i watched you change⠀⠀into a fly FELIXS MASTERLIST

felix — he him — — entp

basic dni, comshippers, over 20 — i will block u if i js dont like u

byi I make overly sexual jokes, enjoy dark media, make slit and kys jokes,
use slurs i can reclaim, i'm autistic, etc . . .

TOTAL DRAMA, UNDERTALE . . . (also ocs)
do not say you like them more than me
i'll actually rip my hair out and tell you to kys
(or atleast hold it back)

Main interests Deltarune, Scream1, Albert/Flamingo, Brandon Rogers, Markiplier, Smosh pit, deathnote, Our life, Sir fluff, Stardew, Bendy and the Ink machine, etc . . .
side interests
detroit become human, ace attorney, life is strange,
dsmp . . . (THE WAY ITS WRITTEN NOT THE CREATORS WAAHAH), welcome home, one punch man,
heathers, be more chill, etc . . .

music willwood, tallyhall, tobyfox, deftones, jackstauber, the stupendium, icp, lovejoy

messy music, biology, psychology, true crime, dark media,
video games, fanart, ocs, music, youtube, tiktok, attention
etc . . .

Dislikes anyone under a basic dni, millennials,
comshippers, hypocrites
etc . . .

FAV CHARACTERS Alejandro (total drama) Trent (total drama) Stu Macher (scream) Sans (undertale) Papyrus (undertale)

ME 1 2 3 4 5

blinkies n graphics :3

LINKS tiktok youtube url hoard roblox spotify

Pub: 30 Aug 2023 12:04 UTC
Edit: 21 Oct 2023 07:19 UTC
Views: 114