Running affinity on wine or Linux

This is cachyos
This is a tutorial how to run the image manipulation/Svg editor/publishing program affinity


For People who dont wanna compile it

PreCompiled builds can be found in (Just right click and extract) or (You're supposed to extract the usr folder inside the and then rename it to wine-tkg-affinity)

  1. Clone the repo of Elemental Warrior wine fork
    Cd ~/documents/
    git clone ElementalWarrior-wine
    • Optionally and Recommended Change the branch to something newer
      git switch affinity-photo3-wine9.13-part3
  2. Make some folders you will need to compile it
    cd ElementalWarrior-wine/
    mkdir wine32-build/ wine64-build/ wine-install/
  3. Cd into the wine64-build give it some time to compile
    cd wine64-build/
    /home/USER/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/configure --prefix=/home/YOUR-USER-FOLDER/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine-install --enable-win64
    • Optionally to make the compilation faster, you can increase the cores used make -j"putyouramountofcoresheredontputtomuch" or you can use all the cores available with make -j.
  4. Cd into the wine32-built and compile that as well
    cd /home/USER/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine32-build/
    PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib32/pkgconfig /home/USER/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/configure --with-wine64=/home/USER/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine64-build --prefix=/home/YOUE-USER-FOLDER/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine-install
    make or make -j or make -j"putyouramountofcoresheredontputtomuch"
  5. Now run make install after it finished compiling
    • Do the same with the 64 bit build cd /home/USER/Documents/ElementalWarrior-wine/wine64-build


After you create your Wine Prefix you need to get the WinMetadata Folder from a Windows System a download for it can be found here for convenience: you need to place it in system32 folder

Now you should be done you will have the compiled wine in /wine-install/

Use with bottles (You can use other wine runtime tools like rum but bottles is preferred in my opinion)

  1. Put your folder you just compiled in /home/YOURUSER/.local/share/bottles/runners/ (If installed Natively)
  2. Start a new bottle first restart bottles, then create a new one, click on the plus on top, click custom scroll down and select what you named your compiled wine folder
  3. You need to switch the renderer in settings,scroll down to display settings and select from opengl to vulkan, Now put all the settings related to your Gpu on like use discrete Gpu (if you have one), optionally turn on bottles runtime(if you start having weird issues).DO NOT TURN ON DXVK OR VK3D3 IT WILL BREAK THE CANVAS.
  4. Install corefonts dotnet48 and dotnet35 DO NOT USE THE BOTTLES BUILT IN ONE USE WINETRICKS INSTEAD BY WINEPREFIX=~/home/YOURUSER/.local/share/bottles/bottles/YOURBOTTLENAME/ winetricks dotnet48 dotnet35 corefonts or gui WINEPREFIX=~/home/YOURUSER/.local/share/bottles/bottles/YOURBOTTLENAME/ winetricks (If installed flatpack point it to where it is) ALSO DONT USE MONO**
  5. Now put your affinity installer and you should be done.


  • Affinity installer crashing (Maybe only happens on wine-tkg-affinity)
    Solution: Reopen the installer click Repair

Found a grammer mistake,A issue with this guide

Report it to and but its recommended to report Most issues to this Git repo

taken from: and and and i added that bottle tutorial

Pub: 23 Oct 2024 08:47 UTC
Edit: 18 Dec 2024 18:22 UTC
Views: 234