Ch. 1 ~ Let's Give It Our All~!

Kokona: The athletics festival... It's finally tomorrow, Kathrina-chan!

Kathrina: Yeah, yeah.
"Finally next week," "finally the day after tomorrow," "finally tomorrow," I'm tired of hearing it.

Kokona: I mean, aren't you looking forward to it? It's our first athletics festival since transferring, you know?

Kathrina: Not at all. Going through all that effort to exercise outside, isn't it just tiring?
There's practice, too, so I don't want to exercise more than necessary.

Kokona: Geez, Kathrina-chan...

Kokona: If you do it seriously, surely your acting will grow! So, let's do our best?

Kathrina: Why do I have to get cheered on by you...

Kathrina: Fine, I got it. I just have to do it, right?

Kokona: Yaay! I've prepared a layered lunch box, so let's all eat together!

Kathrina: You say "everyone," but since it's a weekday, Niizuma, Panda, and Sasuga would all be at school.
Hiiragi-san and the rest are probably busy, so who would come?

Shizuka: I'll go.
Leave reserving a spot to me.

Kathrina: Even if you came, that's still just 3 people.

Kokona: Then there're Nikako-chan and Iruru-san from Eden!
This time, everyone's on the red team, so I'm excited~!

Kathrina: They're a rival troupe, aren't they!?
You won't have me colluding with them.

Kokona: That's what makes it so exciting~! They'll definitely be reliable!

Kokona: For these occasions, it's not colluding, it's, ummm—

Shizuka: Collab?

Kokona: Yeah, yeah! A dream collaboration!

Kathrina: Haah... Yeah, yeah.

Kokona: Kathrina-chan! It's finally here!

Kathrina: Okay, okay, it's finally here.

Kokona: The foot race, tug-of-war, cheering contest, relay... It's gonna be so much fun!

Kokona: What are you participating in, Kathrina-chan? The foot race and—

Kathrina: The scavenger hunt race.

Kokona: The scavenger hunt race! That's nice, sounds fun!

Kathrina: You'd say that about anything.

Kokona: I mean, they all sound fun!

Shizuka: I'm back, Kokona, Kathrina.

Kokona: Shizuka-chan! Thanks for reserving a spot! Did you get a good one?

Shizuka: Of course. I told you to leave it to me.

Kokona: Yaay! Then, let's eat lunch over there!

Iruru: Oooii~ The lady over theere~!

Kokona: Ah! Iruru-san!

Shizuka: And, Nikako-chan?
What's with that outfit?

Nikako: Actually, I was put in charge of being the cheering team leader...

Kokona: The cheering team leader!? Even though you're just a first-year, Nikako-chan!

Nikako: Ehehe, that's right.

Nikako: I'll do my best cheering so everyone can win.

Iruru: Apparently, she was chosen by referral, too.
I'm part of the health commitee today, too.

Shizuka: Referral? That's incredible.

Nikako: Yes!

Nikako: In my first athletics festival of high school, not to mention as the cheering team leader, by referral...!

Kokona: That's pretty nerve-wracking, isn't it! I'm just participating in the competitions, but I'm nervous!

Kathrina: Heeh. Cheering team leader, huh...

Kokona: Geez~ Kathrina-chan! We're all on the same red team today, okay?

Nikako: Ahaha, don't worry about it!

Nikako: I'll be cheering Kathrina-san, too! Go for it!

Kathrina: If you do that, I'd feel bad if I didn't try...

Iruru: Oh, Kathrina's also serious, huh~?

Kathrina: Shut up, I'm just not cold-hearted enough to make this cheering go to waste.

Shizuka: She's quite the compassionate type, really.

Kathrina: Shut~ Up~

Iruru: Well, we're all on the same side today, so let's do a huddle or something!

Kathrina: Eh!?

Iruru: Let's do our best today, without thinking about Sirius or Eden~!

Kokona/Nikako: Yeeaahh~!

Kathrina: ... Yeah~.

Next Chapter

Pub: 25 May 2024 19:59 UTC
Edit: 25 May 2024 22:39 UTC
Views: 114