akios boundaries
• dont call me a system
• dont refer to me as multiple people
• dont call my alters "headmates"
• dont ask me personal questions regarding my did
• dont use tonetags on me
• dont infantilize me
• dont flirt with me
• dont make fun of my special interests
• dont ask personal questions about my other disorders, conditions or disabilities

stay away from me
• keep 10 miles away from me if you're interested in cults. i dont care if its a hyperfixation, special interest, thats not an excuse. stay away.
• white kids who use japanese names 😭 especially if you got it from an anime, im not calling your america ass Naruto
• if you think my boundaries are me being "harsh" or "unreasonable"

Pub: 02 Nov 2022 20:32 UTC
Edit: 06 Nov 2022 19:07 UTC
Views: 165