Event to the life stream

(Fell asleep during sadly)

[14:04] {NARRATION} The lifestream was not something so easily accessed. Usually it required the aid of teleportation magics, either riftmancy or wayfinding, to access physically. Though there is something to say for the way Barrier and Death magics touch upon the soul. However, as far away from all of that as you were, something else was devised.

There was a tear reported. An open rift that had never been closed had been found in Meranthe and through effort you had managed to get what you hoped to be sole access rights to it. Bandits and treasure hunters had been chased off and a large magical barrier had been erected around it. A dome of energy that only you should be able to pass through.

The entrance sits at the bottom of a cave, a mineshaft that had broken into an ancient temple. It was already considered a place where the realms overlapped so it was no wonder a rift had been easily punctured here. The temple itself was towards one of Ymir's pantheon, one that had been last to time. Aschea.

Why the rift had been opened and what lay on the other side was unclear, however you were at least certain that it didn't lead to anywhere on Eternia. At least not wholly. As you stand in the large open chamber, where the rift stands at the middle, there is not too much of note around you.

Statues lay in disarray covered with thick cobwebs. Though the pattern is strange as though the faces had been deliberately covered up and obscured. Beyond this, the place has apparently already been ransacked though long before the rift was ever opened. It thrummed even now, its destination uncertain.
[14:06] Caeles looked about the temples vaunted halls, gazing at the disfigured statues with a faint unease. He knew the danger of the mission, of the possibility of adversity.

BUt there was something earie about the location. Alas, they had no time for apprehension.

Steeling himself, The astromancer looked to Irina, ready for her thoughts.


[14:11] It was a long journey so far, but nothing that Kaien could not handle. His sword and flame pledged, as long as it took to get there, he'd simply endure. If anything, the downtime on the travels gave his body ample time to recover from the wounds suffered earlier. No longer did his holy flames lap at his flesh, they lay dormant upon his tail and hair as always.

A magical field that parted to allow them entry. A powerful, swirling aura of mana within. It put a pressure on the body, on the soul to be near. A dusty temple, long since bereft of aught to plunder.

Kaien certainly looked, too. Ever the one looking for a way to bolster coin for cause.

Eventually he paces back towards the main group, leaving illuminating, flaming footsteps in his wake. Eyes upon the thrumming rift as it danced and swirled within.

"You're certain this goes where you need it? Or are you chancing it bringing us where you desire?" He asks Irina, sliding his hands into his robe's pockets. Molten steel irises scanning his surroundings, ever so careful. Though many of them packed holy power... His was always present upon his flames. Ever searching for anything amiss.

[14:12] A rift; one opened not by her, nor one of her party. In fact, she was about ready to make her own way there. A months long, gruelling trip to achieve what it is she chased.

Perhaps, the Lifestream had heard her call.
Perhaps, fate was on her side. Why else, would her party be the only ones able to cross?

There's no hesitation; that siren song of fate and fortune causing her to move through. Eventually finding herself on the other side, with comrades in tow. A temple, one to a deity long forgotten.

Where one rested, perhaps another could rise.

"We're here. But just where is here? No matter. It seems something wants us to follow its call, and that is just what it is we shall do."

"Though, perhaps it is not to beckon me forth... But to end my path before it begins. We should be cautious. I've doubts that this was just for us, as we had hoped."

A glance to Harper; a nod. As if she'd felt some otherworldly embrace, something telling her this was the only path forward.

"I am certain, this is where I will find what it is we seek."

[14:14] Harper did not waste time. She had made it this far, she had traveled with her troupe of like-minded hunters and sworn swords. The Little Prince did not seem bothered, though the stagnant air and decrepit scenery certainly did lend itself well to an air of sheer mystery.

Her aura unfurled, now burning into a life of its own. Like great petals of determination, holy light now spilled across her body. Her will made itself known.

Gentle lightning flickered across her body, as an afterthought. She wasn't yet committing to her thunderous wrath of before, but it was still the visage of a holy warrior.

She took a glance towards Irina, noting her expression. That this was the correct path, for her.

"Very well."

She would stand with her brothers- and sisters-in-arms, prepared for anything that may come.

[14:18] The kitsune would be kidnapped as the blue haired swordsman had said it. "So where exactly are we even going gu-"

Her voice falling short as the cavern opened up reveling the remnants of a temple. Scattered rubble and text depicted on the wall's lost to time visible. Webs and layers of dust ridden statues that were un recognizable to the priestess.

"O-Oh my."

Her voice rather surprised at the sight, to her this was something that connected with her. The lost deity's of old fascinated her as a member of the asperean faith always eager to dive deeper into other views of religion's. With Irina addressing the group a small sigh came from her, hoping that this would just be a casual adventure but knowing better with how things usually ended up with Lazuli and the blue haired woman.

"Oh well, when in doubt.."

She said not even really bothering to finish her sentence but simply floating up into the airtrailing behind Lazuli and Irina trying to not fall behind as they dove deeper into the temple looking for whatever it was that called to the adventurers.
(Phoenix Altan)

[14:19] This definitely held an ominous feeling of sorts. Usually when cracks in the dimension appeared across the realms, that meant usually with it came the presence of powerful demons with it. But luckily...this one seemed to hold no visitor, instead it almost seemed to be inviting in a way.

"I can't help but feel like this is a march to our deaths, but at this point I have already given you my blade. You would still march through here anyway....regardless of the danger that lies forward."

The call of one's goal or the call of the reaper, only now would it be found out at this point considering it was time to walk forward. There was little left to do in the moment before...walking forward into the rift.

"At this point, if anyone should risk more punishment I'll do it. I've already experienced many moments of fresh hell...what's a bit more?"

[14:20] Phoenix Altan says, "Lead the way Rina~"
[14:20] {NARRATION} Before any of you made the effort to enter. The rift seems to vibrate before something passes through, landing on the bare, dusty floor. A small spider trailing an iridescent silk strand. It shone wildly with the colours of the lifestream itself, as though trapped within the fibre. Seemingly ignoring you, the arachnid went about its own task.

The thread behind it trailed and trailed and it seemed to be drawing a shape. A circle had surrounded the portal and slowly, but surely runes were drawn to follow in strange sort of cursive considering the medium was one long unbroken strand. It wouldn't take a riftmancer or wayfinder to understand what its intent was.

Whoever had opened it had sent something back to close it.
[14:21] Caeles says, "..."
[14:22] Caeles looked at the spider, marveling at its iridescent silk. The thread reminding him of Galas veil.

As it locked the doors, the magi sighed. That about what he had figured would happen

[14:24] A rumble in the rift... could it be something menacing?

Not quite. A small spider crawls out, beginning to draw a small web in a series of runes. Kaien walks up to it, looking down. He thought to burn it, he quickly looks to the other.

"Anyone good at using time magic? Could suspend it in place. If I burn it, the creator will know. But if we do nothing, the Rift could close with us in it." A pause. He begins to charge up a small blast of energy in his palm.

If no one could freeze the spider, he was going to incinerate it.

[14:24] The kitsune's eye's widened at the sight of the spider, a small wolf spider under her bed was still a fright for her. "I don't like this.... Spider's are never a good sign."

The girl floating behind Irina now as she would watch the spider continue to weave it's silk onto the ground not sure as to what it was making but knowing in the back of her mind that it was not something natural.
(Phoenix Altan)

[14:24] Phoenix Altan says, ".... I could.."
[14:24] Phoenix Altan asks, "Freeze it in ice?"
[14:25] Bedazzling colors of life itself. Such a being, intent on sealing her path forward. So beautiful, yet intent on preventing her path forth.

"Prevent those runes from being finished. We are going to need to pass through. I'm afraid we may be trespassing tonight. Do not kill the spider if you can help it."

A soft spoken order from the would-be King to her retinue; Kaien's suggestion causing her to glance toward Lazuli. He was their resident time mage, after all. A nod given at the suggestion.

"Chronos, do not let it finish until we are inside. We will find another way back."

[14:26] Harper didn't seem to be too enthused about the spider's appearance. But, this was not for her personal disdain for spiders. It was, instead, a duty of Irina's ilk. And knowing that this was... a sensitive operation, she was not going to take too long to deliberate it.

The colors were vibrant; her eyes bewitched by the splendor of that which she didn't fully comprehend. She bowed her head to Irina, before simply looking forward.

If Lazuli could handle it... then she would pay it no mind. An afterthought on their continued quest.

[14:30] "Very well then, I will prevent the little arachnid from inscribing anymore."

He clapped his hands together in this moment of time, the small arachnid slowly being surrounded by the gears of time, glowing a deep green as it sought to rob them of their movements entirely, and strip them from the passage of time in this moment.

The calm visage of the Cambion sought to make proper use of their time magic and offer Irina the passage she has sought for some time now.

"If it's just a creature small as this, then it should be relatively simple to do."

[14:30] {NARRATION} The spider stills. The soft yet vibrant green of time magic encasing it in a single moment. The thread behind it sparkles violently for a moment before it went dim, the light going out on the runes and leaving nought but regular old webbing behind. A sound comes from within the portal.

A voice, feminine, inviting yet with an air of superiority about it. One that had been bred, one of nobility. "Interesting." It seemed to sit in your minds rather than invade via your ears. The portal thrummed again and seemed to stabilise further. Your efforts had been noticed and it seems, in response, you were being invited further.

Yet it came with an unpleasant feeling. The sort of feeling that prevented you from sleeping at night after losing track of an invasive insect. Something was here with you. You didn't know where, you didn't know how. But there was a presence in the darkness that was currently observing.
[14:34] Caeles was happy that they did not have to resort to harming the insect, he felt that to kill in this situation, would be to invite great consequence later on.

But still, the buzzing at the back of his mind, a sensation he had felt before, and yet he could not recall when or where... It was unpleasant in the extreme, the feeling of being watched from beyond perception.

[14:34] Kaien clenches a fist, quelling the destructive blast of energy and returning his hand to his pocket.


The voice sets his ears to do a near 360 pivot out of instinct. Not here, not there.. just where? It wouldn't be known, or perhaps the voice was far, far away. The Kitsune gives a final glance to the spider suspended in time, no longer able to move. There's a light flex of the jaw as Kaien hides the feeling of unpleasantry within the back of his mind. If anything, it made the invitation all the more pleasing.

Just what lie at the other side?

He gives a final glance to the group. "Good work, Lazuli. See you all on the other side." He says. Going to be the test dummy, he stands on the edge of the rift staring into that whirling myriad of colors. Now, stable. But for how long?

He wasn't going to stick around to find out. With a small hop, the Kitsune casually hops into the portal, hands still in his pockets. The leftover motes of holy energy whirl about where he was, and fade into nothing.

[14:34] A life, no matter how small; had been spared. That little spider need not suffer the fate of being squished, seared, or frozen. No, perhaps the self-proclaimed King was quite truthful, in her desires to protect ALL life.

"I do not like this feeling.. We are being observed, but that is to be expected. We are the interlopers here, and must prepare."

A few cautious steps forth; inching ever closer. An invitation offered, would be met with progress.

She had to go on now.
No matter what,
They all had to keep moving.

Their goal was within touching distance.

Step by step; she beckons. Each would go, toward their own fates. Each linked to that of the Hero-Playwright; she who opposed Death itself.

[14:36] She shuddered.

A voice, that ingrained itself in her mind. A feeling of uncertainty and danger. Even if the threat of the spider closing the portal shut was gone... now she felt a danger still awaited them.

Harper shook it off. She couldn't let it just get to her. No, she needed to be the strong blade of Irina. She was required to be something greater than a simple scared girl.

She was a knight. A hero. A Prince.

Seeing Kaien move to abandon his own instinct and jump in first, and follow closely behind. With one look behind her, at her companions, friends, and found family, she offered a faint smile.

Then, she, too, would fall to the portal. To be displaced, truly, as she vanished- her light fading with her.

[14:38] The spider would halt in it's track's, the thread behind it losing it's rainbow color's and going to what looked like ordinary silk. A distant voice followed by a gentle humming caused for the girl's ear's to perk up atop of her head. Her red and white cap moving gently as her ear's wiggled in there small holes.

"Don't you think we sh-"

She said but her words falling on deaf ear's as Kaien jumped in ahead of the group. "Yeah... I feel that to Rina."

The woman's animal like instincts causing her to be on edge, the fur on her tail and ear's pricked up slightly. A faint glow began to originate from the priestess as she walked with the group quiets words being uttered under her breath.

"Athelios watch over my friends and I as we continue to venture through the darkness, may Enarr's light guide us to which we seek."

Though the woman aimed not to be a heroshe still held a duty to see this through as a member of the church so she continued on stepping through the portal with the other's.
(Phoenix Altan)

[14:42] "So would you call this more akin to a trial then, with what is going on at the moment in time? I would think that it may be potentially, considering the fact that so far the way in was not met with more aggression."

The spider being frozen in time was something that was an offer of mercy not many had the decency of receiving.

But with that having been done and over with, the only thing to do now was move forward. The unpleasant feeling that crept in the back, granting the haunting presence for each move they made, it brought forth an uncomfortable feeling.

"It almost feels like the damned Jellyfish invading my brain..."

He could only clench his fist, before calming down in this moment and moving forward.

In to the portal he went.

[14:43] {NARRATION} As you enter, things seem to go sideways. The sense of direction, your feeling of gravity and your equilibrium all get a good shake up as disorientation takes hold entirely. Colours flash before the eyes, sounds flitted in from memories past and all you could taste was the raw red iron of blood.

You fell for longer than you'd like before landing on something soft... and sticky. A bedding of webbing. Landing on top of one another only Kaien who was unfortunately at the bottom of the pile was actually stuck in place. However every surface surrounding you was covered in this same layering of webs.

Beneath it, like veins under a strong light, you could see corridors of travelling black shapes beneath. A torrent of spiders of varying shapes, sizes and species. They didn't seem too perturbed by your presence. But they did begin to surround Kaien as they were pressed down into this sticky prison, the dark arteries beginning to spread around his silhouette.

The room you were in was somewhat dark, moonlight trickling in from a stained glass window that lay shattered and murky. More symbols of Aschea lay around you yet these were deliberately cracked and broken. Destroyed and degraded. From without you could hear faint sounds of muffled life. Things moving across the wet surface of the webbing, languid and burdened as it was.

There was something out there at least.
[14:48] As Kaien had simply leaped into the portal first, there was a window where he was out of sight. Sent whirling through the rift, the amalgamation of sensations that came with travel along the lifestream... It still was apparent, the boy never had the stomach for it. With his equilibrium and sense of balance all thrown off, he had ended up flailing, landing on a cushy bed of webbing.

Without a sense of direction, the Kitsune had gotten himself tangled up, reaching about without much to go off of. After being cemented in place, and the spiders move in to take a look at their new guest, Kaien simply immolates himself in that pale, holy fire.

It'd ward off the spiders, hopefully. But he didn't think it'd burn the webs. He calls out, heard just as the others appear.

"Yeah.. Sorry Miss. I don't get along good with portals. Don't really want to burn your-" Gaze focuses on a single stream of insects. "..friends, here." He says, pulling away from the spiders best he could.

