Envy's Boundaries

Do not use tonetags for me. I will not use them either, please just ask for clarification if needed. - This does not mean that I don't have issues with tone, I still do. - Do not compare my art style or character designs to anything. Even as a 'compliment' it makes me uncomfortable. - If you want to do so in a well meaning way, ask first. - If I am actively showing you art, or made you art, please dont brush it off. Reactions are nice, but genuine words are always preferred, nothing at all is really discouraging. - I don't VC often unless you're close with me, and even still it is very rare. - I don't like talking, I get drained easily, and prefer to use tts or no mic chats.


I block freely! don't bitch about me blocking you if I do. - I will not explain why, Don't try asking in a server. - I do not use labels. I am not comfortable with any labels or flags and I am happy with not using them! - I am not good at holding convos. I tend to drop out of them very fast or just go no reply, it's nothing against you I just can't do them well. - Don't get mad if I don't reply immediately. I rarely ignore people, There is always a reason. If i'm patient with you, Be patient with me.

Pub: 05 Jul 2023 18:27 UTC
Edit: 21 Dec 2023 04:07 UTC
Views: 562