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Arc 01 - Romance Dawn

Arc Cover Image Monkey D. Luffy sets out on an adventure to form a crew, find the legendary One Piece, and become the pirate king.
Manga Chapter(s): 1-7
Anime Episode(s): 2-3, 504, Episode of Luffy
Duration: 1:23:30

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4

Arc 02 - Orange Town

Arc Cover Image Luffy and Zoro run afoul of a flashy crew of pirates and their captain, Buggy the Clown. They are joined by a young girl named Nami who helps them navigate this predicament.
Manga Chapter(s): 8-21
Anime Episode(s): 4-8
Duration: 1:26:38

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3

Arc 03 - Syrup Village

Arc Cover Image Luffy's fledgling pirate crew arrives at the slopes of Syrup Village. There they find a liar and a conspiracy to steal a young lady's fortune.
Manga Chapter(s): 23-41
Anime Episode(s): 9-18
Duration: 2:14:33

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4
Ep 5 Ep 6

Arc 04 - Gaimon

Arc Cover Image With Usopp now on the crew and their new ship, the Going Merry, under their command, the Straw Hats head to an island said to hold a fabled treasure. There they encounter a strange man stuck in a box who has been looking for the same treasure.
Manga Chapter(s): 42, 22
Anime Episode(s): 18
Duration: 0:20:35
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Ep 1 |

Arc 05 - Baratie

Arc Cover Image The Straw Hats head to the ocean-going restaurant, Baratie, with the hopes of recruiting one of their cooks. In the meantime, hungry yet powerful forces gather to lay siege to the restaurant — all while a menacing swordsman from the Grand Line steadily approaches.
Manga Chapter(s): 42-68
Anime Episode(s): 19-30
Duration: 1:00:48

Arc 06 - Arlong Park

Arc Cover Image Nami's hometown has long been overrun by Arlong and his band of fishmen from the Grand Line. When the Straw Hats arrive, they find that their prospective navigator has left out a few key details about herself.
Manga Chapter(s): 69-95
Anime Episode(s): 31-44
Duration: 4:18:05

Arc 07 - Loguetown

Arc Cover Image The final island before entering the Grand Line: Loguetown. Luffy and his crew drop anchor to stock up, sightsee, and pay their respects to the place where Gold Roger drew his last breath.
Manga Chapter(s): 96-100
Anime Episode(s): 45, 48-49, 51-53
Duration: 1:35:09

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3

Arc 08 - Reverse Mountain

Arc Cover Image Reverse Mountain is the entrance to the Grand Line. What await the Straw Hats are impossible water currents, a giant whale, and dubious people going by codenames.
Manga Chapter(s): 101-105
Anime Episode(s): 55, 61-63
Duration: 0:49:43

Ep 1 Ep 2

Arc 09 - Whiskey Peak

Arc Cover Image The first island on the Grand Line is surprisingly welcoming to pirates. But as night falls, a deadly plot unravels.
Manga Chapter(s): 106-114
Anime Episode(s): 64-67
Duration: 1:11:15

Ep 1 Ep 2

Arc 9.5 - The Trials of Koby-Meppo

Arc Cover Image Koby and Helmeppo are new cabin boys for the marines, but they become unwillingly involved in an escape attempt by Morgan. Their bravery will either earn them the respect of their superiors—as well as Vice Admiral Garp—or it will spell their doom.
Manga Chapter(s): 83-119 cover stories
Anime Episode(s): 68-69
Duration: 15:11

Ep 1

Arc 10 - Little Garden

Arc Cover Image The Straw Hats vow to bring Princess Vivi to Arabasta, and their journey brings them to Little Garden, an island from prehistoria that is home to creatures and people larger than life.
Manga Chapter(s): 115-129
Anime Episode(s): 70-77
Duration: 2:29:05

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4
Ep 5

Arc 11 - Drum Island

Arc Cover Image When Nami falls ill, the crew makes a detour from Arabasta to seek medical help. They happen upon a winter island inhabited by a distrusting populace and a single doctor with a mysterious reindeer companion.
Manga Chapter(s): 130-154
Anime Episode(s): 78-91
Duration: 1:37:01

