DNI : if you fit basic criteria. If you're a dream, 4lung, nekozuna/glitterpop or wilbur soot supporter. If you're a proshitter or a nsfw account. If you romanticize mental illnesses.

BYF : i need tone tags a lot of the time, very rarely i say reclaimable slurs, i swear a lot, nsfw things can make me uncomfortable (though for the most part I'm okay with it), despite this i do make suggestive jokes to friends (if theyre cool with it), i tend to just say what I'm thinking w/o proofreading it over in my head so if it makes u uncomfortable please tell me and i will remedy that with a spoiler tag or just deleting the message, i use emojis a lot to express myself, i use a lot of self-deprecating language but if that makes u uncomfy i'll do my best to limit it as much as i can, i bully my friends jokingly (if they're ok with it)

O0 . O1 . O2 . O3

Pub: 25 Jul 2023 02:13 UTC
Edit: 04 Mar 2024 22:26 UTC
Views: 110