dot. He didn't even want to associate with them now. Wakko was once again upset, streams of tears racing to his chin, him sobbing like a little baby.

Knock, knock, knock, he heard on the door. "Baby bro, you in there? Are you okay?" a soft voice came afterward, it was obviously Yakko.

"Go away," Wakko said in a cracked voice.

Yakko audibly sighed, hesitated, then said, "I get that you don't wanna see me right now, but if you and I could just... talk, for a moment, I'll leave you alone."

"I don't wanna be near you."

"I'll stay behind the door then, okay?"

Wakko hesitated before speaking. "...fine."

"Look. Me and Dot didn't mean to hurt you. We did it mainly for... comedy?"

"If it's just for comedy, it wasn't very funny," Wakko said, sobbing as he talked.

"I know, I know, and I truly regret it, and I'm sure your sister does too," Yakko replied. Wakko couldn't tell if he was being genuine or not.

He hesitated before responding. "I don't believe you."

Wakko heard Yakko sigh behind the door. "Can I come inside?"


There was no sound after that. Maybe Yakko had finally left Wakko alone, at least Wakko hoped that's what happened.

Wakko sighed, noticing he's stopped sobbing for the most part but has started mildly hyperventilating due to the crying. He got up to look himself in the mirror.

All he could see was an exhausted puppy boy who lost all trust in the only people he genuinely cared about looking back at him, that boy also needed a shower. There were shadowy circles under his eyes, even visually he was exhausted.

Wakko couldn't help but think about what Yakko said, was he overreacting? Were they really, truly sorry for what they said?

No, they couldn't be. He was the burden of the family. Yakko and Dot hated him, it was obvious they did. Why else would they have said, "Hurray! Wakko's alive!" in such a sarcastic manner? He didn't belong, he hated himself for constantly bothering his siblings. They were only apologizing out of pity, weren't they?

Wakko had started crying again, and his hyperventilating became more intense. He hated feeling like this, he didn't wanna be here anymore. He took a shot at his forehead with his palm. Then another, and another, until he was just wacking himself with the palm of his hand.

After around 2 or so minutes, he stopped and sat there to just cry. H

Pub: 25 May 2023 17:25 UTC
Edit: 05 Jun 2023 06:37 UTC
Views: 119