Hi. I'm Robin, Crow, or 真 (Shin). I don't like nicknames... my pronouns are he/him strictly. This will be updated more soon but I genuinely have a difficult time thinking of things about myself...

  • My alter age is 18 and I see myself as such. I am still healing! My real age is 21, however, and to aid me with healing, I would like to be treated as my real age. I am Wasian (Japanese & Welsh), but I don't really speak Japanese. ごめんなさい、as they say!
  • I have Borderline Personality Disorder and I am a traumatized alter so that affects how I interact. But please for the love of God do not baby me for it or act like I'm stupid.
  • I don't have any DNI criteria because people will just ignore it but if you do any of these things I will block you:
    • Being weird about my sources or your sources and acting like we're in some kind of weird roleplay. I can't believe I have to mention this one but people love acting like that around me.
    • Openly being a "proshipper", "comshipper", "darkshipper" or whatever you want to call yourselves. Or privately being one! I don't like you.


Pub: 17 Aug 2021 16:26 UTC
Edit: 16 Dec 2024 20:35 UTC
Views: 1384