He looks up and sees the others as they fall one by one, with much more success.

"I need some help." He says plainly. Oh man, he was going to be combing spiderweb out of his tail for a while now.

[14:51] Falling...
For what feels like eternity.

An abrupt stop; the springy surface of webs and the mass of writhing bodies of her comrades enough to break her fall. Well, that was lucky, to say the least. That coppery pang of blood and stale air seems to linger on her tongue for a moment; causing her face to scrunch up a little. A sensation she was all too used to, but a harsh reminder of the time spent locked in the asylum of her own mind. The thousands of days that almost cost her the life she knew in the blink of an eye.

A bittersweet reminder of her Darling Death.

"Harper, shock the webs. Low voltage, stun, do not kill. Let them be dazed, but ultimately spare them."

As she issues another command; she begins to cut. Slowly, carefully around Kaien, gradually working to break away what she could of that webbing with her rapier, while trying not to stumble and fall into the stickiness herself.

She really was trying to cause as little damage to the residents of this forgotten place as humanly possible, but how long would it last, before she had to take the life of a beast before her?

"Phoenix, light up. We need to be able to see to progress. Though, not too bright, lest we bring about more unwanted attention."

[14:51] Caeles floated down last, A flap of his constructed wings softly diverting his path to not land on Kaien, they may not be true wings, but they had enough force to help guide his descent. As he floated above the webbing, he was grateful for his love of levitation potions.

The astromancer looked up, to the sky, as per usual. The night sky filtering in through the broken glass to see a moon, hanging in a foreign celestial realm. Unsettling, but beautiful, Perhaps it was their location, or something else that warped their view.

Looking away from the stars for a moment, Caeles glanced down to the pyre that was Kaien, the young man alight in an effort to ward off the tide of arachnids converging upon them.

With a wave of his scepter, the gravity around the group increased. Strong enough to hopefully pin the spiders in place but not kill them.

[14:52] Flash's of color's from every spectrum were seen by Phoenix, her sense of time and place becoming foreign to her. The heavy taste of blood in her mouth, the girl having felt like she was thrown through the air and sent tumbling down to the earth. Streak's of moonlight breaking way through broken glass of old window's.

The light enough for her to make out the outlines of those around her, her gaze quickly scanning those near her. "Who is.... Not here."

The woman asked counting only four other's besides herself. The boy's voice breaking through the darkness as she would look downward. Shrouds of black moving to cover the barley visible figure that was kaien. "Nya! N-Not good!!"

The girl starting to get a slight bit panicked at all that was going on, not sure what may lay in the darkness yet still she looked to what they had all come to land on. Her heart sank at the sight of what her small hand was holding onto. A spied web as thick as her arm lay cast out like a net.

Before a shriek of terror could be let out order's were barked in her direction. "R-Right!"

She cried out, using her flight magic to take to the sky and act as a torch for now having not been instructed to cut something in half with her axe.
(Phoenix Altan)

[14:57] There wasn't much else he could do but just let himself be dragged down at this moment to wherever this pit would leave in the moment of time.

The taste of crimson in his mouth and the myriad of colors that flashed before his eyes would sure make for the titan of a headache.

Not too much longer would pass before he found himself landing on top of...someone. Is wasn't too much longer before he fished himself out and saw that Kaien had been the choice of the spider's new favorite.

The feeling of being watched at had also elevated immensely with the new barrage of spiders coming around.

For the most part he tried to keep his balance up in the moment of time.

"I guess since you got that, i'll try to...not fall down. Can't have too much of us trying to mess with the webbing at this point. Got my plan B in case things go south however."

His main goal since he couldn't fly was to...not get stuck or fall through the webbing.

[15:03] {LONG DISTANCE FROM: Rahl Folhammar}: Rahl Folhammar's Letter To Phoenix Altan, 2055, My Goddess.

I have a surprise for you, I want you to come to Vdalion.

[15:04] Harper wasn't far behind Kaien, but was spared from the most horrific side-effect of the portal: the spiders that had covered Kaien, webbed all along him. The night, as it seemed, was difficult as ever. And it would simply impede their progress to leave their own behind.

Touching a hand to the intricate webbing, she took in her mentor's word, holding onto the iridescent threads, and delivered a slow, low-power shock, spurned with a light bolt- not with the burning of electricity, as requested. It was aimed deliberately to stun or deliver minute pain to ward off the hordes of spiders.

To free Kaien.

She couldn't dwell on the mysterious lands for long; they had a job to do.

The taste of blood in her mouth... that ferrous scent, the sweet life-blood... she had grown too accustomed to it, in her perils against the occult.

She was unbothered. The Little Prince kept to the resolute path.

[15:05] {NARRATION} The holy fire persisted and while it would ward off a creature that was fully in control of itself. Self-preservation was taking a back seat here. The varying arachnids dove into the fire, clutching at Kaien's hands, clambering up his arms and biting as they went. None survived up to his elbow, but both arms before that were now covered with deep, fetid bites.

The shock came next, just in time to prevent the worst. However, unfortunately, webbing was an excellent conductor. The shock spread out, stunning those in the tunnels beneath but also lancing into the legs of those unfortunate enough to be unable to fly. It wasn't enough to injure, but...

It did cause a laugh to filter in from around. The same haughty feminine voice, delighting at your own self created suffering. "Much more entertaining than the last interlopers at least. Perhaps you'll have your use after all. There is another that came through before you. A disgusting mechanical thing."

"Make sure to destroy it of course." The voice still sat in the back of your mind. The hind brain that dealt with the more primal fears. The instincts forgotten to civilization.
[15:09] {LONG DISTANCE TO: Rahl Folhammar}: I will try to meet you after I get back from this investigation, I am about to look into a mine shaft.

Phi Phi.
[15:12] Fearless spiders. The moment that they did not flee from the fire, Kaien attempted to increase the power of the flames coating him. With such a tide of the little critters, they skittered atop the charred corpses of their allies, finding places to bite. Further and further up, the Kitsune gnashes his teeth down and hisses in pain as the venom attempts to rot his skin to the bone. Only his combination of magics spared him from losing his arms.

"GRRHHH!" A groan of pain. The moment he was free? He rips himself from all the webbing, and a violent flare of his power takes care of the rest of the spiders. Leaving nothing but ash and strands of flaming webbing all around him. It was easy to see on his exposed arm, the rot on his skin. It hurt, it swelled, and venom poured out in a sickly purple smoke as it was battled by the holy power within him.

But ultimately, he would not have full functionality of his hands. Again, the kitsune begins to trudge forth, not caring what his fire begins to burn. He turns his gaze backwards for but a moment. "She wants to test our mettle? It's going to take more than a few bites to break me." He says, though the pain wracking his body was no joke.

Bravado was his way to fight through the agony.

"Let's go crush this thing. It's going to be in our way anyhow."

[15:12] FZZZZT.

Lightning arcs, fire burns. A rush of heat and shock that ripples through her form. Poor Kaien had taken his licks, and she'd been shocked for her own 'genius' plan. Perhaps a little sacrifice, but that was a necessity on her path.

"Just who are you..."

A shaky whisper; as nerves twitch and sooth through their electric excitement. Glancing around ever so carefully; the source of that voice never quite found. Not yet, at least. No, whoever it was found her entertaining enough, and it was quite likely the Queen of this most forgotten of domains. Or, something far worse.

"No matter.. We must press on. I will not be slowed by beast nor man alike. My people will not falter so easily."

That same determination as ever; determined to push on when the odds were against her. Even if it meant putting herself into further danger; resolve was a funny thing. Courage, could often become bravado.

It was too late to turn back anyway.


A simple command sends holy light flooding from her form; that all too calming aura of valour and protection seeping through the blackness of the room they found themselves in. Her own moonlit embrace, for the inky night that seeped in through the cracked and battered window. Provocation, perhaps. To show her hand to that which watched.

Her predecessor in this domain was a disgusting and wretched mechanical thing, something that could never compete with that which lived.

She, however, was brimming with a desire to embrace all of life, and its creatures. A veritable little beacon of all that life embodied. Or, so she'd claim.

[15:13] Harper felt the sting of her own light- the burning of her own magic. She shuddered with the pain, but she was used to her own magic. Her own wrath, as it were. And though the superficial wounds were painful in the moment, she had the presence of mind to continue.

A healing spell, shared between them all, flitted into existence with a push and pull of her hands. Undoing what damage she'd caused to her kin, even if unwittingly, was a natural response.

The voice still rung out, however. During this entire expedition, Harper had not said but one word. A single, simple statement. She would remain stoic; she would remain strong.

Her eyes closed as she processed it. They had yet another hunt on their hands, at the request of their fear-inducing patron. Yet, she held no fear.

She had become the very one Irina wished her to be. In these moments, she would surely reflect that- in the moments that mattered most to her mentor.

Hope, that it would allgo well. That was who she would embody, right now.

[15:15] Caeles made a silent exclamation as the shock wracked his body, he knew he should have had an extra levitation potion, his previous one running out just as they descended into the webbing.

As he recovered from the shock, he rubbed his nose, the scent of burnt spider was acrid and overwhelming due to the vast number of the fried arachnids.

Slamming the end of his scepter in the ground, the red star gem in the end lit with a gleaming light, a ring of celestial light was conjured at the ground, rotating lazily as it acted like a barrier for the tiny spiders. Any who got too close being flung away through the manipulation of gravity via the mages magic.

[15:15] A shock of electricity, spreading out across the webbing. It doing it's job against the spider's though it had a not so wanted effect on those with her. With her flight keeping her out of harm's way she kept a bird's eye view on the situation. "Guy's are you alright?"

She yelled out, the flames of her fellow kitsune burning brightly. Arachnids in the darkness being scorched and burned away yet her seeing blood dripping from his arm's from the various bites. The voice once heard in the temple was present again.

"Nya... "

A small sigh coming from the girl, her hands rose up to pull the red cap tightly to her head before her hands reached back to the cleaver and axe holstered on her back.

"We got this!"

Her voice holing confidence in it as she cried out, the girl letting her holy light burn yet brighter to try and locate that in which the voice spoke of. The girl readying herself for battle as a chilling wind began to set in around her radiance of light.

(Phoenix Altan)

[15:18] Of course....he never considered the fact of the shocks going through the web, something that had been easily solved on his part through time skipping...but it didn't end too bad.

Besides his pride, as the laughter of the cave rung out around him in the moment.

It took a small bit of time to adjust to the shock sent through the wires, but eventually he was able to calm back down.

"You know...I should have seen that coming to be honest. But at this point there's no point to linger on such a thought. Seems we're going to be on cleanup duty, let's get a move on."

The greatsword would be removed from his back as it was time to prepare for what he assumed to be the second trial.

"Yeah, we should be able to handle this Phe, let's get ready!"

[15:19] {NARRATION} There was a light that passed into the doorway from outside. It was solid, geometrical. A searchlight that swept back and forth in a deep purple. You heard no sound of footfalls but instead a soft, constant whirring, the thrum of mana forcing metal to life. Occasionally a shock anchored down the webbing that littered this place, and charred away the ground.

"You will discover who I am in time little one. Perhaps if you continue to chase this little Darling Death of yours you will come to know more. After all, I've already had my own little discussions with him. Not far from this very place in fact. Some may call it fate that your own efforts both brought you to the same destination."

"But, aha, let's not give it all away at once. After all, we need a nice little hook for you to chase after." The floor shuddered as another powerful bolt of electricity grounded itself outside like lightning.
[15:24] An enemy approaches...

"Ready yourselves."

She knew. She knew the true reason she was here, after all. To know of Irina, to know of her mission; to chase down the Scion of Death, to discover he'd already been here before her.

Was this where he found his threads?
No matter, questions for later, when she met this matron face to face.

For now, lightning struck, and webs shuddered; an unfaltering searchlight of violet malice thrumming in the distance. Mechanical, of course. The wretched creature this domineering presence spoke of, perhaps.

"Perhaps a test from her. To rid her domain of that which does not belong.."

"Allow us to show her we are worthy of this audience, then."


A flourish of her rapier cuts through wind and web alike. Pale moonlight shining ever present from its blessed blade. A weapon that represented all the Moon Carvers stood for; Deliverance, the Oathed Blade of a Lunar Hunter. Shining ever in its moonlit radiance. Born from a faith that swore to protect the very meaning of life itself.

And her hunt? A creature perhaps unnatural. Thus, it would be spared no quarter, should it approach her Knights. It would fall, carved away into the night.

What right did something not living have to interfere with her quest to become a King of a concept, after all?

[15:31] Harper didn't stop. She could never stop. Knowing that her hunt was approaching, knowing that she could change everything here... knowing that she could protect those who she cared the most for, as a servant of Life, greatly enthused her.

Her own dagger found itself glistening under the moonlight, shining in a silver sheen, bathed with gold writings along the blade; Zeal, the manifestation of her will, and the weapon that best represented her as a warrior, as a hunter, as a woman, was bared against the darkness.

Lightning sparked as her aura burned in divine light. Her hunt would be arduous, long. But it would give her freedom in the end. Even if this was the end for her, her story would live on.

She would stand, a veritable vanguard to the darkness.

"Let us begin."

Her voice was cold, calm. Despite the lightning now coming from her eyes, wreathing her aura, she smiled.

She was ready. More than ready.

[15:31] Hatred. Pain. Hatred. Pain. PAIN.

It only served to further the Kitsune's conviction in his molten-steel eyes. With a sweeping spotlight, it was but the stage which to enter. Trudging forth, his aura incinerating what traces of webbing remained, a trail of smoke and fire both followed him. Practically a beacon of light, there was nothing stealthy about Kaien's approach to that odd purple domain of Machina.

Kzzh.. Kzzh kzzh.. kzzh..

The superheated, glowing blade upon his back crackles and sparks with explosive energy. A manifestation of the Kitsune's willingness to fight. Tension rising as boots fall upon the charred floor before. Hands in fists at his side, venom oozing from fresh bites all along his arms, the tension helps to squeeze our what's left, a mixture of poison and blood to smoke and smolder within the immense heat.

Eyes, forward.

Heart, ablaze.

Until the last.

Ground trembling beneath the young Hunter, he marches head on into the arena, leaving flaming steps in his wake.

[15:32] The thunderous booms of lightning from outside, her gaze set upon the light growing brighter. The voice causing her to wonder just who was speaking but still that thought was held off to the side for now as the sound of metal forcing itself forward. The feeling of mana heavy about it's figure, the priestess who was by no means one who had the heart of a warrior felt that this act of violence was needed.

"All of this talk of death and your use of spider's feel a bit like something that does not belong, if you wish to test me then so be it but it will not be my metal that you test but my devotion."

In her experience from having read many novel's growing up, when one spoke of death and used spider's as a mean's to achieve their goals they were usually up to no good. Flying forth she went to close the gap between herself and the golem moving to attack it in earnest with the other's.

"May the scales of Athelios judge you!!"

(Phoenix Altan)

[15:32] What could this being be? The lost god? toying with them on their task to defend life? or was it a test?

