˗ˏˋ ABOUT ME ˎˊ˗

INFO : i go by many names! most commonly known as shugu.
i use all pronouns! please keep she/her to a minimum though!
bigender enby ! my gender is super hard for me to describe lol
both sapphic (wlw) and achillean (mlm). i speak en & spanish
pls note: i am diagnosed with heds and i suspect i have bpd..!

BYI :i'm apathetic, so please ask before venting/ranting.
i will use emotes (^_^) unironically! (:3 is ironic tho. dw.)
i use (and smtimes need) tone tags, but lmk if u don't!! &
i will use slurs i can reclaim and make kys/kms jokes ...!
ill sometimes say yuri/yaoi but ITS ALL JOKES im queer
i hc some characters as queer but i do ship m/f sorry...!!

DNI : support dt/wilbur/punz/yadda yadda... (any other
cc's are ok!! ) in basic dni. in the hh/hb fandom. support
isr/el. mspec lesbians. ill block if i don't f/w u otherwise
oh and, if you support palaye royale & all time low! DNI.

TAG : please tag anything related to abuse, mentions
of sh, loud noises, sa, ed/weight/etc as well please <3
i can tag fandoms i indulge in, as well as kins/faves !!


Pub: 03 Jul 2023 16:29 UTC
Edit: 30 Mar 2024 02:50 UTC
Views: 421