zai's dni !

; the basic criteria
; dsmp stans, ex friends, people I know irl.
; disrespects neos / xenos / tonetags / coping mechanisms.
; doesn't respect fickins / irls / etc,.
; under 13, over 20.
; if we have nothing in common.
; hardcore chuuya likers. ( annoying mfs. )
; mori defenders.
; likes irl gore, serial killers, etc. ( freaks!! )
; suicide baiters. ( take your meds. )
; "genshin > honkai" weirdos.
; you dislike any of my interests.
; you like sigma more than me. ( no you don't. ) /j
; hates on rarepairs.
; "there are only 2 genders" ( skull emoji. )

go back ?

Pub: 20 Mar 2023 08:58 UTC
Edit: 30 Mar 2024 10:59 UTC
Views: 364