TV tropes
Malicious Misnaming¹
Major Injury Underreaction²
Lack of Empathy³
I'm a Humanitarian⁴ (jokingly)
Punched Across the Room⁵
Odd Friendship⁶
Obsessive Hobby Episode⁷
Nerd in Evil's Helmet⁸
Trauma Conga Line¹⁰
No Social Skills ¹¹
mecore characters
benrey¹ hershel²
desmond³ gabriel⁴
barney⁵ TTT⁶ hal⁷
white tiger¹ vampire²
comfort & yume
dave bowman¹ klavier²
madeline³ freeman⁴
freemind⁵ tennant⁶
solace⁷ v1⁸ saori⁹