Lightning rocked the land

Either way, the Darkonite heeded Irinas call to arms, lifting his scepter in response.

The light falling down upon those who stood with him began to grow in strength as the stars almost seemed to brighten in response.

Whatever the foe, he was prepared to push himself to his limit

Caeles was ready.

[15:35] "Yep, this is definitely going to be a case of cleanup! But I'm right alongside you!"

The grumble of the ground gave a feeling of how vast a simple mechanic creature could be in this moment of time. But this meant that it may be something incredibly powerful that awaited below.

"I'm really in the mood, I've freshened up from the burn marks and scorches from that demon dragon, so I will be more than excited to throw down even more."

The shadows that surrounded him started to grow outwards, a mix of dark violet and green mixing with his aura in order to truly let out his own form of resolve.

"Man...I don't know if I can still get across saying RELEASE, it needs a good moment sometimes.."

[15:36] {NARRATION} The creation stood before you, tall and slender. Smooth metal catching the pale moonlight. The stars above were still strange, altered. They were all the same ones just... wrong, out of place. The ground out here was covered in the same thick, damp silk. Yet portions had been blasted away by the creation's outbursts.

All the time its head swivelled around constantly, recording as much as it could. It almost seemed as though it was ready to depart before that head swivelled near 180 degrees to stare at the charging party. A sound came from it, mechanical and without language. It was quizzical before it saw the intent behind the party.

Perhaps it could have been befriended if not met with immediate open hostility. Whatever the case, it clearly wasn't going to be sway now. Various pieces of metal shifted out of the way as its arsenal was deployed. The large gem that sat in its head as its lens began to collect mana, collect light.

Intended to be shot straight at you.
[15:40] And there it was, mechanical beast in all its nature. On the offensive just as much as them; too late to attempt to reason with machine now.

No, she'd already been told it was wretched and mechanical. That the overseer of this domain, that which knew her Darling Death despised it. Who was she not to act on that?

Such a place brimming with the very threads of the lifestream she sought, perverted by such that did not belong.

Then again, she didn't quite belong herself now, did she?

There was only one thing for it.
Fell the beast, as best they were able, or perish in their attempts.

"An ode to you, oh Darling Death..."

Battle commences.

[15:55] {Won Restrained RPB against Scout K-175}
[16:01] {NARRATION} The battle against the machine was far from easy. The conductive flooring made it necessary to dash into the already cleared space, but that in turn would mean that you would be in range for the worst of its attacks. It was a dangerous dance, slipping in and out of danger from the frying pan and to the fire, back and forth.

Many didn't make their timings. With lightning and light both searing and burning away at flesh. Harper would find their feet being singed from stepping in the webbing at the wrong moment. While Kaien would find the wounds on his arms worsening, the skin blistering around the bites.

Lazuli, however, would brave the machine's final blast, charging through it to deliver the final blow. Its chest was sundered, innards spilling out onto the ground around it. In turn, he would be heat with a direct blast of its beam of light, one eye was shielded from the blast but the other, whited out.

Not permanently, thankfully. But enough to debilitate for the remainder of the journey.

The voice returned. "Very well done, you would make fine underlings you know? Have you ever considered that path in life? Though, going from most of you present you've already fallen into some kind of subservience. With the threat gone you now have free reign to explore this realm."

"I wonder if there's anything left worth finding. Or if you're better off finding the scraps of the footsteps of those that came before."
[16:09] A battle fought; one that was close, perhaps too close. Yet, her Knights had served her well. They had fought on, through the challenges. Perhaps injured, hindered on their quest. But not down just yet.

No, they'd come out on top; and that voice returned once more. That ever present whisper in the back of their mind.

"I'm afraid these people are mine to command. They've sworn an oath to that, and I alone will see to it that their utmost wishes are met, and that they succeed."

A glance toward Lazuli first; he'd fought well. Perhaps saved them from a fate they dare not think about. Her next statement acting only to bolster that which was already said; that she alone would command them, and reward them in kind.

"I assure you, we find a way to cure you... We just need survive this trip."

The warding runes against practically every inch of what she wore flash and flicker a touch; rebolstering themselves after a moment. Fortunately, they'd done enough to stave off any serious injuries, as were their intent, but it could only get worse from here.

Or perhaps, with them cleansing the realm of this mechanical beast, it would be a far safer path forward, to she who whispered unto them.

"Gather up what was left behind. We'll find a use out of this machine's corpse and then we shall press on deeper."

[16:12] Harper had done her best- she'd done her all. Her lightning was quick, her light all-consuming and drowning. Yet, she was facing a coming storm with the machine's own thundering electricity blasting into her time and time again.

She swung with all of her might, using Zeal to puncture into the creation. Her hunt would be unrelenting, as she attempted to purge this foul thing. A monster, as it were, as it was an opposer of the natural balance.

A strange development, to be sure; but she would still continue her hunt.

Though, she did not leave unscathed. Her mistimed dance caused heat to blast upwards into her soles, frying her legs and burning away at her feet. As she staggered and fell to the steel beast, she let out uncomfortable, hot breaths.

She did not falter. She did not- no, could not break.

To face a storm like that... was a harrowing experience, for the hunter. To see what the true tempest held, if she never followed this path of light.

She pulled herself together, slowly, agonizingly. Her feet burned with every step, but still she stood, using most of her mana to try and dull the searing pain that burned within her.

"... I am not done... yet."

With that proclamation, she moved weakly to step towards Irina, her teeth gnarling against one another.

[16:12] The kitsune fought to the best of her ability, being brought down from her flight path on more then one occasion but was lucky enough to only get a few minor scrapes and bumps. "Nya... That was... Something."

The voice echoed out once more as the kitsune would pull herself up from the ground. A light groan of pain coming from her. "That voice is really starting to get on my nerves.."

With the creature falling to Lazuli's blade the tension in the air dissipated slightly but the feeling of them being watched was still there. "I do hope that was the worst of our trouble's... Otherwise things may be even worse off for us."

The girl looking around at the damage caused to the area. With the remains of the golem being cleaned up mostly already she saw little point in going to help unless asked to. Her gaze then falling to Irina and Lazuli.

"Mhm... We will."

Her commenting on the woman's words as she would start to dust herself off, rolling her shoulder slightly as she walked over.
(Phoenix Altan)

[16:15] They weren't here to make friends. Could it have been easier, if so? Possibly. With the air crackling about him, the concussive booms of thunder are joined by something not quite as natural. Charging forth, the Kitsune fought with reckless abandon. Against such an immense foe, the only thing he could do was give all the power he had in an all-out attack.

The ground quakes and crumbles beneath him, as the Kitsune charges forth into the storm. He cared little if the machine was forged from the strongest metal, he just had to hit harder. Explosive force behind his blade, brings that weapon crashing down harder than a human could hope to achieve on his own. Sundering it up close, the flame sticks to the machina like napalm to help soften it up.

But ultimately, lightning was faster than all, and Kaien in his deft movements is struck from above, a flash of blue light jolting into his weapon and frying his arms. The skin about the venom cauterizes, and the Kitsune's arms sizzle and smoke, the scent of burnt flesh filling the nose.

Fur standing straight out from the energy, the Kitsune crumples briefly as he loses control of his muscles. By the time he got up?

The fight was already over.

Shakily, his head swimming from the fighting and aftershock, the Kitsune dusts himself off and sheathes his weapon upon his back, flexing his hands to test the functionality left in the limbs. It was going to be rough, wielding his sword from now own.

"Laugh from the top all you want. You're all the same, those who have forgotten how to bleed."

"I walk my own path, until the end."

He didn't have much to say. The corpse, or more like wreckage of the odd machina is simply spared a glance. A single bolt of explosive energy flies forth from a fingertip, detonating against what was left of it's head once the valuables had been salvaged. Just for good measure.

[16:18] The robotic monstrosity proved to be the titan of effort that he needed. Their efforts had proven well to weaken it, and opened forth the moment to truly attempt to brave the storm of lightning and light attacks. One last push, one last moment to deliver a powerful strike.

His charge was met with the powerful blast of the attack, him managing to destroy the mechanical menace with his blade. However, the pain of the blast fully impacted one of his eyes, causing a scalding level of pain as he found himself returning to the ground.

"Damn.....damn he got me."

From there, he heard the words of both Irina and Phoenix, nodding at their words before standing up, trying to keep himself calm.

"Haaah...this will take some getting used to, but we need to move on....nggh"

[16:19] The ground burned, lightning surging through he superconductive webbing

The stars burned, astral radiance flowing down from above, burning away at all that threatened life.

Flesh burned, energy ripping through the assembled warriors of life.

Caeles stood firm against the foe, his new staff summoning forth the power of the stars. Red light bathed the battlefield as the meteoric shard shone bright, astral magic channeling through it.

Time and again, the cosmic Drakonite would fall, by far the weakest of the assembled warriors, but time and again he rose once more, to uphold his oath.

Until... Once more he was brought down, no longer to stand of his own power, he could do naught but watch as the machine felled his comrades one by one.... until only Lazuli remained.

Would this be the end? The end of their story?

The cambion standing tall against the aberration of tech and metal. Like a blur on the battlefield, until finally the raging machine was laid low.

Caeles sucked in air, finally a moment to breathe as he felt healing energy wash over his ravaged body.

He looked about, some were injured but... They had prevailed! Caeles approached the broken machination, inspecting its parts until… He saw the lens...

The astromancer froze... Could this be perfect? No... The light in there, it would ruin the focus... Perhaps if one of the others could remove it though...

[16:20] {NARRATION} "Brave words, ones I've heard time and time again. I have so missed Her little paladins and priests. But you're not here for Her, are you? Despite your entrance point. No, you're much more like the last group. The one that killed the last of her little pets. Chasing after the lifestream, after life itself."

"I wonder what you seek to accomplish with it." The voice was goading, of course, but it seemed to hold at least some kind of intrigue, yet its words left much to be desired in terms of an explanation. The webbing around you, that which remained of it thrummed with some kind of inner pulse, a heartbeat.

"The lifestream is no foreign thing to me, I am the heart of it, after all. But of course, one seeking it out would already know that, wouldn't you? Or did you blindly chase after His spawn? After all, you are wearing his things... So tell me, without the attitude, what is it you're really after? All of you. Do not let one person sit as your mouth piece, you must have your own aspirations, surely."
[16:21] Caeles says, "..."
[16:27] Caeles thought on the voices words

He knew his aspirations well, To keep the veil, to observe the Night Mothers works, to interpret their signs.

There was nothing that could sway him from this cause.


[16:27] A few blinks; that voice once more cutting through the air, through her mind. Questions, required answers. Perhaps, context for the Heart of the Lifestream itself.

Was her path selfish?

"Heart of the Lifestream… Very well, then heed this."

"I do not chase Him. No, my Darling Death may be what brought me here, that much is fact; but it is not merely he I chase. The catalyst for change, our rivalry may be, he is not the sole purpose of my journey."

"For I, Irina of Aphros, of Nyt'hjem. Lunar Hunter of the Moon Carvers, Knight under Meranthe, wishes to embody you. To become an aspect of Life itself, as he has become Death."

"I will find a way, or I will die trying. To grasp the Lifestream in my hands, so that I may foster all that comes after me. I shall bring about an order of those who will protect all life, nurture it, see it grow. The most beautiful of creations Eternia has ever seen, shall be fostered by my kin."

"Come forth, Heart of Life. For I, the future King of Life itself, beckon to you."

Her goals were already known; the very reason she was here. It was not for Lyseroth, not for her own selfish gain. No, to embody all that which life was, to touch upon it, hold it deep within her heart, so that she could bring about an age where all life would flourish under her guiding hand.

An aspiration akin to those of old; who wished to become as Gods for selfish purpose. A maddening quest that would no doubt end with her demise. And yet, how often were it for one to be so determined for such selfless means as to act as a guardian of the entire world?

A hand lifts; beckoning to each of the King's Knights (and Kaien), they could speak their own words. Show their own goals, their own desires, and just why it was that they followed her into this most dangerous of places.

[16:32] A deep exhale.

One's I've heard time and time again.

"The feeling's mutual, there."

It was the last bit of snark, at least for now. How many times had he been belittled for his ambitions? For his resolve? Thus far, all who doubted him had been made to eat their words, with a smaller number remaining by the day.

Fighting through the pain, the Kitsune then calms himself to speak normally. The aftershock of adrenaline quelled in a practiced manner, as he was no stranger to it.

"There's beauty, in the simplicity of what I desire." He starts. Eyes trace the webbings as they thrum with life.

"I've seen, the end of the world. Demonkind, with no prey left but their lesser kin. Life, a walking mockery as endless legions of corpses amble about. A damned world, with no purpose. A hand tightens into a fist. A hiss of venom expelled through the small holes in his flesh, flashed to toxic steam.

"I'll burn them all. Until the last."

The hand relaxes, and falls to Kaien's side.

"I have about me, two opposing energies that I wish to be one. Day by day, my fire battles against my divine strength. To become a conduit of that blessed flame, until my work is done or I take my last breath. Unity, in that which I wield."

"Only through immense struggle, shall it be so." A hand sweeps to the wreckage. "No matter the opponent. I must prevail."

Finally, there's a pause. "Of course, my work is beneficial to the Lifestream. A Fairy I consider a friend, said it was so. Cleans the corruption polluting that vital source. The Lifestream, the chance at reincarnation.. It's all that I can hope gave my family peace."

[16:34] A deep exhale.

One's I've heard time and time again.

"The feeling's mutual, there."

It was the last bit of snark, at least for now. How many times had he been belittled for his ambitions? For his resolve? Thus far, all who doubted him had been made to eat their words, with a smaller number remaining by the day.

Fighting through the pain, the Kitsune then calms himself to speak normally. The aftershock of adrenaline quelled in a practiced manner, as he was no stranger to it.

"There's beauty, in the simplicity of what I desire." He starts. Eyes trace the webbings as they thrum with life.

"I've seen, the end of the world. Demonkind, with no prey left but their lesser kin. Life, a walking mockery as endless legions of corpses amble about. A damned world, with no purpose." A hand tightens into a fist. A hiss of venom expelledthrough the small holes in his flesh, flashed to toxic steam.

"I'll burn them all. Until the last."

The hand relaxes, and falls to Kaien's side.

"I have about me, two opposing energies that I wish to be one. Day by day, my fire battles against my divine strength. To become a conduit of that blessed flame, until my work is done or I take my last breath. Unity, in that which I wield."

"Only through immense struggle, shall it be so." A hand sweeps to the wreckage. "No matter the opponent. I must prevail."

Finally, there's a pause. "Of course, my work is beneficial to the Lifestream. A Fairy I consider a friend, said it was so. Cleans the corruption polluting that vital source. The Lifestream, the chance at reincarnation.. It's all that I can hope gave my family peace."

(shun he, fixed)

[16:38] Harper could barely stand. It was difficult to, but yet she still stood. Her resolve shined bright, like the summer day, a breaking dawn. Her holy aura could not falter. It did not waver.

