leader comes home from his trip, bettel spam messages him to log onto csgo. a good half hour passes with no response. bettel considers checking in; after all, altare was whining on his vacation about how good it sounded to be playing with bettel... but he figures he's simply exhausted from travel, and goes on to play without him.

an hour into playing, his door cracks open, and jumps in his seat as he watches altare step inside. he laughs it off awkwardly, muting his stream to say hi and catch up. mid-motion of turning his head to smile at his leader, bettel's chair is pulled from the desk with frightening force, neck bound with deep blue jacket straps. he's instantly choking and panicking, thrashing and trying to slip his hands between his throat and the straps, but leader's quick, kicking the seat over to bring bettel to the ground. altare follows the momentum of the fall to sit his full weight on bettel's back and jams a heavy boot hard on each scrawny wrist, yanking harder on the straps. he feels like a cowboy in that moment and giggles a little. "c'mon now, betsy. why are you making it so hard to wrangle you?"

right on cue, bettel loses his fight to stay conscious and his weight slacks with a thud of his head now on the ground. leader smiles and ruffles his hair, wasting no time to stand up and turn bettel's stream off. "byyye guys," he mutters to noone. casually, he begins rummaging through all of bettel's personal belongings to check for any sign of funny business since his vacation began. he huffs as he finds nothing of note. well, now he'll look crazy for all that strangulation! oh well. bettel will understand he's just taking necessary precautions to protect the guild, right?

altare drags the limp body of his guild's jester to the bed and pets bettel's face with contentment as it droops to one side. "good boy." grabbing the signature black tophat from its spot on the wall and sits next to bettel's body, altare watches the shallow and staggering rise and fall of his pale chest with a sigh.

"you're so cute like this, bettel. quiet and obedient." his legs shift as he notices his pants feel a little weird, slipping a hand under his own pants to fondle his dick to the rhythm of bettel's breathing. already half hard. huh. the revelation makes him instantly hornier, his hand fumbling its steady pace as he gets off to his own sick sadism. rising faster and faster the more he considers just how fucked up this is. how violated and horrified bettel will be when he wakes up...

he hurriedly shucks his pants and briefs down to his knees, hurriedly slipping the purple ribbon from bettel's hat and tosses the cap to the side. "fuck, bettel... i missed you," his whispers are thick and guttural as he wraps the silk ribbon around his dick and palms it into a workable shape, keening, "i can't stand the- the thought of you spending time with anyone else, it makes me feel... so sick..." altare's hand picks up the pace to fuck the makeshift fleshlight of a ribbon. it's not enough. he's desperate for to ruin his own property for fun. that's what bettel is. property.

altare shudders and jerks his hips hard at the idea of bettel being his personal little fuck-thing, and crawls over him at a desperate speed to straddle his hips. he's humping bettel's lanky catatonic body before he knows it, speeding up with every second that passes until his body is nearly slipping off the bed with the force. he's staring at his face the whole time, in a trance of admiration of bettel's slightly open mouth and wonders what it would be like to fuck it until he cried.

his shuddering moans peak and catch in his throat as he reaches his limit. animalistic grunts and tears at the edges of his eyes are torn from him through ecstasy, along with his cum splattering across bettel's half-open robes. his body heaves to catch his breath, and he kicks off from his position to lay next to bettel, eyes closed to recompose.

after a few minutes of deep thought about his terrible, traumatizing, unleader-like action, altare's usual smile abruptly returns. "well, that was fun! eheheh." he beams. he peels the ribbon from bettel's chest and folds it into a little square to wipe up the pooled cum on bettel's body. his swipes are long and slow, savoring his work as he goes along. "it would be rude of me if i didn't at least try to clean up a little. want a taste?"

altare giggles and pushes the soiled ribbon directly into bettel's mouth and stands from the bed, relocating his own belongings to redress and leave the room with a big grin, humming his way down the hall.

Pub: 28 Apr 2023 03:56 UTC
Edit: 28 Apr 2023 04:00 UTC
Views: 153