BEFORE YOU FRIEND blackkeytinycrow

I will not be refriending certain ex-friends, mine or those of the people I'm close to. They're ex-friends for a reason.

I don't talk much until I'm very comfortable with people, usually I may just interject with funny things if my friends are talking. If we've had more than one nice interaction in the past and have mutual friends, I'm probably waiting for a good moment to friend you but haven't yet bc I'm awkward 😭

Friends of friends may friend me if we've interacted and/or you've read up on our boundaries.

I caveman speak (eliminate things like verbs and modifiers and all but the necessary words for understanding) sometimes when I type, usually when I have a strong feeling I can't properly put into words.

I don't accept random friend requests from strangers. We have to have at least interacted enough for me to consider you an acquaintance before I even consider it

I don't friend roleplayers or cosplayers most of the time due to them not understanding boundaries or what systems are. No, I don't want to ship my skin with you. It's most likely one of my alters' skins or an IRL skin. We're taken. Even the alters who aren't dating my gf aren't comfortable with ships involving them.

I have no age requirements for friends, just don't be weird to me, my gf, or my friends please. That being said, I am an adult. I only say my exact age to friends I trust because a (now ex)friend of a friend called me a pedophile for sitting with my online kid on safe server.

If you see me "online" but don't see me anywhere, I'm likely on my and my gf's island and unavailable to talk to. You can still whisper but I most likely won't respond as I may be busy


Pub: 21 Jul 2023 21:42 UTC
Edit: 10 May 2024 17:28 UTC
Views: 715