What was it that she came here for? What was her goal? Surely, her goals were not as lofty as Irina's, who wished to become not unlike a God. But as her pain worsened, only to be quelled with the pulse of her mana, another healing spell...

"... I wish to be a vanguard. A light of hope for those that need it. A living testament to the undefeatable spirit of man, against the darkest corners of unnatural hearts. To be a hero for those that may need me."

In a way, she'd already accomplished this. But if it was to be declared against anyone, why wouldn't she proclaim her true goals before the Heart of Life itself?

"I only wish to defend those who cannot defend themselves. I wish to drive others to excellence through following my example. To be a guiding light in this world naturally enshrouded by darkness."

She hangs her head, wincing with the pain of simply standing. But, she swings her head up, in a fiery determination, anger flashing on her features for showing a moment of weakness.

"I'll be the body of hope, for the righteous. I'll be the nightmarish hunter, for the wicked."

Like a surging storm, her voice had risen to an almost roar. If anyone would hear her, even if her comrades took her lightly, even if she was constantly reminded of her own weaknesses...

The Little Prince, scion of the future King of Life, still held her adamant, steadfast belief.

[16:46] "Shut up whore"


[16:54] "After what I've been through at this point, i'm coming here based on my own decisions in this moment. I follow Irina because I chose to, I follow them because they are the ones to help guide my path to freedom."

He would try to focus himself, and he brought his blade on his back again, wincing and holding his head as his other eye could be seen to be entirely white, but from his perspective....he was seeing two worlds.

[16:54] The priestess would fall silent at the words of the voice, it claiming to be the heart of the life stream. As each of those in Irina's group would speak up of their ideal's and goal's the girl would simply stand there her small figure floating as her gaze would fall from Irina and then move down the line. With Harper and Lazuli making their statements known she would let silence fall onto the group before her voice broke the silence.

"Just who are you to make such claims?" her small figure stepping through the singed corpses of arachnids and scrapes of metal.

"My name... Is Phoenix Altan, priestess of Athelios son of Ymir. My life is that in service to the one who sit's upon the edge."

Her claim laid out for the strange voice to hear. Her hands resting on her hips as she would float lazily in the air. A small sigh coming from her, sapphire hue's coming to look up to the ceiling, the broken window's letting the streak's of moonlight shine through.

"I am one tasked with helping sooth the souls of those of Meranthe, to spread the presence of Athelios to the masses. To let his judgment fall onto those that would commit sin. To let his benevolence be known and let his justice be seen. To help take part in the judgment of soul's and find if they are worthy of redemption."

A small huff heard coming from the kitsune, her voice sounding a bit more dire now. "You say you command the life stream, I aim to so a small bit of the same for my own benefit."

A declaration made by the small framed woman, her own personal goal being stated before the group and most importantly the voice that echoed out to them.
(Phoenix Altan)

[16:57] {NARRATION} There was a chuckle that seemed to swell into a very soft, light laughter. "You beckon, do you? How very, very quaint. But you have not quite done enough to earn my audience nor my invitation. Someone as bland as you are. As uneducated as you are. You may not have intended it, but you are following in his footsteps whether you like it or not."

"So let us continue to mirror that. Your Darling Death was given a challenge by one of the ones that exist outside of the realms, outside of the lifestream. He almost failed, or perhaps he did. He declined my help all the same. So, instead, I shall be offering you a challenge of your own."

The cobwebs behind Irina rose up as a tower before pulling aside. Strands of silk still connected one side to the other as a multicoloured gateway stood before you. "A rift, into the unknown, where you might find yourself truly tested. Or, you can stay here, among the dead of those who worshipped a Goddess who betrayed her own siblings."

"As for the others... A Goddess of any calibre knows how to recognise true conviction where she sees it. And you have it in spades my marked little Kitsune and my thunderous Little Prince. Perhaps you two as well, can earn my favour. And, perhaps, fox, that fire in your veins can be turned into something to strengthen your body instead of weaken it, to act as a champion... my champion. After all I am 'She who sits between the cracks in the world'. I am the one that clings to the lifestream and walks Yggdrasil's branches without effort."

As she spoke, the venom in Kaien's veins would burn for a moment before suddenly flooding him with power, magic poured directly into the wounds from Elsewhere. The boon would only be fleeting, before the agony of the venom seeped into the bites once more. A small example of sorts.

"Athelios... one of the brothers of the Betrayer. I know of him, as confined to Hel and Meranthe as he was. Not the worst person to follow, all things considered. Though perhaps a little too 'work oriented' for my tastes. But do not fear, I wouldn't put in the effort to try and pull you off His path. Instead, perhaps, your expertise will prove the most valuable."

The portal stood tall and seemed to beckon you all.
[17:03] A taunt. Nay, a challenge.
Foolish and uneducated little girl she may be;
That had never stopped her on her path.

"If you wish to challenge my resolve, be prepared to be surprised, or see me dead trying."

That almost mocking of her path was met with the same fiery conviction she'd shown a thousand times over by now. Nothing would break her, nothing would deter her from this path.

She would become the very thing she sought, or she would die trying. That was the only way, the only path for her. Be it mirroring that of her Darling Death, or be it not. That was the only way forward, to become what it was she had to become for all of Meranthe, for all of Eternia.

Bland? Perhaps. But the fires of one's passion often shown in the most peculiar of circumstance. Not just anyone would wander head first into Yggdrasil with a desire to usurp the powers of life for their own. Too many had grown too stagnant, too complacent before her.

Not this Hero.

"I shall face any challenge you give me head on, be it the last thing I do before I find my rest. I will cast aside everything I have achieved so far to show to you just who it is I am, and let you be the one to decide my worth."

Once more, unto the brink. Fate would decide her path today.
Fate would decide the paths of them all.

[17:06] Having made her claim and stated her goal's the priestess was met with words directed at her. "A busy body is never a bad thing."

A small smirk moving across her face as she would follow the group as they all entered the portal making sure to not be the first through as Kaien had shown how poor of a choice it could be to jump through the portal's unprepared.

"Yggdrasil though... Things are getting interesting."

(Phoenix Altan)

[17:20] Kaien spoke earnestly. Left to deal with the quakes of pain shocking his nervous system with each beat of his heart. Mirrored, by the twitch of the Kitsune's tail behind him. Steady, counting the seconds. One, by one. Minute, by minute.

A tower of silk rises up. A Goddess. Her domain, or just a portal to a challenge alone? Something didn't feel quite right. But amidst the craters, the fractured ice and dying pillars of fire. Blood, spilled upon the ground all about.

There's nothing here.

To gain the favor of a goddess. That's what she was, wasn't it? A brief realization. The Kitsune rolls his shoulders and a solid crack can be heard from his neck. "My work isn't exactly going to change. I'll spend my days burning the forces of Helheim. If my fire burns that which you'd see gone? I only hope you enjoy the show." Kaien was callously honest, at times.

"It's what I was given this second chance at life for. I'd bring shame to my family if I turned tail. So I walk forwards." So he does, as his arms charge with the boon of a Goddess. The pain leaves his body, as the Kitsune begins to walk towards the tower, energy crackling about his blade once more. The shift in pain did little to dampen his resolve.

"No matter the opponent. As the demons, the occultists beg for boons. I shall not. I must prove myself worthy, if I'm to have a hope of truly slaying them."

"A champion made such on power bargained for is doomed to fail."

He wouldn't ask for her blessing to rapidly ascend. He'd keep fighting as he could, the natural progression of his path. If he were to receive such? It'd be given, not asked for.

If no one else beat him to it, he'd be the first into the tower.

[17:25] Another beckoning of that damned voice. It called within her mind, yet... it applauded her. Spoke of her conviction as true, as favorable for the otherworldly presence before them all. Even in this strange, weaved world, even as she was displaced in time as it seemed... she had the strength to be recognized.

That her path was resolute. That she, herself, was worthy of recognition. Even by the divines.

"There is nothing I can ask of, or demand. Even if I walk here, free of mind, as terrible things await in trials ahead... I must continue walking. This path of mine only changes with my death."

The black-cloaked hunter moved with her slow, deliberate steps. Each one rocked her mind with pain, but she continued nonetheless. Her holy aura continued to burn and burn, her thundering aura shining with brilliant sparks.

"If I am to be a light for others to follow... then this, too, is a path I make in good faith."

Unlike Kaien, she did not receive any temporary boons or blessings. No; she was propelled by her sheer, human will. She would instead strive to be something greater, despite her short and tumultuous journey within the world. And now, out of the world.

"I will instead not ask for your favor, nor summon you here. I will instead prove to even you that I am here."

Side-by-side with Kaien, she'd move to the tower in tandem.

[17:28] Perhaps he could be her champion?

Caeles was certainly not lacking in conviction, merely lacking a way to express it. He looked into the rift as the words of the... goddess? Filled his mind.

He could be her champion? No, he was already sworn to another, For he served the Night Mother, The good lady Gala who weaves the stars into being. His voice given freely to her so that she might not be interrupted in her great work.

He would stand beside Irina, yes, as a defender of the natural order and of life, but he served another, beholden to her magnanimous work.

But alas, such words he could not speak, and so the Astromancer stayed, looking into the rift, ready to Follow Irina into the unkown


[17:30] "Things are definitely getting interesting for sure...."

For the most part there was nothing he could really go into at this moment of time. His mind was being assaulted by memories not of his own, along with the fact of the headaches and pretty much fighting with half vision in this moment of time.

Life was not looking good for Lazuli in this moment of time.

"Man...I hope my eye doesn't stay like this for long, I already got to deal with ONE haunted set of memories, don't need to make it two in this moment."

The Kaleidoscope that had now become his left eye made for quite the disturbing level of journeys in the moment really.

It almost made him wonder what awaited him further, or if what he was seeing is a result of the previous set of warriors who had walked this path.


[17:32] {NARRATION} The journey through this portal was far less treacherous. One foot stepped through and found eager ground on the other side. It was helped by the webbing that stretched from the gateway coating the surface just beyond. Not enough to stick you to the ground entirely, but enough to stop you from slipping.

"I'm afraid you'll find no test of combat, but one of conscious." Beyond sat a person bound in stocks. Their body emaciated and grey. Wispy hair cascaded down over and aged face. They seemed already dead yet their ragged breathing ensured you knew they still lived. Yet they didn't respond to your arrival beyond, perhaps, a short weeping sound.

The stocks were placed on a raised platform in the centre of the room, accessed by some stairs to the side of it. But beyond that there were no features to the room. No way in or out beyond the portal that was rapidly closing after the final person stepped through. There was a swishing sound and an axe embedded itself into the ground besides you.

"A prisoner, his crimes unknown to you. You must decide his fate. Find out what his crimes are, and pass judgement. That is my test to you. You wish to be the King of Life? Then you must know when and where the executioner's axe must fall."
[17:35] Kaien says, "I'll take a look at him. Get him talking."
[17:37] A step into another place, another world;

Perhaps not for battle, but for a test of her own justice, her own conviction. This.. Would be an awkward moment for her, for sure.

For she had her own justice to see through. Her contract dictated it, her very soul was the cost if she did not see justice through. Though, would his crimes betray her own sense of justice?

"Very well."

Steps take the room; the click clack of heel as she approaches the seemingly half-dead prisoner. Gaze scanning the body for a moment, before she glances back; a thought. Consideration, for a comrade, and his earlier words.

"Phoenix, do what you can to stabilize him enough to keep him talking. Kaien, assist. Lazuli, your eye. Focus on him.. Tell me if you see anything of interest. Perhaps we can put yourcurrent predicament to use here."

A smart little play, from the King of Life. To use those sworn allies and their own abilities, to aid her on her journey, rather than do everything herself.

Did they not deserve the spotlight as much as her, after all?

[17:39] Caeles tested the slickness of the floor with a concerned expression. He wished he had brought a few more levitation potions...

Looking up, he observed the being bound in the stocks, a face of sympathy.


[17:40] Kaien does the dirty work of approaching the barely-living man. Placed upon stocks, one could only wonder if he were truly left here to rot, or ushered for judgement from another place.

With a fierce look upon his face, Kaien takes on the brunt of the physical labor. "Stay still." He says flatly as those quaking steps bring him close. A crouch down, and his touch bathed in holy flames washes over the man. One pure of heart, without occultic traces should feel no pain. It might even rejuvenate, or soothe. But if not, it would burn terribly.

Only in the smallest of tasks, could Kaien meld the two forces. The power was far from where it needed to be.

He takes a moment to examine for any wounds upon him. Then closing his eyes, he lets his fire speak to what it runs into, what it attempts to excise. His mind open. Perhaps he could glean the age.

Would he be the hearth, or the pyre this day?

"Wayward soul. What crimes shackle you beforeus?" He says simply. The being had likely had much time to reflect, and might have aught to say.

[17:43] The silver fox would nod, her figure bending down low as she would approach the side of the prisoner. Soft words spoken to them as she would raise her hands. Them taking one of their own in her hand as she would begin to glow with a gentle warm light. "I am a priestess, meant to help sooth the pain of the innocent, Athelios please cast your eye onto this weary soul."

A deep breath then taken in, the warm glow of the priestess shining that much brighter as she would begin to pray to her deity.

"Oh warden, let your scales tip."

"May this one's soul be judged through thy words."

"If he claim's to be innocent, let us know the truth."

"If he be a sinner, let your wrath fall onto him."

"It is in your name I pray."


As asked to by Irina she would do what she could to mend the weary state of the prisoner. Offering them any water she had on hand and soothing their pain with her holy magic as she would do so silently at their side after having recited her prayer to Athelios.

(Phoenix Altan)

[17:45] Lazuli could only look on confused, as she had asked him to look up towards the man in question. To be honest he didn't really know what to expect at this point, but for now he would just shrug his shoulders.

"If you believe something of use will come from this, then alright. But maybe you got something going on that I may be missing really."

His eyes just looked up to the figure in question, a small grimace as it felt like he was in a constant phase of headaches. One to be hung by the stocks and to decide if he was to die or not.

Such a torturous life, one he was not envious of seeing that this could have been him in a different life. Had he not surrounded himself in good friends, then there was a chance he would have been strung up like this as well.

The only difference being...that he would be dead.

[17:46] Harper watched the man, in stocks. She had pity in her heart for the man, who was left a prisoner in this place, between time. Locked away, forgotten, and left to become little more than a corpse. Seeing as Kaien and Phoenix were already working on mending the state of the man, she found no issue with staying her hand, her hat keeping her features hidden.

A test by the divine, against a poor man.

That... angered her, somewhat.

A suspended disaster, a dying man left in a purgatory.

Zeal, her dagger, found itself in her grasp. She gave a look towards Irina, her King, as the Little Prince bided her time. Holding her tongue, and observing the prisoner.

How it could have just as easily been one of them in those binds.

[17:47] {NARRATION} The prisoner's hands, locked in the stocks as they were, were covered in callouses, marks from a lifetime of working with a tool or a weapon. There was little to no scarring across him, so whatever he did, he did it well. The only blemish was a curved wispy scar in the centre of his palm.

