
To learn what a Yume is, read /yumeinfo !

yumejin since 2020
oc x canon shipper since 2015
( one did not consider oneself a yumejin back then, and made OC's as a self-insert )

Favorite & Comfort characters here
List of (almost) every character I like here

  • one headcanons all fictional others as bisexual or lesbian depending the character & under the nonbinary umbrella (trans in grelle's case)
  • the headcanons one has are extensive with some characters , using xenogenders & neopronouns for them . don't act like a bigot for this idc
  • one also inserts oneself into canonical characters to ship them with one's fictional others . think about it as kinning , in a way
Pub: 02 May 2023 22:08 UTC
Edit: 11 Dec 2024 03:26 UTC
Views: 881