archived hating unique people
age bending idiot
nazi and stupid
0 internet safety
update 03.01: my birthday is in 2 weeks. isnt that nice?
anyway, @sunapie is not.. im not here anymore. i also Dont Care anymore.? ja feel me? ja blow me?
you can complain wherever you want, do it in the dms, go find that cbox, run to my guestbook. to be frank (not named frank) what are you gonna do.
update 06.17: im gonna efuck hydie. i win.
update 06.26: sorry qol update
i dont know what you guyses like. Do anymore. like at all. im sorry for not keeping up
next update i will. i hope
update 07.16: i want to like. apologize. because like. i thought you died? and i didnt know you had been rentry making until my slave told me?
and i found out and i think im gonna. Keep not checking i dont have any provoking commentary for you
im also 13. dont know if that means anything. but like im just now graduating 8th grade so i think. you should update that.

q: ill miss you!
a: i do not care. if i did not tell you the Hot Goss, then i.. didnt know you too well.
q: what about-
a: what. what more do i do.
q: hey, i saw your ocs and art on another account
a: okay? now what. what are you gonna do. duh.
q: are you finally killing yourself?
a: yes.
if you literally have anything else to say to me.... nerr er.

Pub: 31 Mar 2023 01:04 UTC
Edit: 16 Jul 2024 20:31 UTC
Views: 1892