ajax's old
url hoard
highlight is most recent, italic is most info.
bold is favorites.
all of these are / will be in use.
NEW HOARD: drhouses
miizumono, takutoe, going undercover, howtogetphysical, dikembe, zoraah, cassiewontyoubemydoll, feei
z, prospectr, pachilles, motherslyre, philtatos, juuxou, whatsinsideagirl, phobics, thestarskeeponcallingmyname, cirrvs
h4nnibal, realghosts, j4xxy, ajjax, xyinne, ajj4x, j9xxy, debtfree, deapol, youandyourlover, treeamongshrubz, bpdchilles, workingtheweekends, ajax4eva
4 friends
jamie: marshmlowwzzzz & lostinafilmscene & stanji + kyworu, augustsI
liight, vvearsunscreen (almost done, info needs updating), spidyr, achilloclus, thistownsreallytakingitstoll, jaxphobic, skylrr
jay: jayismcreature & gnarpgnorp
saved 4 later use
eberry, spyderbyte, hamball, -thischarmingman, belabog, luvjax, summerandback, dancewithdeath, houseofballoonz, rnimic, takutoez, itophobia, sheshomei
ess, scheibe, governmenthookr, achillesrage, runandhide, metyouatthebar, moresincere, cirrvs, sanguin, scudhouse, valuetheory, ghandi, goldenmean, drjamesevanwilson, james-wilson, drwilsons
simple + utility
mes in media, typology, sillies, resources, placeholder to store templates n shit, mes in media updated