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alex : alexr05


✚ i may accidentally cross your boundaries as i am p bad at reading the room
✚ i like edgy jokes/dark humor (ex: war jokes, 9/11 jokes, kys jokes etc)
✚ i also liek amogus and gen alpha jokes (yes im 8 years old!!!!! /silly) tho i rlly say these jokes in groupchats or servers cuz i take DMs more seriously
✚ i like seggs jokes
✚ i have a smooth brain
✚ i sometimes say out of pocket things
✚ i have anger issues and violent thoughts
✚ i usually/most of the time, type these words as:

  • because ➜ cuz/cus
  • what ➜ wat
  • time ➜ tiem
  • yes ➜ ye
  • that's ➜ das/dat
  • that ➜ dat
  • have ➜ hav
  • love ➜ luv
  • like ➜ liek
  • make ➜ maek
  • monkey ➜ monke

✚ i am bad at wording so some of the stuff i say might not make sense
✚ i sometimes take things too seriously/literally
✚ idm people calling me slurs (even if thats the slur thats applies to me, idm)

  • i only mind slurs if you claim to be a "aCcePTinG hOlY nIcE LGBT beInG!!!11" then proceed to call me a slur as an insult

✚ idm poiltical incorrectness
✚ i hav poor emotional regulation/intelligence + im very bad at controlling my emotions + kinda rejection-sensitive (i dont think i hav RSD but i do know i angrily cry a lot)

  • i have a meltdown and start angrily crying whenever someone bans/yells at me or takes away my favorite thing (i can remember doing this since i was 5-6) (this is heavily simplifed, its a lot more complex than it seems /srs)

✚ i liek to send/say the same repeating memes/jokes/topics over and over again in servers/groupchats, i dont do this in DMs tho
✚ i ruminate stuff,, a lot ;-;
✚ i sometimes use tonetags (tho, i dont need them myself (most of the time at least))
✚ when i cry irl, i hate being comforted so dont do dat (if youre a family member reading dis)
✚ when i get mad at a game, DONT SAY IM OVERREACTING OR IM GOING TO KILL
✚ i only rlly block ppl when i rlly hav to/they havent interacted with me yet, even if youre super annoying to me, i wont block you
✚ my online self and my discord self are VERY different
✚ i compulsively say dumb/obvious questions/out of pocket stuff to see how others react and how they answer/reply to me and how they word things (so in a way, i act 'dumb')

  • EXAMPLE: "why is it bad if i saw nsfw at age 10?"

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Pub: 06 Sep 2023 13:18 UTC
Edit: 01 Feb 2024 05:23 UTC
Views: 280