byf + dni

BYF! im literally bananas high bpd symptoms & paranoid cynical asf i cuss lol + make ihy Kys bad. half of what i say is ironic. pls dont take me super duper srs unless i point it out -- i tell BASIC DNI CRITERIA + NEO NAZIS, ANTISEMITISTS AND ALL SHITBAGS IN GEN to fucking KILL URSELF! me n my buds jamie n jay shit on conservative right wingers regularly ! sucks to suck fucks to fuck dont be stupid /srs if ur a right winger or even centralist stay awayyyy aint nobody want yo ass 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I RAMBLE NeTi ENTP EN(T) 738 CHOL-SANG i gatekeep specific medias. dni dsmp fans i hate you i also im sorry i gotta say it. i shit on dream a lot infps / esfjs ask to interact some of yall r mad annoying ngl. SPEAKING OF BPD i talk abt my fp jax sometimes. i heart him soooooooomuch!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont talk abt being/kinning either of the main me's idrc abt doubles n shit but dont go on and on to me abt being them kk? there's more but thats the basics, im very open and almsot anyone can interact lmao this byf dni is like half ironic DNI ! most listed above but this and also hardasses no fun partypoopers. i won't block, but i'll ignore u if i dont like u rofl

back !

Pub: 13 Apr 2023 04:38 UTC
Edit: 23 Apr 2023 12:23 UTC
Views: 134