Arc 12 - Arabasta

Arc Cover Image Arabasta teeters on the edge of civil war, and it's up to Princess Vivi and the Straw Hats to stem the rebellion, uncover the plot of Baroque Works, and beat the Warlord Crocodile.
Manga Chapter(s): 155-217
Anime Episode(s): 92-130
Duration: 4:49:55

Arc 13 - Jaya

Arc Cover Image The Straw Hats seek the fabled sky island Skypiea and head to Jaya for information on its whereabouts. Their convictions are tested by the pirates of Mock Town, but not everyone on the island is a hardline skeptic.
Manga Chapter(s): 218-236
Anime Episode(s): 144-152
Duration: 53:39

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3

Arc 14 - Skypiea

Arc Cover Image Arriving at Skypiea, the Straw Hats are instantly met with unfamiliar sights, objects, and customs. What's more, the god of the sky island deems the Blue Sea dwellers to be trespassing and casts his judgment upon them.
Manga Chapter(s): 237-303
Anime Episode(s): 153-195, 203, 207, 225
Duration: 1:52:12

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4
Ep 5

Arc 15 - Long Ring Long Land

Arc Cover Image On Long Ring Long Land, the Straw Hats are challenged to a Davy Back Fight. As they dive headfirst into a series of games with serious outcomes, the best the Navy has to offer has meanwhile begun to pay closer attention to certain Straw Hat crewmembers.
Manga Chapter(s): 304-321
Anime Episode(s): 207-228
Duration: 2:45:22

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4
Ep 5 Ep 6

Arc 16 - Water Seven

Arc Cover Image The Straw Hats make landfall at the glorious city of Water Seven, known worldwide for its unparalleled shipyards. The pirates go to inquire about repairs for their ship, but the city threatens to take their money, their ship, and their crewmates.
Manga Chapter(s): 322-374
Anime Episode(s): 229-263
Duration: 6:31:23

Arc 17 - Enies Lobby

Arc Cover Image In order to free Nico Robin from the clutches of the World Government, the Straw Hats and their allies must invade the judicial island, Enies Lobby, and take on the government's premiere clandestine unit: CP9.
Manga Chapter(s): 375-430
Anime Episode(s): 264-312
Duration: 10:41:03

Arc 18 - Post-Enies Lobby

Arc Cover Image The Straw Hats return to Water Seven after the ordeal at Enies Lobby. While there, they are met by a familial vice admiral, and they await news of their new ship.
Manga Chapter(s): 431-441
Anime Episode(s): 313-325
Duration: 2:25:58

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep4
Ep 5

Arc 19 - Thriller Bark

Arc Cover Image The Straw Hats' next destination is Fishman Island, but first they must traverse the dreaded Florian Triangle which is known for many eerie and mysterious things such as disappearing crews, conversational skeletons, and a floating island full of zombies and other horrors.
Manga Chapter(s): 442-489
Anime Episode(s): 337-381
Duration: 8:59:20

Arc 20 - Sabaody Archipelago

Arc Cover Image The second half of the Grand Line lays just ahead, so the Straw Hats stop at Sabaody Archipelago to plan the way forward. But being so close to the Holy Land and Navy Headquarters, Luffy's crew comes face-to-face with the darkest forces of the World Government.
Manga Chapter(s): 490-513
Anime Episode(s): 385-405
Duration: 5:03:14

Arc 21 - Amazon Lily

Arc Cover Image Luffy is separated from his crew, and he finds himself on an unfamiliar island in the middle of the Calm Belt... an island inhabited only by women where men are prohibited from entering.
Manga Chapter(s): 514-524
Anime Episode(s): 408-421
Duration: 2:20:35

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4
Ep 5

Arc 22 - Impel Down

Arc Cover Image Luffy launches a daring rescue mission to break his big brother Ace from the government prison, Impel Down. It's a race to the prison's lowest levels — a literal journey through hell itself.
Manga Chapter(s): 525-548
Anime Episode(s): 422-452
Duration: 5:17:11

