friends of the show . . .

FP! so normal about this guy. JAX ILY FUCKING OFF URSELF UR MY LITTLE AKECHI ASUKA SYMMETRA hiiiiiiiii user j9xxy :3 helloooooo hi thereeeeee teehee (cocks gun) BFFS ! JAMIE ILYSM UR ME IN DA FLESH I LVE YOU. JAY SILLIEST LAD EVER UR SO SUSSY looks side to side OTHER LOVES ! ATA!! YOSHI & XY LUCA JIMMY NEUTRON (or jay whaever ur name is) & FART HEAVEN SERVER sorry if i forgot u Lol socials ! disc - takutoez#0007 / insta / prns page / other rentry

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Pub: 13 Apr 2023 05:22 UTC
Edit: 23 Apr 2023 12:29 UTC
Views: 135