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Alternate Terms to Use Instead Of Kinning

Research for the coining posts and more concise definitions

Why Do We Need New Terms?

Why are we taking this so srs more srs then DID / osdd ? its a thing ppl do for fun, no one is taking them srsly and do not treat them like irls & they are not the same thing. Anyways have fun and make sure to stay safe ! If you wish to use the other terms you may do so if you want

“I click Madoka
"I'm a Nagito clicker/clickie"
“I'm clicking Rappa so hard right now"

“I cir Madoka”
"I'm a Nagito cirrie"
“I'm cirring Rappa so hard right now"

“I link/funlink Madoka”
"I'm a Nagito linker/funlinker"
“I'm linking/funlinking Rappa so hard right now"

Stelling (Constelic)
“I stel Madoka”
"I have a Nagito constel / I’m Nagitostelic”
“I'm stelling Rappa so hard right now”

Lithing (Lith)
“I lith Madoka”
"I have a Nagito lith / I’m a Nagitolith”
“I'm lithing Rappa so hard right now”

Pub: 21 Aug 2022 22:04 UTC
Edit: 28 Jan 2025 18:21 UTC
Views: 2989