Kaien's fire rang true, and as it flowed through the prisoner, it seemed to swell and bolster a fire that had lay as but embers within. The weight of the years seemed to rapidly decay, the wispy hair thickened and a deep red colour returned to it. Muscles expanded and strained, the wood of the stocks bulging slightly against his efforts. But, he stops short of completely breaking his bonds.

"She deceives you, as she always does. Venom dripping with every word. She brings you here to do her dirty work for her, because she fears to stain her own hands." His accent is thick, and distinctly Essharan. "My only crime is to go against her wanton conquering. To try and save Her people from slaughter."

Yet as his flesh rejuvenated, a previously hidden wound made its showing. On the back of his shoulder two small puncture wounds, dripping with venom. It attacked not just the flesh but the circuitry beneath and seems to be what had drained him down into that desiccated state.

Lazuli's eye found nothing, and Phoenix' prayer found no ill response. It would seem the man, at the very least, wasn't completely evil.
[17:54] The faith of another, that soothing flame to some, damning to others..

It seems today, it was the hearth.

It was mildly alarming, seeing muscle knit back together and the man surge to a more life-like form. Hair turn from aged gray to a deep red. Perhaps the stocks were easier to bear, being emaciated. Not like there would be much time within them, now. One way or another.

"One that once fostered faith within his soul. Since lost in this bleak place. There is no trace of the occult within this one. But to anger the Gods..." A trail. "It is apparent, you've suffered her wrath." The prisoner would see, the spider bites mottling his forearms. The same sort of venom, if removed several generations away from divinity.

"Were you once one of her faithful? For my own power does not come from her. It is odd to see, that mine own is what rejuvenates you."

"For I am a Harbinger of death."

"So, I ask. What were you?"

[17:55] "And what of you."

A few steps closer; that constant clack against the floor. Hand resting on her rapier. Not entirely evil, judging by the fact he wasn't cast aside by Phoenix's prayer in an instant.

"Your life, your tale. Tell it, while you've the strength. If I am to act as your judge, then I shall weigh your heart against the feather."

She settles; hands clasping behind her back. Gaze not once leaving the prisoner before her. To be shackled here, meant either a crime against life itself, or her group were being deceived. For Irina, however; there were only so many crimes seen as egregious enough to warrant execution beyond redemption. Did not everyone deserve a chance to make amends? To atone for their sins?

A glance to the sky, her gaze lingering for a moment;

"And what was it that you tried to conquer? Perhaps, you are the sinner here. Perhaps he speaks true. Too afraid to sully your own hand. Allow me to hazard a guess; One who followed the Betrayer, no?"

Faith and belief, were something she'd always allowed. Something everyone should be allowed to find; be it in her, in the pantheon, or in their own right.

[17:57] Phoenix kept a keen eye on the behavior of the prisoner in question. His words being taken into consideration as she would move her gave from the red haired individual to Irina. As she stated what it was she wanted to know the woman would close her eye's, sensing no ill intent or deceit in his previous words she would do all that she could now as he spoke his tale. Small question's of her own forming but her voice remaining silent for now.

The only thing heard from the kitsune was a soft sigh.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:58] Cales examined the man before them, and yet they were expected to render judgment on one they did not know?

The astromancer had no interest nor applicable skills for this situation.

It was not his place to judge others, though he knew that one day he would be forced to do so.

[18:00] {NARRATION} Questions came and the man shifted, with the weight of the years fallen he was now fit to feel the discomfort of his position. "I was a Mistseer of Myllenoris, a place I hope has not been lost to time so quickly. One to bring balance for the true Lady of the people, even if I was not truly one of them."

"This... cult of hers was one that was set to be destroyed. But she secreted her followers beneath our gaze and stabbed the new Highlord through the heart... the many hearts. What was left of the order was driven out and she took control." He spat, it was a thick brown colour.

"I think she keeps me around as some kind of trophy. The last of an order, withered away. A cautionary tale as she would call it no doubt. She gets off on lies and trickery, in sowing chaos and dissent. She would turn you against one another if it brought her the slight bit of amusement."

"Do not trust the Weaver and her tales."
[18:04] A cant of the head; careful consideration for his words. A hum dragging out for but a moment. If she were a being of deception and trickery, then what was to say he was not but an extension of that. Of her own deception and lies.

"Perhaps; she has shown an air of arrogance about her. Alas, who am I to judge a God? Please, continue; tell me more of your experience with this Weaver. How was it you came to be captured?"

Another glance to the skies above; that constant feeling of being watched as she came to deliver this man's trial. Perhaps she did in fact wander the webs, the spaces between Yggdrasil; but that did not make her a benevolent deity.

No, perhaps she was just a parasite.

[18:10] Phoenix's small hands patting the man gently as she would finally find the words she wished to speak. "Tell me.. Who is the true lady of the people, if this... Weaver is as fell as you say, I to would like to hear more of your own tale of what truly happened and what events lead you to become a trophy to her."

The woman's words spoken with a soft kindness, a quiet hum followed before she would comment on what the bound man had come to say about trusting the weaver.

"If what you say is true, and one who uses trickery and lies to achieve their own personal goal's. Forsaken man in that process and their well being. Then it is the job of Athelios's faceless to rid the world of such horrors."

(Phoenix Altan)

[18:10] Perhaps the others drew a card of recognition. For Kaien, as young as he was? Who had been wandering the forest on his lonesome? There was nothing there, in the end. A hope of a known cause, or known settlement. Struggle. Lost, with the flaming Kitsune.

He's quiet a moment.

"How long, have you been left to dangle on your last thread?"

"Who, was this true lady?" He asks, giving the man to speak.

The intense gaze of the Kitsune meets the man. Irises of superheated steel, sparkling with conviction.

"Your cause has likely crumbled with the turn of the Era."

"Yet, would you still cling to life?"

A hand comes up to the man's face, crackling with explosive energy. Good fox, bad fox was about to begin.

"You know you'll be left here to rot, forever. There's no escaping her. It was the Weaver's power that brought us here, you know."

"Just ask for me to cut the last string. Perhaps your next life would be more fruitful." It singes at the jaw, the skin. That deadly touch.

"Reincarnation is the only gift my family knew, in the end. Let the cycle wash your soul clean of it's woes."

But, it was Irina and the stranger's call to make. Kaien was simply ready to do it.


[18:15] {NARRATION} "She ruined everything. Her presence drove the people mad, turned them against one another. Each one an individual spy waiting to turn on their neighbour for the slightest bit of favour. Myllenoris fell... and then so did the Vale. I fought back, of course, alongside the Teraphim but."

He moved against the stocks, the wood creaking again. "As you can see, I failed. And now her web stretches further, seeping between the cracks. Spreading to every house and home. Her ears and eyes everywhere. She will Know things of you. Things that shouldn't be possible to know. And she will use them to twist your mind."

And yet, despite everything he is saying, there is no retaliation, no divine strike to stop his blasphemous words. He was allowed to carry on and talk to you.

"The True Lady, of course, is Aschea. She who martyred herself for her people. Yet others know her as the one that betrayed the pantheon to wed Death himself. Yet her love and her own ideas of balance where what the Teraphim and I worshipped. Something Athelios was known for, in the past..."

"But I have been here for more than two centuries, give or take. The years tend to blend together after a while. Yet I cling on, for if my people cannot be saved, then they can at least be avenged. And while I live that is still a possibility. However slim."
[18:19] To betray the pantheon;
To wed death.

The self same death known in her own faith; to see dominion over the darkest side of the moon.

The King of Life did not follow a typical pantheon; nor did most in this room, come to think of it. Three Moon Carvers, one of which had her own relationship with her own Darling Death.

Could she wrong a man for worshipping that which chose love?
Could she wrong a man for worshipping that which sought balance?

"I know all too well how it feels, friend. To see something crawl into your mind, see parts of you that not even you knew existed."

"That madhouse of Lyseroth's creation, the thousands of wrongdoers I was forced to slaughter. The beasts my dreams are haunted by, that we battle together. Your lady and I, we've something in common."

"We both fell for Death, in the end."

She glances to each in the room for a moment; before focusing down against the imprisoned man. A pause, as she hums in consideration.

"You've told us of your acts of worship, of benevolence. To fight for your faith, as all true Zealots should..."

"But what of your sins?"

[18:21] Harper kept her eyes on the prisoner, Zeal still in hand. The dagger was not unsheathed loosely- her grip was tight, and with whitened knuckles. Would it come to her to deliver the coup-de-grâce? She found it unlikely; she didn't wish it so. But she still prepared for the worst.

His story, that he was one that opposed the divines. That he has been here for ten times as long as she's been alive...

What a torturous tale.

The Little Prince only stood in wait, the hunter unsure herself. His sins not yet declared.

But his hope shined true. Much like hers...

[18:26] {NARRATION} "A 'sin' depends on the God in question. I committed no sins for Aschea. I fought for balance, wherever it was needed. Light and shadow coexisting. For when one grew too strong, the other was culled as was necessary. I have killed, killed those that might be considered innocent. But they were Wrong."

"The Weavers follower. Witches. Priests... Those that tried to upset the lands were all purged. Up until the end... where the shadows won. There is no Highlord anymore, no one to bear that crown nor bring down Her benevolence. And so I now only act as my heart, tempered by her presence, can guide."

"And if you are here to stop me... If you are to act as her newest servants and followers... You will find that these bonds are inadequate."
[18:30] A step forth. The questions continued.

"Balance is no longer in my interest. There can be no life, without death; but true balance brings about fetid stagnation. Your lady is passed, and balance holds a new name in Athelios."

A glance, to the Priestess in the room.

"How many lives did you take, in your pursuit of this balance? When you killed, did you wish them forgiveness, or did you do so with fury? Did you try to redeem them in their final moments, or did you slay with impunity?"

"Death is an ultimate, FINAL choice. The end of one's tale. So go, tell THEIR stories, and I shall cast your judgment."

"Sing the songs of the people you've slain, and I, the King of Life, shall decide your final fate."

[18:37] The word she feared hearing most were uttered. a shake of her head as she would look to Irina. "In times of strife, violence is never an answer for us to use on one another.. However.. The case is different when black magic is involved."

The kitsune's voice becoming firm and resolute. Her figure rising up as a fire could be seen in her sapphire hue's. "Irina, if what this man says to be true he is no enemy of ours. Time and time again, our aggravations should not be pointed at one another but instead those that come to use the fel arts. Such act's are one's that can never be redeemed no matter the price paid in order to try to."

Her fist would clench as her thoughts moved back to when she was but a child, the image of the necromancer girl stabbing her in the back. "The law of equivalent exchange dictates the cycle of life, one thing can not be gained without first paying for it with something of equal value. When a witch sell's their own soul, the then forfeit their life to the faceless."

A glare casting it's glance to the leader of the rag tag group, hoping her words would be enough to persuade the knight of just who their real enemy was.

(Phoenix Altan)

[18:37] * You have been awarded 1 Levels! * [18:38] Balance. Light and dark. Ever to err on either side to achieve it. To kill either side, when one goes too far.

The very virtues that Kaien had cast aside. Flaws to some, a boon to others. For it was hatred that ignited Kaien's flames. Steely conviction, that gave it that blessed touch.

It wasn't going to be his call to make. But the Kitsune had a slightly clenched jaw. A burning coal of distaste, within his core. Kaien had dedicated his life to becoming an absolute beacon, to purge away all the darkness in the world. To strike down all in opposition, lest another apocalypse be upon them.

"Stagnation. Aptly put." Kaien starts, rising up and taking a pace away from the man.

"Against the wrath of a god, with nothing but hope held before you like bait. Defiance in persistence, do you truly believe that?"

"You are serving the Weaver, playing this game."

"You should move on. I would."

He slides his hands into his pockets, and waits to see what the King of Life decides. This was her trial. But Kaien had certainly gotten something out of it.

[18:42] Caeles stood idly, listening to each of them talk. But.... He felt there was something missing, something that the group was overlooking.

He seemed to be telling the truth, to be uncorrupted but...

The Mute Drakonite walks behind the bound man, examining the weeping wound on his back

[18:44] Indeed, the Astromancer looks about, to see if, perhaps, there might be threads of silk binding the prisoner like a puppet...

[18:44] The story of the bounded man seemed to hold some level of just to it, however there seemed to be holes in the Prisoner's narrative in this moment of time. Just because the words they spoke and how it was spun painted the story as the victim...the words could also at the same time be twisted.

For all he know, the people that could have upset the lands may have been the ones doing good for it. The tomes of history was something that was always shifting and changing based on the ones who have written on them.

"It almost feels like there is something not being said, I feel as if there are part of stories not being said fully, but I will hold my tongue for Irina's request to be answered."

[18:45] {NARRATION} There was barely time to tell that there were no strings attached to the man before he shifted. The stocks shatter as the man easily snaps the wood around him. The two kitsune are pushed away as he takes a stride forwards, hands reach out towards Irina's neck before instead grabbing her by the shirt and lifting her from the ground as the man stood two feet taller than her.

"There was no, forgiveness. They died to preserve the balance and they left this plane knowing that. The earned no more and no less. Their own choices brought them that fate. As did the scales of Justice. You are no King of Life. You are a child, dragged along by false promises and inequal contracts."

"You have only ever been used. You count on your own, flawed, Justice to try and mete out your daily life. Listen to your comrades, those who have a higher purpose guiding them. You are driven by a lust for something beyond yourself. Power? Status? How about I cast YOUR Judgement?"

"You are young, you are misguided, you are Wrong. You have time to fix that." The grip is released, allowing them to drop back to their feet. He looked up, seemingly at nothing. "Your new subordinates don't stand a chance. You'd better do it yourself."
[18:52] Gripped, and promptly dropped. There it was; the truth behind it all. A step back from her new position, breaking just a touch of distance. To deny those he'd slain the justice they deserved was one thing; to personally belittle the King, was another.

"Justice must be meted."

A deathly calmness from her.
The kind that was worrying.
Oh, so worrying.

"And you've no right to decide who it is that I shall be.
I do this, not for myself, not for my own power or avarice,
But to bring about a new age for all."

A rise of her rapier; a flick of her blade.
This was a trick, it had to be a trick.

"You refuse to tell their tales; then they did not die honourably.
You refuse to remember them as little more than obstacles;
Barely even human."

And if it wasn't?
Then it was an insult.
To her, and the justice she wrought.

"Your sentence, is death."


A flick of the rapier; a shattering of the world. Light begins to carve from the floor beneath her; a constant beam of calming holy energy that lights the room as if it were a sun. Absolution for one's sins.

If he wouldn't go quietly into the light..

Then she'd simply have to make him.


[18:57] Caeles jumped bqack, startled as the man shattered his restraints. Clearly whoever this was, they were formidable foe.

HE had a feeling what Irinas next move would be though, as so stepped away from the firing range

[19:00] The priestess words falling on deaf ear's after the outbreak from the prisoner. A heavy sigh came from her as she would look onto the man whom Irina had sentenced to death.

"Oh Warden."

"Let your scales judge this being who is about to return to the life stream."

"If his words hold true, let him find eternal bliss."

"If his words are blatant lies let his suffer for them in the fires of Hel."

