Monster Hunter Doujin/Smut Index of Monster Pornography

Due to Pastebin's new filtering system fucking over /trash/ entirely and flagging the older paste ( to private-only, this page for the time being is a temporary stopgap until a more stable solution can be relied upon.

If you are looking to host stories anonymously, this website or Ghostbin might not be too bad? Github Gists however may be a more stable solution if you don't mind tying a name to your stuff.

Doujin Archive
Bears many if not all of the same doujins that were mentioned in the older paste, but dates back to the original exhentai closure scare.

Smut Archive
Contains all archived stories since Pastebin started flagging pastes as being potentially offensive.

Pub: 21 Dec 2020 12:23 UTC
Views: 923