the amalgamation system
aka tasys or the amalgam sys or the amalgamation traumagenic sdx did system! body is a minor alter count; 38

dante / peaches / atari nor/mal

cohost(s) four he/they/it/nya
dakota he/it/they
homucifer / homu he/him
diego he/they
taki he/it
doodle / dev he/she/it
sol / matteo any neos

headmates december / dece / dici / dc ✦ he/she
koda ✦ she/her
zenith / zen ✦ he/they
havell / hav she/they/love
x / charm ✦ it/its
grim / jade ✦ she/her
dog / zacharie / zach he/it/pup
ren / cookie / deluxe it/its
sunny ✦ it/its
keq ✦ she/he/they
oleander / ole ✦ any prns
kitsy / kipsy / kip / kit ✦ she/they
pipsqueak / pip ✦ she/he/they/it
shiggy / fami ✦ she/her
??? / ???% / kwes ✦ she/it
lorelei / lori / kabi / muge no prns
jay ✦ he/she
ginger / 360 ✦ she/they
key ✦ he/she
beetroot / beet ✦ they/it
droopy ✦ it/its
ghostby ✦ he/they/it/ghost
sawyer ✦ rawr/rawrs
100p / hundred ✦ no prns
aleph null / aleph / ℵ0 ✦ she/he/it
keith ✦ he/they/nya
totem ✦ they/it/shark
bunnie she/they/bun/star

Pub: 06 Feb 2023 21:04 UTC
Edit: 11 Apr 2023 14:27 UTC
Views: 1078