"In this hunt of those that would have witch's come to speak their name out of reverence, let this hunt be underway."

"For in your name the wicked shall be expunged from these lands, so true balance may be achieved there after."


With axe and cleaver in each of her hands she narrowed her gaze onto the red haired prisoner. Holding his words to be somewhat true and not wishing to bring about the death of one who simply tried to make one less patron for witch's in the world yet if her comrades were to be attacked as he were to defend himself she could not idly sit by while her friends were put in harms way.

(Phoenix Altan)

[19:02] There was no swift hiss of steel, no. Kaien's grip comes up calmly to the hilt of his blade. Drawn forth at the ready, in silence. If Irina's strength was not enough, then Kaien would join in the battle. He had given his word, for aid on this matter.

In the illumination of that beam of holy light, Kaien's shadow is cast impossibly far along the floor, up the wall.

Yet, he could not shake a seed of thought sprouting in his head. For who was it, that started the script she followed? Lyseroth. The coven of Misfortune, and all of his actors.

Something to meditate on later. As the atrium is filled with the noise of combat, Kaien marches forth, ready to see the sentence done.

Your new servants don't stand a chance. "Perhaps in your younger days. There's no oath, no vow to her. The only servant here is the one who entertained her for two centuries."

"No longer."

[19:02] Harper shifted, with Irina's words. The calm in her voice- the damage that would be done by this was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The prisoner had broken from his bondage and launched himself forward, as desperate as can be...

The sentence was death. There was little she could do, but to wait for the light to fade. She would aid where she could, but...

Irina had cast her judgment. Absolution. She was unbothered; unfettered by this divine test.

Her aura flickered and burned, light spilling from her body, as lightning raged around her. If this was the fate she had chosen, then it was her duty to carry it out.

One who threatened the lives of others, to dehumanize their foes. One who did not speak on his crimes, to downplay their sincerity.

Zeal remained in hand, prepared to help Irina's cause. If only to show the divine observer that this man deserved his rest...

… and that no Gods could command this Little Prince.

[19:06] Lazuli could only watch as Irina was harrassed in the moment by the prisoner in question. From there he had already known the decision that would be made, knowing the nature of the blue haired woman in question.

He got that answer when she had judged this man to be killed and avenge those who had fallen to him.

"In the end the verdict is to bring this man to a proper execution."

For him, he had no feelings for or against it in this moment of time. As much as he wanted to believe the words of the prisoner, that at one point he was an honest man....he couldn't.

It felt like the words he spoke in many moments rang hollow and with many holes within it.

An attempt to show there beliefs and decision in a brighter light in order to gain the favor of the masses.

"Very well, know that for over two centuries, you will now be able to find your end."


[19:07] {NARRATION} The prisoner gabbed at his robes and discarded them. The bite marks on his back seemed to seal over with crystal, the very flesh crystallizing and crumbling away. "No longer. No longer will she have me as a prize." The very room began to shudder with earthen magics as holy energies of his own began to light up the floor.

"You fight for weak ideals. Your faith has no purchase, false King. Allow me to show you what true conviction is." The floors and walls split, crystals forming all over them, jutting out from unseen place beyond this room. The walls and ceiling began to crumble, vibrating further with his magics.

"If my last act is to deny her of further servants, then so be it. You are not all bad. But you follow someone who would turn on you at the drop of a hat. If fate wills you survive. Then let it also distance you from this living poison. I can see why She has taken a liking to you."
[19:20] {Lost Restrained RPB against The Prisoner}
[19:28] {NARRATION} The man was relentless. Clearly time had done nothing but stoke his fury. And before him, to him, stood those that were sent to end him because his true enemy was too pitiful to do it themselves. The very room around you cracked and crumbled as magics ripped it apart to throw at you all.

"I am the last son of Aschea and you will not fell me so easily." A chunk of stone was wrenched from the ground and swung, catching both Irina and Phoenix with its arc, cracking them backwards onto errant spikes that lay behind them. Skewering, though non-lethally. The boulder was aimed, to finish the job before it was intercepted by Lazuli.

With them saved, attention instead turned to Kaien and Harper, the two zealots. "Where is your righteous fury? Where is your strength? Fight!" The ground collapsed away beneath them, and it was only through skill and luck that they did not plummet to their deaths. Finally the man turned to Caeles.

Crystal was gripped, it fading away into a sharp spear. It was aimed at Caeles' heart. The feminine voice pierced the air. "I think that's quite enough of that." The man stumbled, and fell, clutching at his chest. Vessels burst beneath the skin, staining him purple as he collapsed.

The beating heart only seemed to quicken before the very bones and muscles of the chest burst away, leaving the half crystallised heart beating its last beat. "Perhaps, when you seen an emaciated prisoner, you should try to keep him that way. Still, your values are there, I suppose."

"Pick yourselves up, there's more to be done."
[19:34] ** The Prisoner has inflicted an injury upon Phoenix Altan. ("The Touch of Her grace", "Crystals sprouted in devotion to the Mother Aschea have been plunged into the back, sending faith and divine infused shrapnel deep into the torso. The fragments sit within flesh, warm and cloying, tugging at the circuitry around them. The mana they exude seems to gather within the heart where it sits heavy, judging every action made.

Anything considered 'unjust' by the Aschean faith causes the heart to hang painfully heavy, the chest feeling tight. While inversely, should justice be met, elation floods your body, a rush of dopamine and serotonin to reward you for doing the right thing. As though intended to 'correct' your path. Away from false balance and into Her embrace.", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)") **
[19:37] Justice must be meted.
Justice must be meted.
Justice must be meted.

A constant drum of war at the back of her mind; she had to reap her justice. She had to put this bastard in his place at the cost of her own life. Such was her pact with Death, such was the very thing that drove her on.

A staggered rise, as teeth grit sharp against the pain she was suffering. Where once was pale blue, her eyes now shone with brilliant gold. Holy resolve on a borderline ungodly level had her fuelled. She'd not go down so easy. To the death.

Off with his head!
Off with his head!
Off with his head!

The wayward cries of a crowd seen only in her own little slice of Wonderland. A deafening chant that prevailed over all noise. He would die, she would see to it. Or she would die, and her story would be over. There was nothing else to it, for this playwright of heroic tales.

"I am Irina, of Aphros, of Nyt'hjem.
Lunar Hunter, sworn Knight.
The Dearest Life, to my Darling Death."

"Knight of Justice.
Hero of Valour.
The very King of Life itself."

Righteous fury.
Divine justice personified.

So rare, was it to see her lose her temper. To see her truly lose her cool.

And yet, here she was.
Burning light, oh so brilliant.


And thus, begins a chant...
One so full of madness and vitriol.

"An ode to you, Darling Death...

A hunt in your name.
For this wayward spirit is lost;
Far from their own domain.

Allow me to show them life's guiding light,
To return them,
Whence they came.


[19:41] He was fast, unstoppable...

Caeles had never fought one such as this, outside the Commander of Hel, though admittedly there were many others to help.

The draconite tried his best, opening a gate to the astral realm, summoning forth the power of the stars as star-fire rained down on the battlefield.

But alas, it is not enough, the Mage was beaten. Time seemed to slow as the crustal was forming in the prisoners hand, a lance readied to plunge into The Astromancers heart.

Is this the end?
I thought I had more time.
Who will tell Bah?

And then just like that, the prisoner fell, clutching at his heart.

Caeles dropped to a knee, hyperventilating.

[19:45] The ground trembles, far more than one might have hoped. The very foundation of the old temple, now turned prison, sundered in the throes of combat. Stone ripped apart. Used as a weapon, even the ground itself would rise up to fuse with the overhead, preventing escape from the devastating strikes.

But each time they found themselves with a wall to their back, Kaien detonated it to free up space. Zipping best he could, the raw area of the strikes brought forth by the man left little room for finesse in evasion. Stone batters his form, cracking bones and rending flesh from his body.

Yet he fights on. His blade hurt to swing, it hurt to even hold. But his fire, would not go out. It wasn't the first time he had been against an impossible foe, at least by his own mettle. Perhaps that is why, he did not despair.

I am the last son of Aschea.

"Inherited strength.. Doomed to fail. Always a part of a plan, from beginning to end." He muses. "There was no boon, given to me. Power forged by my own hand." Amidst all the turmoil, his voice calls out. His blade found it's edge colliding with the warrior time after time, yet it never seemed to be enough. It felt as if the weapon would shatter within his grasp. It only drove him further, to batter with holy power and concussive blasts, streams of fire.

"I am free to climb as high as I can, on my own volition!" But how far would that be?

He was falling.


Kaien essentially double jumps in midair, flipping backwards over the ravine cast and landing on the other side. A plume of fire leaves his mouth as he steels himself for another assault... That never came. The prisoner, dropped dead. Done in by the venom that he was injected with two centuries ago.

"...Not my day, huh? Good." He says, rising up, fresh wounds knitting back together underneath his pale flames.

"It'd be a waste to die here. My fight is against the occult. Demonkind."

"Your hope was simply bait, in the end."

[19:47] Harper was... not performing at her best. This prisoner was powerful, and intense; pain kept flaring into her legs, thunder booming with flicks of her blade, holy light spilling from open palms. The hunter continued her battle, gritting her teeth against the most defiant of wills, one trapped by the Gods.

She couldn't have it any other way.

He was overwhelming; her energy compared little to the radiant will of the man. It was impossible to track him, and impossible to move freely...

She fell, as everyone else did. Her legs had given out, even if partially...

And then she witnessed the ground split, cleaved in two.

The Little Prince had managed to escape with her life, clutching hard onto the tile of the makeshift prison. She was almost completely out of reach, now only barely able to make her way free...


Her right, lower leg wastrapped in the crevice as the ground rushed to rejoin. The blisters on her soles were already enough to deter her from making too many sudden movements; this was outright agony.

She let out a cry of torturous pain as her bone was crushed. Her femur was left shattered, and the hunter was experiencing a worse and worse pain by the second.

Tears unconsciously moved to hit the ground, pulling her useless leg from the ground, as her nerves shot in a mad dance. She was... unsure on if she'd be able to continue.

But she'd have to stick it out as she moved to rip apart her own coat, using the garb to dress her wound.

Harper's will was indefatigable. She'd prove that without question.

[19:48] The woman was beaten back time and time again, the barrier of energy keeping them trapped within reach of the spell's that would wreak havoc upon the group. Forced back off of her feet and slammed into a bed of spike's made of stone, the pillar's sinking into her flesh and impaling her. "F-Fiddle sticks..."

They said, coughing her eye's still able to see the man explode and the remains of the crystalline heart remain. Unlike Irina the tiny kitsune was not one to rise back to her feet so quickly. Spittle's of blood dripping from the side of her mouth were visible. It's crimson color staining her cloak and silver fur of her person.

Piece by piece she would begin to pull out small pieces of stone and crystal that had been imbedded into her skin. A sharp pain erupting from her back as she was forced to fall to her knee's. The Aschean crystal visible sticking out of the woman's back rather close to her heart.

Her small fragile hand clutching her chest as her breath's were shallow and weak. "N-Next time... Kidnap me to the beach."

A weak smile then given as she tried to stand, a pulse ringing out through her as the magical circuits in her body were pulled on by the foreign object. Heavy concentration's of mana coming to gather in the damaged heart of the priestess. A feeling of bleakness coming onto her and then disappearing as quickly as it had come.

Her sleave lifted to her face, wiping away a bit of blood from the corner of her mouth. A faint golden glow coating the girl's wounds as she would painfully force herself to her feet. Struggle evident as she did so, "I-I think... I-It got my h-eart."

Heavy breath's starting to fall from her as she slowly lifted up into the air, her body limp and battered. Blood dripping from various cut's across her body.
(Phoenix Altan)

[19:49] Phoenix Altan says, "Yeah... I have been up for 27 hours now... I feel that harper"
[19:55] There was little he could do in this moment, the body of the Prisoner had been like a fortress, as many of his blows seemed to almost not even phase them in this moment of time. There was little to be done in the moment, as his attempts to get close countless times were met with crystals or earth magic.

There was levels of sweat and cuts building up on him in the moment of time, the only thing saving him in this moment of time is skipping through moments of decisive attacks to save him additional pain.

But in that moment he could only look on in terror as he witnessed the man's spear impale through both Irina and Phoenix.

But now things had gone from bad to worse, as now a boulder aimed to claim both of them in this moment, and spelled doom should it be allowed to land.

Moving faster than he could think in this moment, a time symbol could be seen turning below his form, before he blitzed forward in a ridiculous feat of speed, having accelerated his from.


His blade was brought down in multiple points, shattering it's form completely as he looked back at Phoenix and Irina, moving towards them in case they needed some form of help, his own body fucked up.

"Should you even be moving at this point Phoenix if that's the case?"

[19:56] Phoenix Altan says, "I-I.."
[19:56] Phoenix Altan says, "Could use a sandwich.."
[20:00] Kaien, not being as injured walks forth to Phoenix. Standing before the other Kitsune, he appraises her wounds. Needless to say, they were quite grievous. But, he wouldn't let that show on his face. A hand simply comes out and touches her cheek for just a second.

"Hold still. Need to be stabilized, or else you're going to tear what's still together in your chest beyond repairing." He says calmly.

Reaching into his bag, the Kitsune produces a small phial of healing elixir. Of course, it wasn't going to wipe away the injuries like it could lesser ones. Some of it is poured into the visible puncture wounds, and the rest is offered to the snowy Kitsune from where he stood, so she could drink the rest. It'd feel horrible, to have the vitals begin to knit themselves back together. But it was something.

She'd need proper medical treatment once they got back.

[20:02] Off with his head!
Off with his head!
Off with his...


Perhaps, the last thing anyone would have expected was that rage inside to seep over. That maddened desire to rip off his head with her own hands. Alas, her own twisted sense of justice often lead to her doing some otherwise dubious acts. Such as almost getting herself pulped by a comrade for trying to in kind, pulp a racist.

Alas, here she was. Repeatedly cleaving into a dead man's neck with her blade; desperately cleaving at it in an attempt to, well, remove his head. It seemed to be the only way she was going to calm down, and while not particularly noble of her.. Well, he had just run through her entire party like a train.


Ope, there were the curse words. The anger seeping from her far only seeming to remain, to bolster as she chopped away like a raving lunatic.


But, he's already dead, Irina...

Eventually, after what seems like an eternity of smashing herself against that body; there's little left but a bloody mass of cranial pulp where once there was head and neck.

...Oh dear.

[20:11] I almost died

Caeles was hyperventilating but, no... He had to steel himself.

He calmed his breathing slowing down when he heard a


Caeles looked over at the source of the sound. Oh, Irina had take his head... Brutal, but, not toally unexpected.... oh... OH

The draconite stumbled forward, attempting to pull her away, away from desecrating the prisoners body. But... By the time he reaches her, he is too late, the mans head already turned to mush.

He looked down at the mauled form, his face concerned

Who was it he was aiding... Were they truly fit to be a king of life?