Arc 23 - Marineford

Arc Cover Image Pirate Whitebeard and his allies on one side; the Navy and its Seven Warlords on the other. At the center of it all: Portgas D. Ace and his unspeakable past and heritage. Luffy races to Ace's execution scaffold as a battle between the world's most powerful people unfolds.
Manga Chapter(s): 549-580
Anime Episode(s): 457-489
Duration: 7:18:24

Arc 24 - Post-War

Arc Cover Image The war has taken its toll on the world, and Luffy reminisces about younger days when he first met Ace and became his brother. To become strong enough to withstand the New World, Luffy must make a critical decision for himself and his crew.
Manga Chapter(s): 581-597
Anime Episode(s): 490-516
Duration: 5:26:27

Arc 25 - Return to Sabaody

Arc Cover Image Two years have passed since the Straw Hats were forcibly separated, and they reconvene back at Sabaody stronger and even more committed to the journey ahead.
Manga Chapter(s): 598-602
Anime Episode(s): 517-522
Duration: 1:38:59

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3

Arc 26 - Fishman Island

Arc Cover Image The path the to the New World takes the Straw Hats thousands of leagues under the sea to the underwater Fishman Island. However, the island's dark past is reaching a breaking point, and Luffy and his crew are caught in the middle of the conflict.
Manga Chapter(s): 603-653
Anime Episode(s): 523-574
Duration: 12:50:02

Arc 27 - Punk Hazard

Arc Cover Image The first island of the New World is a strange place covered in flames on one half, and freezing temperatures on the other. What seems at first to be an unlivable place later reveals a laboratory, a maniac scientist, and a certain Warlord of the Sea.
Manga Chapter(s): 654-699
Anime Episode(s): 579-625
Duration: 9:34:07

Arc 28 - Dressroza

Arc Cover Image Luffy's alliance with Law brings him next to Dressrosa to take down Doflamingo's booming business. But the crazed warlord and self-proclaimed ruler of Dressrosa has control over everyone and everything.
Manga Chapter(s): 700-800
Anime Episode(s): 629-746
Duration: 22:06:10

Arc 29 - Zou

Arc Cover Image Zou cannot be reached by conventional means, nor is it easy to enter once one finds it. Within its secretive walls lie the mink tribe, and the Straw Hats soon discover that the people of Zou hold a piece of the puzzle that unlocks the mysteries of the world.
Manga Chapter(s): 801-822
Anime Episode(s): 746-747, 751-776
Duration: 5:00:28

Arc 30 - Whole Cake Island

Arc Cover Image Luffy will not sail the seas without his cook, so he stubbornly goes after Sanji to Whole Cake Island. However, knocking on an emperor's door is easier said than done.
Manga Chapter(s): 823-902
Anime Episode(s): 777-877
Duration: 21:15:58

Arc 31 - Reverie

Arc Cover Image Every four years, the leaders of the world gather at the Holy Land to discuss a mutually agreed upon path for the government. During this particular Reverie, many parties with their own agendas arrive... and some are uninvited.
Manga Chapter(s): 903-908
Anime Episode(s): 878-889
Duration: 1:42:55

Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3

Arc 32 - Wano

Arc Cover Image The Straw Hats finally regroup in Wano to carry out theirs and their allies' ultimate goal: to see to the Emperor Kaido's downfall and restore the Kozuki family to its rightful place of power.

Manga Chapter(s): 909-1060

Anime Episode(s): 890-

Duration: 16:36:39


Arc Cover Image Occasionally, the One Pace team likes to have some extra fun, so we made animated specials. See alternative storylines with twists you might not have expected.

Manga Chapter(s): Unavailable

Anime Episode(s): Unavailable

Duration: 2:15:50

1 2 3 4
Edit Report
Pub: 29 Sep 2023 11:09 UTC
Edit: 09 Nov 2023 14:17 UTC
Views: 18540