โ You may only refer to me by Nexus if I have given you direct permission โ
โ Please aviod pinging, I struggle with reading your message with pings due to the highlight โ
โ Do not under any circumstances ask about my trauma. โ
โ Ask before DMing or FRQing me. โ
โ Ask before using petnames or nicknames on me โ
โ Do not purposefully use my name incorrectly (36, 'oh' 36, etc.) โ
โ Translate all TQ with me โ
โ Do not use fonts around me โ
โกโก dni โธ โธ
โ non traumatic system / supporters, basic dni, transID, Map/MIK/pedo, treats/views introjects as source, believes in doubles, anti agere/petre, interested in NSFW, we dont like you. I will block freely.โ
โกโก byi โธ โธ
โ bdly 16, DID alter, struggles to identify my tone, i prefer rules and schdules not choices, do not treat me as smaller or stupider than you, autistic, i have vision issues please be patient (i use a sr most of the time), i struggle with masking โ