The Astromancer looked back at Irina, his face a mix of confusion and horror

[20:11] The priestess could not feel a bit saddened by the sight, her figure moving forward to reach a small hand out. Trying to place it onto her shoulder, a quiet breath taken before words were spoken in a gentle caring tone almost despite her injuries she tried to remain strong.

"Rina... He is.. Already dead."

The girl hoping the calming energies of her magic would reach Rina in her blinding rage. The priestess's nerves rather rattled at the sight before her. From there her hands would come together in front of her figure, blood ordaining her robes as she would find the strength to pray in this situation. "Athelios may this soul be brought to your hall's and rendered by your judgment. May your ever watchful eyes watch over us as we see this through."

A quiet cough coming from her as she finished speaking, The usual care free attitude the kitsune held was no where to be seen now. Time and time again she had been beaten and nearly broken.As she would pray over the body of the deceased a small sense of gratification would fill her heart. Emotion's causing her to find a different level of self satisfaction from her action's. A small happiness almost bubbling up inside of her but overwhelmed by the pain and tiredness she was feeling.
(Phoenix Altan)

[20:11] It was happening again, she was starting to lose control in this moment of time. But there was moments where he needed to step in, and now he found himself having to do so once again.


One of the strikes towards the man's body was stopped, too late to prevent it from being mutilated. However, soon enough to prevent her from fully endulging herself in this moment of gore.


Taking his greatsword, he would have launched her back, forcefully going to separate herself from the corpse in this moment of time. A look of rage starting to form on his face before he...calms down once more, stilling his emotions in the moment as he walked towards them.

"Remember...you have a goal to commit to and a set of drives you stand to uphold. Keep in mind the position you want to take up and what you want for the realm. So you aren't supposed to let yourself give into your own primal feelings like a fool!!"

"If you're going to commit to this shit, then you're going to commit to this either all the way or none at all! If I need to, I can also beat that lesson into you! Keep a hold of yourself!!"

[20:14] BONK!

She's sent on back outta there; stumbling a bit, and with a searing pain ripping through her chest, no doubt from the injustice she too had committed.

A wave of nausea cracks through; a glance down at the blood coating the would-be King's form. A moment of silence, and she uprights; hands clasping behind her back, a tug of her jacket. Readjusting herself, reappearing as prim and proper as before. Well, almost.

"We ought continue."

Justice had been served.
They had a quest to finish, did they not?

A nod given Lazuli's way. This was the second time he'd saved her from her ruthless onslaughts of anger. And thus, to be repaid in kind, the next he were to lose it.

"Forgive me, a momentary outburst. Nothing to worry about."

[20:15] Harper weakly stood. She'd have to bare her weight on her left, and she could barely even stand to begin with, but it was better than working with a shattered leg. She was struggling to stay coherent, but she did, nonetheless.

Irina's plight escaped her. No, right now, this was her own duty. She had to stay strong...

She... must stay strong.

There was no other alternative.

Barely able to make a step, she hobbled over, looking to the others. Blood and sweat covered her body, and tears stained her cheeks. Despite the weakness in her appearance, her brow pushed downwards into a furrow. Her anger at herself for letting her condition deteriorate manifested.

Her will remained unbroken. The shine of her aura proved this.

[20:16] The brief fit of outrage simply draws a smile on Kaien's face.

He wasn't going to preach. But wrath was an emotion capable of enveloping the mind, just like any other. It had a purpose.

It was what fueled Kaien's flames.

"Let's go." He says plainly.

[20:17] {NARRATION} The voice rang out again, that of the Weaver, as you now know. "Wasn't he a talkative one? I wonder what you gleamed from him, I wonder if it matters. I suppose we can have a chat and find out, yes? Though I fear my little Thunder Prince will need some help standing and getting to the portal. And I wonder if our little King will know how to compose themselves before another."

A portal opened, somewhere between wayfinding and rifting. It was edged with iridescent strands of thread that pulled it open like an unzipped bag. This time you could make out what lay beyond. It was nothing you had seen before. Large strands of webbing led to a centre platform.

It too was made of webbing but it was woven into a fine, lavish silk. Upon it lay various furnishings you would associate with an aristocratic household. There were no walls, with everything hanging in place on top of an almost invisible cobweb. A figure sat on a chair in the distance, onyx skin blending into the dark background around them.

It was like a dim night, surrounded not by stars by by errant strands of the lifestream. Threads ran off in countless directions, anchored to countless realms. She was inviting you to her home.
[20:19] This time, nobody but her was going first.

"Grab Harper."

She wastes no time; another order given to the retinue, as she begins to push on. A cold indifference for the corpse at her feet taking over as she passes it. The cruel indifference of the universe, of life itself.

Perhaps, she could very well embody the dark, as well as the light.
In her own little way.

Marching on, once more, to the end.
To stand face to face with Life, as its soon to be King.

"No more games."

[20:19] Kaien grips at the edges of his robes, tattered through the day's toils. How many fights had it been? Had he lost count?

No. This was the sixth. A flourish of his attire clears it of dust and debris. Impurities, purged by his holy flame. Walking forth, the Kitsune quells his flames as to not set the home ablaze, if such a thing were possible. Those dancing pales were contained to his tail and hair, not spreading any further.

A straightforward portal. How bad could it be? Onward, he marches. Up the stairs, step by step, Kaien takes point once more.

[20:22] Harper struggled. Still, she shot a look towards the others. She knew what the voice was getting at. That she'd need aid, considering her sorry state. Through blood-stained teeth and a ghoulish, enraged expression, she speaks with a pained, aggravated hiss.

"Don't help me until this is over."

Was she just being stubborn? To prove her mettle to the divines that she prepared to meet? To prove to this weaver that she was, in the truest sense, mortal?

She hobbled to the others, prepared to make the journey herself. Even if it hurt, even if she'd crawl, she would not give up.

She could never dream of it.

Such was Harper's way.

[20:23] "Her gaze rested on the portal before them, hesitation filling her as she was not sure is she was ready for what lay in wait on the other side of the portal. A loud gulp being heard coming from her as she could make out the sight's of strands of webbings filling the area. No spider's that she had seen as she looked in but what did catch her attention the most was the trail's of energy left by the life stream that moved around the realm. Threads of silk stretching out into the strands and going to places the priestess could not even fathom.

In the furthest reach's of the darkness sat a figure, her skin an ashen color as her features were shrouded to the group.

"Right then.. Were all in agreement?"

She said stepping through the portal with the rest, invested now in what they had started with their arrival tot he temple.
(Phoenix Altan)

[20:27] {NARRATION} The passing was quick, seamless. Like walking through a door to another room. Perhaps the initial portals were designed to disorient, to test you. The thought crosses your mind but it was quickly replaced with your Host's words. "Seems you all made it in one piece, despite some of them being bruised."

"You seek life? Here is the heart of it, my little... nest. Strung up between the branches of Yggdrasil, pulsing and teeming with the lifestream. I see all and hear all through these strands. And, perhaps, if you wish to learn... you can be taught such as well." There is a smile, it was predatorial.

"Of course, make yourself comfortable. Eat and rest." She gestures to a grand dining table before her, filled with all of your favourite foods and drink. "We have all the time in the world."
[20:29] To have come so far, and now to be face to face with the weaver herself. Not your average heroic quest, to say the least.

Once more, hands fold behind the back of the would-be King; clasping tightly. Body shifting to upright itself proper. Eye to eye, her air was different. Calmer, so much so that her aura drops; fading away into the night.

A glance is spared for her people. They'd be the first to speak, to introduce themselves face to face, to share their own purposes, their own drives.

She'd get what she wanted eventually, one way or another. But for now, well, for now she was here.

Perhaps awestruck, to be stood face to face with a God.
Or perhaps, simply preparing herself.

[20:31] Another realm, now high in the boughs of Yggdrasil. And still, Caeles looked to the skies for guidance.

This made no sense to him, if she truly were the one who governed the life stream, why did that which she owned seem more to him like a parasite, biting into the life stream and drinking deep?

Perhaps he was foolish to think this, looking back down as he sees the goddess before him.

He offers a respectful bow, but no more, nothing that might condemn him to an allegiance to Lady Savarra.

[20:35] The sights of the priestess was cast in all direction's but to those of the host. Her having no words for one that would call witch's their children. "The branch's of Yggdrasil, the tree of life..."

The girl was awe struck at the sight as she took it all in, the very essence of life right before her very eyes. Something she never dreamed of being able to see or imagine what it may look like. "I seek the aide of the life stream yes, but I can not agree to whatever it is you have to say."

A firm gaze being given from Phoenix as she hovered about the strands of silk.
(Phoenix Altan)

[20:38] Through the portal without the devastation upon the sense of balance that often came with it. Up upon those webbed steps, the center point of all the strands that fed this goddess information. Kaien briefly wondered how she sorted through all brought to her.

Wouldn't the noise, drown out all?

The Kitsune is quiet a moment. The eyes turn to the table, and Kaien is quick to scoop up a bowl of udon. "My thanks." He says lightly, before busying himself with eating for some time. The taste was divine, of the highest quality. Simply a dream come true. But was the food even real? After some time, he'd set the bowl down. All about them, the immense power of the lifestream could be seen swirling about.

Countless souls. Was his family, still in there somewhere? Or had they been ushered into new lives already? It was a solemn thought, and not one that Kaien had often.

"You seem to always have a plan, Miss." He starts, prying his gaze from the swirling stream of energy. To focus on the goddess.

"You must be aware, that until now many of us did not so much as know your name. So it leaves me to wonder, what that last card you have has written upon it?"

"My cause is hardly one that requires tact. But, then again. It could be as simple as, I was along for the ride. I'll grow from this, but I don't see what you gain." He was being honest, as he always was.

[20:40] Harper had given her allegiance already. She'd pledged her life to being a servant of Life, and with her sorry state and broken form... even if she wanted to bend the knee, she couldn't. But it was never on her mind.

Her dagger never left her grip, her teeth bared through the pain. A frightening sight, for one that did not fear the follies of mortals.

Her divine light never left her body, her belief resolute. Even to come face-to-face with a God, as insurmountable as it may be, she would not falter.

She did not play the games of the holy. She did not partake in the works of the monkey's paw.

Lady Savarra expected someone like her to give in, didn't she? But all she felt was a purely mortal anger.

At herself, for letting her be this injured.
At the God before her, for the tasteless torment she brought others through.
And at the world from whence she came,
who seemed so separated from divinity and justice,
that they slaughtered each other for sport, at times.

Lightning started to spark to life around her. A dangerous combination.

[20:44] A hand lifts; a pat against the shoulder for the little Prince, as her rightful King takes a seat. One meant to sooth, a silent order to relinquish her blade.

As she settles, she plates up; a simple plate of spaghetti, plain, not an ounce of sauce in sight. She's abhorrent for that one, certainly.

"You are already aware of why it is I am here. After all, you've seen it. I can't imagine you have not peered into my life already."

"But, I believe you to be mistaken about one thing. While He may be the catalyst for my drive to ascend my mortal limits and become an aspect of Life itself, he is not the only motivating factor."

"Xanaxa, Wra'Gul, the coven of Misfortune, every little being that sews death and dissent for nought but pleasure and amusement. That includes my Darling Death, are the reason I am doing this."

She knew; of course, she already did. But for Irina to speak it of her own words, perhaps brought new meaning to the path she'd taken.

"Call it avarice, or arrogance. Call me a foolish girl if you wish, but I care not for myself. I will continue to sacrifice everything I have, everything I am, to see to it that Meranthe can flourish. That all of Eternia can flourish."

"Is that such a wrong thing for me to want? For people to be able to live, to truly live?"

[20:47] {NARRATION} "A lovely variety of reactions it would seem. Some of you accepting my offer and most others refusing it. There is nothing to fear, you are guests and it would be oh so improper of me to do anything harmful to you while you're here." She gestured, webs rose up to entangle you all, quickly cocooning your lower halves. Effort seemed to have been made, despite the threats, to ensure Harper wasn't given undue pain.

"Sit." You were forced to, no matter what you did. The strands of silk vibrated with the echoes of the world around you. Noises flooded in, the countless lives being lived. Was that a voice you recognised drifting past? Yet the overwhelming noise suddenly dissipated as the figure before you commanded your attention again.

"Now now, there's no need to resort to violence. We're all friends here, yes?" She smiled again. "Now, Irina, you speak such truthful words. People's lives have become ever so dulled by war and conquest. Forced into alliances that only benefit one person, stunting creativity..."

"We can't have that. It will lead only to stagnation. And so, as you have faced many times before. I offer you something." She gestured at Irina's chest, the shards of crystal vibrated in response. "The last vestiges of Her. How she still tries... No, Irina, my dear sweet Irina."

"How would you like to take that false sense of justice and in turn have it empower you? To have your heart swayed only by your own intentions. Wouldn't that be wonderful?" She seemed to only be focusing on Irina, yet you still felt an eye was upon you, from somewhere in this place.
[20:51] By some stroke of fortune, the Kitsune's inclination towards table manners had him sitting before the command came. What sort of fox ate standing up? He was very particular about those things.

But the Goddess' gaze and focus was upon Irina, for now. So he simply bides his time, letting his own eyes drift between the Weaver speaking, and the scenery about. The immaculate furniture. The vibrant green of the Life stream. Perhaps somewhere past it all, he could glean Meranthe.


He'd also take note of his comrade's faces as they went through the same thing. Some, bound by her threads.

[20:52] A twitch of pain from the vibrations met at her chest. A brief wince, before she properly uprights herself.

"They grow tired of the constant loss, and so they refuse to act. What it is they need, is a beacon of hope. Someone who can show them that even when they reach their peak, there is still much farther to go."

Stagnation was not what she wanted at all; stagnation, was in fact, a direct violation of her contract with her Darling Death. If she ever gave into it, her soul was forfeit. And that, was a key reason for her journey. To bring about the rise and flourish in others, so they could be uplifted with her, to ascend beyond their own monotony.

The justice in her heart, was not her own. It was that of a faith she didn't follow; of a dead God, one she had no right fighting for.

A sip of boring old water, a mouthful of that disturbinglyplain pasta. She chews, contemplating for a moment.

She knew a deal was never quite as simple as it seems.

"Either you've a game in mind, or perhaps you've finally seen me for what I am. To that, I say..."

"Name your terms."

[20:52] Caeles was quickly seated by the webbing, while he wasn't outright hostile, the forced seating made him rethink his decision.

Forcing guests to sit?

The Cosmic Magi listened to the conversation, while it might not be directed to him, he was certainly part of it all now...

[20:53] Was made to take a seat, strands of web rising up and causing her to be grounded. "Do not listen to what she says Rina."

The girl struggling to try and break free of the bindings that held her down. Unable to use her flight magic or escape Phoenix was forced to watch whatever may transpire from the chair she had come to sit it.

(Phoenix Altan)

[20:57] Lazuli simply listened in silence, wondering what path she would take in this moment. After all, this was the goal she was coming towards, the reason why they had gone to such lengths.

A means of grasping for a power that would push her to beyond where she was now.

