"Fictional" just means non-animals
These are in no particular order and this is not all of my forms.
BOLDED – Highly Conected
ITALIC – Fluctuates
UNDERLINED – Questioning
MOUNTAIN LION, Coyote, WolfDog, Northwestern Wolf, Mutt, Silver Fox, Snowshoe Hare, Lynx, Bobcat, Snow Leopard, Texas Heeler, Newfoundland, Bernese Mountain Dog, Saint Bernard, Miane Coon, Field Mouse, Ferret, Red Deer, Golden Eagle, Northern Shrike, Chickadee, Grizzly Bear, Clouded Leopard, Glass Wing Butterfly, Lahore Pigeon, White-Spotted Jellyfish, Black Tipped Reef Shark
THE THING, Shapeshifter, Werewolf, Vampire, Mimic, Undead, Angel, Phantom, Unspecified Sea Creature, Reaper, Mockingjay, Mermaid, Eldritch Entity,
DOUBLE BARRELED BREAK-ACTION SHOTGUN, Flare Gun, Stained Glass, Snow, Axe, Broad Sword, Porcelain Doll, Ball-Jointed Doll, Sniper Rifle, Chatelaine, Assault Rifle, Chainsaw, Cross Bow, Hunting Bow, Locket, Dagger, Scythe, Flamethrower,
LIGHT, Winter, Coldness, Love, Adoration, Obsession, Contradiction, Creation, Immortality, Kindness, Loneliness, Family, Fear, Anger, Magic, Infinity, Modesty, Love, Loss, Inhumanity, Mimicry, Lying
COWBOY, Ranger, Archer, Gunslinger, Captain, Knight, Healer, Detective, Vampire Hunter, Oceanographer, Field Medic, Sailor, Wielder, Muse, Messenger, Statue, Traveler, Guard, Hunter, Antarctic Researcher, Killer, Crime Scene Photographer, Horror Author, Horror Protagonist, Isekai Protagonist, Librarian
LOSER PROTAONIST, Horror Protagonist, Isekai Protagonist, Unreliable Narrator, Loser Hero, Living Weapon, Romantic Vampire, Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing, Unapologetic Vampire, Conflicted Vampire, Loser, Coward, Seer Obscura