Gingaza Chapter 1 Episode 11: Overflowing Power
Ramona: Phew...the training is indeed getting tougher. I'm hungry and exhausted......
Xue: You're home at last, you're late, Germany. It's time for hotpot. Eat up!
Lilja: It's hot and sweaty. This is a sauna to eat already, it’s good.
Ramona: A hotpot, thank goodness. We’re going to share the same pot. It's a bonding experience. Well then, I'll get to it right away.
Xue: Alright, you ate it! You’ll be charged. Don't worry, I'll keep the bill..
Ramona: What? You're the one who told me to eat it! And Lilja is eating it, too!
Xue: Hmm, feeding Finland is an investment. Okay? Hotpot is spicy. It makes you sweat. It's good for your beauty.
Xue: In other words, if Finland eats hotpot, it will improve her beauty. And the vegetables are low in calories. Is it good?
Lilja: Hah, hah......spicy......huff, huff.......
Xue: Kukuku! Yes eat, eat more! And you'll become a beautiful girl who attracts customers to Gingaza!
Ramona: ......I see, investment by hotpot. You have a point. Then why not invite Hikari? She's got potential too.
Xue: She's in her room chatting away. It's useless to ask her out.
Lilja: This. Hikari’s delivery.
Hikari: ......That’s right! So I could tell when I collaborated with Kamira the other day! That’s what I thought!
Ramona: Is this Hikari? I had the impression she was more timid.......
Lilja: She’s shy. And.........Xue, add vegetables. Not enough.
Xue: You're still eating! There's a limit to how much you can eat for beauty reasons.
Xue: Hey, do something, Germany! Germany-!
Hikari: I ate sata andagi for the first time in a while the other day. I knew it was oily and fattening, but I ate 10 pieces.
Ramona: Hmm, the tension I saw when she was in the wings of the stage was misleading.
Ramona: You laugh like this, Hikari......
Hikari: Let's see, 'Do you want to collaborate with the Gingaza people?' Hmmm, they're all busy, they might not come if I ask them.
Hikari: Of course, the people in Gingaza are good friends. We are very close! Eh? When have we spoken recently? Well, um......
Ramona: ......If I don't step up, the status quo won't change. Let’s go.
Hikari: Someone you're close to in Gingaza? Do you have any friends? Well, let's see......
Ramona: Hahaha! Speaking of friends in Gingaza, it’s me! Don't forget Ramona Wolf!
Hikari: Eeeeeeh!?
Hikari: Ah, I was having fun and talked too much!
Hikari: It's time to end the delivery. See you all later~.
Hikari: Aaah~. I was so nervous when I was interrupted~.
Hikari: But thanks to you, it didn’t end badly......
Ramona: It looks like I was useful, thank goodness.
Hikari: I was saved thanks to you, Ramo!
Hikari: But why did you save me?
Ramona: Because we're in the same theatre group. It’s natural to want to support those who are working hard at it.
Hikari: ......If you don’t work hard, you’ll just be left behind.
Hikari: This time I'm playing an old woman, and in Cinderella I played a prince.
Hikari: I'm not good enough to play different roles......
Ramona: I see, so it's a problem of being a supporting player.
Ramona: You're struggling with the range of your acting.
Ramona: Then I have a good solution. Why don't you give it a try?
Hikari: I'll give it a try! What is it, what is it!?
Xue: Hey, who put something weird in my hotpot?
Xue: It's so chewy, the texture is all messed up!
Hikari: Sea grapes! And there's also some Okinawan braised pork belly!
Lilja: ......So, hotpot to broaden your act?
Ramona: Yeah. A theatre company is like a hotpot in the first place.
Ramona: The unique ingredients come together to create harmony.
Ramona: In other words, if we all poke the pot together, the play gets better!
Ramona: ......This is just far fetched and wishful thinking.
Ramona: It's fun when we all sit around a pot. That should be enough.
Hikari: Yes, it's great! It's delicious, fun and great!
Hikari: Although I don't know if it will broaden my acting range!
Lilja: I see. So Gingaza is a pot. Then I'll add the black, dubious tasting candy from back home-
Ramona: Then I'll put Wurst in it too. See, the Gingaza hotpot is complete!
Xue: It's going to disrupt the harmony of the casserole! And hey, you guys should pay me!