[20:57] Harper looked towards Irina for a moment, watching her take a seat. Her face dropped to a grimace for a moment-

Webs now bound her. Now forced to a seat, she was brought down by the will of the Goddess before her. Despite it all, she didn't let her holy aura waver, even if she would be restrained. Her faith, her true believe was fully in herself. She drew power from her own determination, as strange as it sounded.

There was some pain, some excess blood that spilled. But still, she tried to resist. Even if she would try to push against the binds, even if she would thrash a useless leg to try. She did not serve any but Life.

The food offered- for her, a rarely cooked, bloody steak banquet, paired with a tall glass of wine- was untouched. She would not be swayed.

"... can't... move."

She declared after struggling some more, surely in futility. But she couldn't be broken like this.

[20:58] Caeles looked down at the food before him. A partially burnt leg of pork, some fish on the side but... It was missing what truly made the meal special

Bah wasn't here to share it with him, wasn't here to mess up the cooking, or here to talk so that the meal was a bit less quiet.


[20:58] {NARRATION} "It's simple. I give you a tiny little... mark. Nothing so vile as black magic or soul selling. The mark will show that you are one of mine, my little children. And there are but three tenets to follow. Never be boring, live life to the fullest and always stay one step ahead of those that oppose you."

"A life of interest. One to watch is all I ask. To shape your home of Meranthe in your image. You already have followers of your own." She finally addressed the rest of you. "Though, currently, this offer only extends to you, Irina. Your... friends... They need to step out of your shadow a little more."

"If they can manage that, then perhaps they too can be given this boon. And in turn, I shall envelop your heart in my string. Wreath it in the lifestream itself. A padded, thick nest for your conviction to grow in, for you to experience... life. Those shards would then, instead, feed this connection."

"Every time you enact your justice, it will swell and draw in more power. Every success building upon the next. After all, what better to oppose divine power than the touch of a Goddess?"
[21:04] Quiet contemplation for a moment. A deal with the devil was to be made, metaphorically speaking, of course.

She was becoming quite the Oathmaker, at the rate she was going. Pact after pact with forces beyond her own power, and yet, with each; her resolve only seemed to grow. These conditions, however.. Was she not already living her life to the fullest?

To touch upon life itself.
To harbour it in her heart.
Let it grow, let it become a part of her.

Was that not why she was here in the first place?
Alas, there was one sacrifice to be made, for the sake of a friend she may lose with her decision.

"Forgive me, Phoenix."

A nod given to the deity before her. A momentary pause, contemplating something. A request of her own.

"I accept, with but one condition. You will either aid her, or guide on her the right path to cure herself of her afflictions. She's been living in the shadow of others for far too long, and deserves a proper life, as do all here."

"If we are in agreement, I shall not only honour your conditions, but see to it that each and every one of my followers live their lives not just by my side, but out of my shade. They will succeed on their own journeys, and I will sacrifice as much as I have to, for them to become their own people."

[21:07] Caeles reaches out a hand, a gesture to try and stop her but, its too late, he cannot undo the words she has spoken.

It felt off, this... situation did not feel right, It felt as though the Goddess was not guiding the Lifestream, but rather tapping into it, ensnaring it for her own ends, just as she would Irinas heart.

Like a puppet master at play.


[21:13] In Irina's shadow?

Was that what the Goddess thought of her, truly?

Despite the pain wracking her body and flooding her mind, despite the anger and frustration festering in her eyes, flushing through her entire system... despite the weakness overcoming her physical form in this moment?

… laughed.

It wasn't a loud laugh, at first, her head lowered fully; the others likely only catching a glimpse at the top of her hat, her head hanging as if her neck was shorn. But it rose with her wrath, along with her head; her laugh grew more and more aggressive in tone. A rising crescendo of someone that truly knew their own worth.

"Even if I earned your favor through your... back-ended means, I wouldn't dream of letting you lend your cursed strength to me."

Defying a divine figure, in front of her face. Her head had risen, a wild and zealous look in the Little Prince's eyes. She did not wish to gain the favor of the lifestream; she did not wish to undertake the path of the crusader. She fought for her own ideals.

Not a Goddess that wished to exploit their terms, to take their strength.
Not an Emperor who brazenly cut across continents in conquest.
Not an Oracle who faltered under the weakest pressure.

Herself, and her common man.

"And if you think you know me because of how I live in her shadow, then you never really met me."

One final note. She drew in a breath, as if to say something.

She spat. Blood was spat towards the Goddess. It likely didn't land its mark, but the intention was there.

An insult to the Little Prince's pride was repaid in kind.

[21:14] A mug of green tea taken, and nursed. Bubbled up to the perfect heat, by Kaien's prowess with pyromancy. It was the perfect drink, the necessity to pace oneself when drinking it, leading one to think.

To step out from behind one's shadow. There's the slightest of exhales through the nose.

Time after time. A thousand stones upon the shoulders, each one the doubts of yet another. Eventually, Kaien would be able to cast them off. To stand on his own, as was intended. As he craved. Only action would sway the hordes of naysayers.

The weight stopped being a burden, long ago. So he's quiet as Irina makes his deal. Aside from Phoenix, he was the only one who did not pledge an oath to Irina. But, it mattered little in the moment. Along for the ride, to the end of this journey.

With all the different oaths, different strings pulling in each direction. Kaien only wondered how long it'd be until she was torn apart by them.

[21:23] He could only allow for Irina to make the decision she truly wanted to make at this point. They could only make their decision in this moment based off of what was being said in this moment of time. They had talked of living in one's shadow in the moment of time.

There wasn't much he felt towards the response, more so the lingering headaches that ached at his being thanks to the giant mechanical being in this moment of time.

"I guess that's that then, I know at this point from how I know her that...well she has already made up her mind. Even more so from when we first entered this area."

There was a sigh, Lazuli having been sitting comfy for some time now, or tied up depending on if he was allowed to just sit.

"But to think, you're taking up quite the powerful role their. You better not regret where this will be going from here. Aside from that, if I am living in your shadow for the decisions made...than so be it."

He could only sigh as he thought on his words more before continuing.

"I already walk my own path, she has merely prevented it from being shrouded in darkness for the rest of my life. Freed of chains that once bind me, I am now free to prove my worth, no matter what happens."

"If that means I must continue to bleed to be free, so be it. If it means I must undergo trials like I do now, than so be it. At the end of the day, I was once chained twice, and she has broken one of them."

"Following her, I know that soon, the other will break and I can exist freely as an equal, and not that of a lesser man."

[21:25] {NARRATION} Her right hand comes up, index and middle fingers crooked. They blackened at the tips, nails extending into hollow claws. In the dim light of the lifestream, they seemed like the fangs of a spider. She strode forwards, heels managing to click on the silk flooring, before she was just before Irina.

The blood was spat, it hit its mark. She stopped, for a moment, before the cocoon of webbing crept up Harper's form, until just her eyes remained. There was an air hole, singular and small. And with a gesture the silk around the broken leg tightened for just a moment. The blood is wiped off with a thumb and then consumed with a single lick.

"Your condition is amicable, Irina. Despite interruptions." The fingers slipped beneath her cloak, the one bequeathed by her Darling Death, until they found the flesh of her left shoulder. They curled further and she was pierced... bitten. The venom seeped in quickly and the flesh around it practically boiled.

Something tunnelled beneath the flesh, two skittering beasts trailing webbing behind them, they crawled just beneath the skin in two awful lumps until they reached her chest. Chewing through the muscle they would reach the heart and encase it in a cocoon of silk. Unseen it shimmered the iridescent colours of the lifestream.

The embedded creatures faded, the sting of the venom still present yet its paralytic qualities soon took away the pain, for better or worse. "So many different tenets to follow. I wonder how you'll manage them all. But don't worry. I'm not so cruel as to crust your heart should you stray just a little."

"You will be given time to... correct." The skin around the puncture would was turning the same onyx colour as the Weaver's own. Perhaps it would stop there or perhaps it would spread throughout her form.

"Your friend then." She gestured at Phoenix, tugging her cocooned form closer, webs creeping up to encase her arms. She looked directly into Phoenix' eyes, and for a moment the kitsune could swear she saw eight crimson orbs staring back at her. "Tell me how you want to be... mended."
[21:32] A pinch; a bite. The feeling of something crawling through her skin, through her very being. Perhaps it would be uncomfortable, were it not for the soothing warmth of that which her heart was now wreathed in.

To touch upon life itself..

For life, now resided in her.

She's silent for a moment. Plainly quiet; as one would expect from her, the thrum of her thread wreathed heart pounding in her chest for a moment. An all too soothing glow. Where pain once lingered, pleasure took hold. Her actions against the faithful before no longer causing her ache, but pride. She'd performed her own justice, justices that would she would continue to reap, to bring about the change in the world she sought.

Be boring? She may be prim, and a touch too proper, but was she ever truly boring? Her life had been event after event from the second she'd stepped out the door. Back to back journeys and defiance of the fate of such a mundane little girl.

One now touched by a God.

"I know not the intricacies of her condition, but what I do know is that it holds her back. She is sick, cannot perform as well physically as others, and it prevents her from doing many of the things she wishes."

A glance back, to the seemingly out of it Phoenix.

"I merely wish to find a way to aid her, so that she too can enjoy life to its fullest. After all, shouldn't everyone get that chance?"

[21:33] Before she was fully encased in the silk, before her features would vanish away into the formless threads, there was... a smile. A smirk. She knew the game of powerful beings like this; they rarely played fair. Why would they, ever?

"... heh."

With that, she was fully wreathed in the silk, left to be nothing more than a silk casket with the living still inside. She'd spited a Goddess on this day. She proved that she was beyond the control of the divine, even if it was just one of the several deific figures within these lands.

Her wound was tightened- a mix of pain and relief. She'd already properly coated and dressed it, but it was a start on recovery, to be made in a woven cast.

Still, she grit her teeth all the same, her eyes closing as she refused to show that same weakness. If she hadn't been broken by this point, it almost seemed like nothing truly would.

Now, the hunter was left as little more than a hapless observer. Trapped, and at all of their mercy.

[21:38] {NARRATION} "The cure for her condition... Well, she would never expect my touch and so... it will be done through your hands, Irina. Once you are safe and home. If she were to let you, that is. You may have caused a rift between the pair of you. Alas." As the cocoon tightened around Harper further still it really did seem as though the leg was being set. In perhaps the worst way possible.

"If nobody else wishes to make a deal... Then you're all free to leave at your leisure." The cocoons vanished upon everyone. Though the makeshift cast remained behind on Harper. "I have exits across Meranthe, simply tell me where would be best for you. This is, of course." Eyes shifted to Harper.

"Unless anyone else has anything to say?"
[21:39] Caeles says, "..."
[21:41] It was a brief affair, for Kaien. But he did have one single question.

"Do your threads, bring you anything from Caius?" It'd give away who the Kitsune worshipped, if one could call it that. Yet, from one so revered as a source for occult power, the Kitsune was anything but.

"Or does he not stir? Just as we've sat here before you.." It was easy to see his train of thought.

Even if it took him to the moon, where he was believed to be.

Once he had his answer, he'd be ready to leave.

[21:46] Despite the awful technique of the cast setting her injury, the pain undeniable, the rest of the cocoon unraveled. The cast was formed, and she could... only lightly move it. It was better than just walking on a straight shattered leg.

Harper looked content with herself. The light didn't fade away, her determination still high. She came for one express purpose; she found another just as easily.

Her dulled eyes moved to the Goddess as she raised up her head, moving to stand. She didn't expect any assistance, and if she was given any, she'd push them aside.

"Fuck you."

Two simple words. Spoken loud and clear, just so her spite for the divine deceiver was fully known. As if a bolt of lightning had hammered overhead.

With nothing else to say, and nothing else to seek, the hunter was prepared to go. Her work was done here. Irina got what she wanted, and she found both of her purposes had been fulfilled, even if for a time.

To prove her worth to the forces of the righteous,
and to prove that she was undeniably human.
Mortal, through and through.

[21:49] A click of the tongue; a pinch of the bridge of her nose, and a sigh. She raises up from her seat with but a glance shot for Harper; whatever it was that was coming her way for that insult, was probably her own fault.

"Aphros is fine. We ought get back before someone actually falls asleep."

Certainly wouldn't be her that fell asleep, but someone.

[21:51] {NARRATION} "Ah, dear Caius, one of the many Gods of Death... He left this plane long ago to search for the Goddess of Death. He hasn't been heard from since. Though, as someone who upholds that only the best information is known... You should get your history from more reliable sources. I've heard of what you believe of him."

"The moon is not some romantic place full of wistful mythology. It is a prison, for the greatest evil this realm has ever faced. The creator of Hel. If you pry, pry shallowly. If I were you I would hate to crack open its prison." She smiled, but the words were a warning more than anything else.

"You are lucky, little prince, that I find you so amusing. You get to walk home." Eyes shifted to the cast. "Wobble home." She smiled again. The webbing around you tugged and a doorway rushed towards you, beyond it lay the gardens of the Asperan church. "I'll be in touch, though only for Phoenix' condition."

"Beyond that... enjoy yourself."
[21:53] Caeles walked through the doorway

Seemed he had nothing to say

[21:54] Kaien says, "í ½ï¿½ðŸšªðŸš¶â€â™€ï¸"
[21:56] Kaien prepares to walk out the door.

"A god of death, absent from the plane. It seems that ideology, is all that empowers those like me in the end, who wish to climb on their own."


The idea of the moon being a prison, was troubling. But could it be true? A reflection for later.

[21:56] A step off, ready to leave. Only for her to stop in her motions; a glance to the Weaver. Perhaps a new found intimacy, considering what it was she had floating around inside of her right now.

A momentary beat, and a gentle smile takes the corner of her lip. Not quite that usual polite one she threw out at any given time. No, this was a look of someone at least a step closer to her goals. It was time to depart, however; best not waste too much time between the branches, lest someone foolishly slip to their death.

Or Harper cursed out another God again.

[21:59] Amusing...

That was what she boiled down to, to this figure.


Her anger made itself known. Still, she kept that unnatural grin, even if she hung her head. A plaything, was that all she was? Perhaps in the eyes of the divine; but as she stood here? No, she was more.

She knew she was more, after all.

Not dignifying the Weaver with another response, she instead listlessly followed along with the others' departure, ready to get back to a place where she knew what time it was, and where she was, and what was truly going on in their messed up, chaotic world.

[22:01] Kaien says, "I have much to think on."
[22:01] Kaien says, "Rest up, everyone."
[22:01] Lazuli says, "I can't see out of one eye."
[22:02] Harper says, "... time to... see if I can walk home."
[22:02] Irina asks, "Need a hand?"
[22:02] Harper says, "I need a leg."
[22:02] Irina says, "I cannot supply such, but I can carry you."
[22:02] Harper says, "... no."
[22:02] Lazuli says, "I kind of do."
[22:02] Irina says, "There is a fine line between resolve and pride, Harper. Do well to remember that."
[22:02] Instead of Harper, Irina instead throws Lazuli over her shoulder like some kind of madwoman.

Poor guy.

Pub: 15 Jun 2023 09:04 UTC
Views: 150