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alex : alexr05


IYSM /p:
& guchiry fans
& carl stans
& mene tame stans
& sunburn (sunny x aubrey) shippers
& pitaya x wildberry shippers
& pitaya dragon cookie simps ("but its a cookie!" and? its hot 🤑)
& people dat hc kel ot be aroace
& sunflower (basil x sunny) shippers (good angst)

don't care/neutral:
& homophobes (i am unable to take offense from them)
& tadashi kunai simps
& photobomb (basil x aubrey) shippers
& suntan (kel x sunny) shippers

don't liek:
& people that say 'non-men' or 'non-women' when talking about the lesbian/gay sexuality

  • just say masc-aligned or femme-aligned person instead imo, it's way less broad

& rinlen (rin x len) shippers (i dont rlly care if theyre not canonically twins, theyre literally da same, one of them is just the opposite gender of the other)
& vegans
& people who actively hate on omori/call omori 'mid'

  • current friends are ok

& people who shame others for being virgins
& far right conservatives and far left liberals
& acephobes/arophobes (not gamer) (also really depends \/)

  • liek if u said u dont believe dat aromantic is real but dont say stuff like im mentally ill or similar, then ok ig
  • but if u said dat im faking it and dat i need to go to the doctors then i will be very hurt

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(we can still be friends but i wouldnt rlly agree with ur beliefs)

& proshippers/comshippers (if you ship hero or mari with any of the 16 y/os, im sending you to blackspace 2)
& people who make lgbt their entire personality
& transracial mfs

& people who enjoy/draw omori nsfw of:

  • aubrey
  • mari
  • sunny
  • omori
  • basil
  • HS hero
  • any of the kids in faraway town
    (im not sure how i feel about aged-up omori nsfw or a au where mari is 19 like RW hero)
    (also if you enjoy omori and ZOOPHILIA together, im skinning you alive /srs)

& people who still keep using they/them pronouns on me and are aware that i am male

& pedos
& people into bestiality (ew mf aint NO WAY, das a literal animal dawg)
& animal abusers

  • zoophiles (NOBODY FUCKING LIKES YOU <3)
  • "people" who torture animals

& people that maek AI "art" and try to maek a living out of it

& chubbyemu's thumbnails (pls dont send them to me)

& mpreg
& stardust x pitaya
& omori x stranger

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Pub: 05 Jul 2023 11:40 UTC
Edit: 09 Feb 2024 08:08 UTC
Views: 621