fuck heart eep DNI- do not interact

The basics. If you believe that fiction does not impact reality, proship/comship or associated, if you believe cluster b disorders = abusive, just use common sense for once everyone. I will always use your preferred pronouns and neos. Mogai genders are fun.

yay BYF- before you follow

I switch hyperfixations somewhat easily, they range anywhere from months to years. However, my special interests have always been: horror related media, weather patterns, forensic psychology, criminology, abnormal psychology, anatomy and biology. I'm an adult gay man and I will gladly use gay slurs. I am a singlet and I do not participate in "kin" or "irl" culture. I'm also neurodivergent. I do post about some difficult topics, such as my own traumatic experiences and some illness related stuff, so slight gore and other triggers may be present. Do not ever talk to me privately about drugs, smoking, alcohol or any substances at all. I will block you. I talk about needles and injections regularly, as I do my own testosterone injections. If this makes you uncomfortable at all, I may not be the best person to follow. I may also may mention: almost being killed (making jokes to cope), weight (I am recovering from severe malnutrition and malabsorption), mental disorders that I have/autism, parasitic diseases, hospitals, heart problems, medical procedures, CSA/sexual assault, and abuse. Again, I am an adult and may post inappropriate jokes. I always check who follows me, and if there's no age in your bio/carrd/rentry, I will deny your request. back to my main page meow


Pub: 12 Mar 2023 00:09 UTC
Edit: 14 Jul 2024 02:05 UTC
Views: 251