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Alterhuman - An umbrella term for when someone who is physically human identifies spiritually or psychologically as something other than human. There are more specific labels inside of this to refer to different kinds of alterhuman.
Nonhuman - Another term for anyone who identifies as not human. An umbrella term. Some prefer this over Otherkin or Alterhuman.
Otherfolk - Another umbrella term for "folk" who identify as anything other than purely human. Some prefer to use this term over others.
Alterhumic - a term for anyone who identifies as anything under the alterhuman umbrella or as alterhuman.
Otherkin - An umbrella alterhuman term for anyone who identifies as something other than human. Typically used for anything not biotically on earth, but can be used to refer to all kins.
Xenospecies - A term to describe when someone’s species cannot be described using biotic terms and instead will use other things like numbers, colors, concepts, etc. The xenogender of species, essentially.
Therian - An alterhuman/otherkin who identifies as an earthly animal.
Fictionkin - A type of otherkin who identifies as a fictional character.
Otherhearted - When someone is not fully an otherkin but somewhat identifies as something other than human or feel like it is part of their identity, or identify with something but not necessarily as it.
Fictionhearted - When someone is not fully fictionkin but somewhat identifies as a fictional character or feel like it is part of their identity, or identify with the character but not necessarily as it.
Copinglink - Someone who identifies as non-human to cope with something. Ex. Trauma, neurodivergence, etc
Kintype - Refering to the kind of otherkin someone is, for example a demonkins kintype would be demon.
Theriotype - A term like kintype but specifically for therianthropy.
Kinsidering - meaning someone is considering being a kin but isn’t completely sure or is still researching it.
Constelic - An alterhuman term for someone who collects identities of animals, fictional characters, mythological creatures, etc. These identities are often more casual than kins and more “in the background,” though this may not always be the case. There may also be specific tiers to said identities.
Multikin - Anyone who identifies as multiple kins.
Demikin - Identifying as otherkin only partially.
Kinfluid/Speciesfluid - When someone’s kins are fluid or switch/change.
Speciesflux - Describes a shift in intensity of one’s alterhuman identities.
Eiment - An alterhuman term for being the embodiment of something.
Archetrope - When a person identifies with or as a trope.
Plantkin - An alterhuman/otherkin term for someone who identifies as a plant in some way.
Colorkin - An alterhuman/otherkin term for someone who identifies as a color in some way.
Mythkin - An otherkin who identifies with any mythical creature.
Conceptkin - Any otherkin who identifies with a concept.
Musickin - Any otherkin who identifies as music/songs.
Aldernic - What you would like to look like or what you want your body to be like. Ex. Having wings, having a tail, glowing, etc.
Perspesque - How you would like to be perceived. Ex. Wanting to be perceived as a character, as an angel, etc.
Mediamate - Can be a term for multiple different things including IRLs, alterhuman, etc. Means that your identity(whichever kind it is) is from the same media as someone else. An alternate to sourcemate for singlets/non introjects. Ex. A Rainbowdash kin and a Pinkie kin are mediamates.
Pub: 24 Sep 2023 00:24 UTC
Edit: 08 Oct 2023 15:00 UTC
Views: 278