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alex : alexr05


✘ i have a lot of white hairs from me worrying too much
✘ im bi with a very huge male preference (i used to have a lot of attraction to women when i was younger, now, i cant feel sexual attraction to women anymore D;)
✘ i am 4'9
✘ when i say i have a 'crush' on someone, it's more of so dat i am only sexually attracted to them/find em attractive
✘ i think used bandages smell good >:33✘ i
✘ i cant whistle or snap my fingers
✘ i liek to see other ppls',, or userprofile/about cuz it fascinates me
✘ im aromantic with a romance repulsion das somewhat hard to explain + also im romance-negative**:

  • my romance repulsion/stance doesn't apply to fictional, it only applies to real life
  • if youre around the same age as me that happens to have a partner but you dont talk about them 24/7 or talk about how amazing they are, i wont say anything bout it. tho if you talk bout them a lot, i will be p grossed out and aggressive

✘ i liek smut yet i hate real life seggs (i want to be a virgin for life!! + dont pressure me to have seggs when i turn 18!!!! /srs)
✘ i like debating ppl, if you wanna debate about something w/ me, feel free to add me on discord
✘ i get sleep paralysis when i try to sleep in the day

✘ im neither conservative or a liberal! (both lame tbh, play sum tf2 instead)

my addictions:
✘ biting my nails
✘ picking my nose until all the junk is out
✘ smut (🗿)
✘ using my pc

my phobias:
✘ acrophobia (fear of heights)
✘ iatrophobia (fear of doctors)
✘ submechanophobia (fear of submerged manmade objects)
✘ thanatophobia (fear of death)
✘ gerascophobia (fear of aging)
✘ trypanophobia (fear of needles)

conservations/thoughts in my head:

"trans women shouldnt be in women's sports!" "trans women should be in women's sports!"

me: why not make a sport for trans ppl specifically, EZ


me: if we gyat rid of romantic/sexual attraction, there would be no more homophobia and pedos


me: if youre swimming the ocean, youre also technically swimming in fish pee

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Pub: 03 Oct 2023 22:48 UTC
Edit: 27 Jan 2024 12:19 UTC
Views: 238