After Effects installation paths


If using an older version of After Effects, replace any mention of "2024" to match your version.



User Presets: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Adobe\After Effects 2024\User Presets

All user presets (presets that you made or downloaded from others) should be saved to and imported here.

Default Presets: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\Presets

This location is reserved for default presets. Altering this location is not recommended unless for a specific reason.

Files that end in .ffx go here.


Local: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\Plug-ins

Unique to that particular version of After Effects.

Some plugins may also be installed to \Effects

Common: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore

Typically reserved for plugins that are compatible with both After Effects and Premiere, visible in all versions.

Files that end in .aex go here.


System: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions

User: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions (if you don't have administrator).

Folders that consist of multiple folders and files (CSXS, META-INF, etc..) go here.


For dockable scripts: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels

For non dockable scripts: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\Scripts

Most scripts are dockable, it's unlikely that you'll ever use an undockable script unless you're a developer.

Single files that end in .jsx or .jsxbin go here.

MAC mac


User Presets: ~/Documents/Adobe/After Effects 2024/User Presets

All user presets (presets made by you or downloaded from others) should be saved to and imported here.

Default Presets: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2024/Presets

This location is reserved for default presets. Altering this location is not recommended unless for a specific reason.

Files that end in .ffx go here.


Local: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2024/Plug-ins/

Unique to that particular version of After Effects.

Some plugins may also be installed to /Effects

Common: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore

Typically reserved for plugins that are compatible with both After Effects and Premiere, visible in all versions.

Files that end in .plugin go here.


System: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions

User: /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions or ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions

Folders that consist of multiple folders and files (CSXS, META-INF, etc..) go here.


For dockable scripts: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2024/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels

For non dockable scripts: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2024/Scripts

Most scripts are dockable, it's unlikely that you'll ever install an undockable script unless you're a developer.

Single files that end in .jsx or .jsxbin go here.

Pub: 22 Jun 2024 20:40 UTC
Edit: 22 Dec 2024 20:40 UTC
Views: 2019