Alternate Terms to Use Instead Of Kinning

click titles for coining posts and more concise definitions

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“I click Rapunzel from Tangled”
"I'm a Nagito clicker/clickie"
“I'm clicking Glimmer so hard right now"

“I cir Rapunzel from Tangled”
"I'm a Nagito cirrie"
“I'm cirring Glimmer so hard right now"

Funlinking *
“I link/funlink Rapunzel from Tangled”
"I'm a Nagito linker/funlinker"
“I'm linking/funlinking Glimmer so hard right now"

Stelling (Constelic)
“I stel Rapunzel from Tangled”
"I have a Nagito constel / I’m Nagitostelic”
“I'm stelling Glimmer so hard right now”

Lithing (Lith)
“I lith Rapunzel from Tangled”
"I have a Nagito lith / I’m a Nagitolith”
“I'm lithing Glimmer so hard right now”

* please note that although funlinking is similar to other forms of ‘linking, it is still distinct enough that it warrants its own category and is not to be confused with copinglinking or otherlinking. Funlinking also means purposefully choosing to identify as a character or other subject of a linktype, not relating to them

a simple divider by Dekadenze on deviantArt

But Why Do We Need New Terms?

this explanation is not meant to shame or insult kin-means-relate-to folks/kinnies, it is informational and only aims to educate

HEY! Before reading any further, please keep in mind that your (kin-means-relate-to folks/kinnies reading this) experiences are real and appreciated, and very valued, we (the carrd owner writing this, as well as the community i’m about to discuss) are only trying to give kinnies better terminology that allows for clearer communication.

Using the terms ‘kin’, ‘kinning’, etc, is taking terms from a group (the otherkin(d) community) that created the terms in the 1970s to mean an entirely different thing, and contorting them to mean something that being otherkin(d) is not.

The concept of otherkinity means identifying, (most usually without intention or ability to stop) intrinsically as an animal, magical creature, fictional character, or something else. This identification is called a kintype (or a kindtype) and is not able to be separated from the person holding that kin(d)type, as it IS them.

For example, if an otherkin(d) person calls themself foxkin or foxkind, that means that they genuinely identify as a fox on some level, whether that be due to spirituality, due to neurological reasons, or some other way.

In addition, the term ‘kinnie’ has been used as an insult from the anti-kin(d) crowd towards otherkin(d) individuals for a very long while, and while not all ‘kin(d) individuals are bothered by the usage of it, a large part of the otherkin(d) community is highly uncomfortable with that term being used on or around them due to its negative history.

This carrd is meant to help non-otherkin(d) kinnies find meaningful terms that aren’t accidentally appropriating the terms of a different community. You can read more about how misusing otherkin(d) terminology harms the community here, here, and here*

* The creators referenced in these links are not formally affiliated with this carrd, please do not harass or otherwise bother them in reference to it.

Pub: 21 Aug 2022 22:04 UTC
Edit: 21 Aug 2022 22:18 UTC
Views: 2614