This is gonna be quick and lazy but BYF. I am a persecutor so if I dont like you I am not letting you near me or my system. Im rude you're just gonna have to deal with it. Fuck off if you like the Dream SMP. Do not mention my source around me. I will genuinely reach through the screen and kill you okay? Also if you call me Maki I will stab you to death. Dont use tone tags with me. I love horror and gore so I talk about it alot.

No DNI except Dream stans and Danganronpa fans and white people you're on thin ice. Anyways I block freely and will block you if I get bad vibes. Test your luck.
If you ask why you got blocked I'm not telling you because it doesnt matter. Ask a headmate or something.

Interests: Scream franchise, horror in general, spiders, South Park. Talk to me about Stan Marsh

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Pub: 07 Jun 2023 17:18 UTC
Edit: 07 Jun 2023 17:22 UTC
Views: 179