ext. I am Dirk Strider. That's it. Nothing else. Please don't use tonetags with me. I tend to be blunt or brutally honest, but not with harmful intent. I say things like 'kill yourself', so tell me if you'd rather I not. I get angry/frustrated easily, but I don't think I'm an aggressive guy. I'm pretty cool. I also talk about WEED....! often so probably don't interact if you're uncomfortable with it.

likes vvv Silent Hill, Dark Deception, L4D, TWD, The Last of Us, science, philosophical books/historical or famous philosophers, history, religion, MLP, horses, Ben Stiller, puppets, shitty video games so bad that they're good, music.

Pub: 11 May 2023 23:49 UTC
Edit: 21 Oct 2023 15:04 UTC
Views: 90