Alexander's Library

Table of Contents

Welcome to the Library

Alexander's Library welcomes all known—an unknown—manner of creatures under the Moon and Sun for a quick sit down and read before you have to run off again into the real world. Alexander Shaw, owner and head-bookkeeper, is a two-hundred year old vampire from back in the 1800's. When he first bought the building that he transformed into his bookshop and home, he wanted it to be accessible to both mythical creatures and humans alike as a middle-ground and safe space.

His territory extends to his shop's doors, so upon the moment you enter, be respectful. You might think that it's the shopkeeper himself you have to worry about, but no. He's quite the pacifist as you'll come to find. But his visitors are not.

As previously mentioned, both humans and monsters alike are welcome, and they quite like Alexander. So while he may not have much to say...his patrons on the other hand are a different story. Just keep any and all violence outside the shop's doors along with your negative attitudes and you'll fit right in. However, don't be surprised when you happen to look over your shoulder and see a phoenix, a werewolf, or even a hybrid perusing the shelves. Remember, they're here for the same reasons you are, so there is nothing to fear.

But if you find yourself becoming curious about some creatures, keep scrolling and you'll learn more.

The Different Types of Monsters

While many types of monsters walk through Alexander's door, there are a few you might be unfamiliar with. So here's a list of all the monsters Alexander has kept a list of that have walked through his doors:

Type Description
Vampire - A vampire is a creature, often fanged, that preys upon humans, generally by consuming their blood. As part of their biology, vampires 'procreate' by biting a human and injecting them with a venom—similar to a snake—into their veins. It is a 50/50 chance on whether the transformation takes or not though.
Hybrid - A being that is made as a cross-breed of an animal and a human. Though most hybrids are born as humans, just with animalistic features such as ears or tails. Some even with wings. Whether it's via experimentation or natural conception, no one knows, but Alexander has documented several beings like this such a cheetahs, wolves (Very different from werewolves), all manner of birds, ECT.
Seers - For the most part, Seers are human. They don't need blood or have cross-mixed features, but what they do have is sight. Though not just any sight. Seers are able to see the future. Though don't ask them for tarot card tricks, it doesn't work like that. Now some are still able to produce prophecies like from Greek Mythology, but with the passing of time, many of the Seer's abilities have weakened and become diluted with the mix of human DNA, and with that, a loss of control over their abilities. Some can still see years into the future while others, just a few minutes. They're quite a fascinating group.
Shifter - Do not confuse them with hybrids or werewolves, they hate that. Because unlike their hybrid counterparts, Shifters have a unique ability to shift into an animal form. But don't think it's omnipotent. It's not. Shifters can unfortunately only shift into whatever animal they were born as. So simply put, they have two forms. Human & animal. And those are the only forms they have.
Fae / Faeries Careful with these folks, they're nasty. Like the IRS. While it's hard to tell if someone is a Fae, they will command a presence within the room. Their beauty beckons for your attention, and many just hide their wings beneath their clothes. But do not let their seemingly innocent disposition fool you. They're tricksters. They lay traps within their deals and proposals, conveying that they simply wish to grant wishes, but that is not true. They trick you into giving up your name and by that time it is too late. Alexander got lucky by being kind and considerate to many Faes who've walked through his doors, so they do not bother him, but do not think you will be as lucky. Remember this: Names have power. Give a Fae your name and they will gain power over you.
Witch / Wizard Cell
Genie Cell
Shade Cell
Phoenix Cell
Doll Weavers Cell
Werewolf Cell
Immortal Immortals...Alexander hasn't met one of these in a long time. Don't believe that they're vampires. They're not. They're simply humans who cannot die. Don't ask how or why because even they do not know. They're one of the many unexplained mysteries of the world that no one has the answer to. They do not age, do not wither. They do not get sick or become hurt in accidents. They simply exist. And no one can ever say why...

The Danger Classes

There are three main danger classes that each creature is categorized under, ranking them from the least to most deadly in terms of their species, age, and combat experience. It's an ever-growing classification system that fluctuates between monsters, so don't believe that just because a being is supposed to be dangerous or weak based solely creature, that they'll fall under the presumed danger class. For now, let's go ahead and learn the different classes.



Alpha class is categorized as dangerous and falls under a more military-like regime or creature that is capable of basic combat experience since birth. Many of these base creatures that would fall under this class would be Hybrids, Immortals, Werewolves, & Vampires.



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Pub: 05 Aug 2024 05:03 UTC
Edit: 12 Aug 2024 06:44 UTC
Views: 222