Amanda, my amazing girlfriend!

I love you more than you'd ever know, my darling I'm so obsessed with you and in love with you. I don't know what I'd be doing right now if you weren't in my life. I always look forward to your messages after you wake up, and I'm so bored when you're not awake because you're the light of my life. I love you dearly!

Kel & Milo!

You two are very very fun to hang out with! You have listened to all my rants about Aya and like her nearrlyy as much as I do! I definitely appreciate you both a lot, and I hope you're having the best days!


It's very surprising how fast we connected and got close, I'll always be here for you no matter what! And, I'm very honored that you consider me a big sister! You helped me just as much as I helped you! You also are a big fan of Aya and I appreciate it! >w<

Honorable Mentions!

Fresh, Dove & Crow, Dannie, Charlie, Oxy, Toby, Sal, Cosmic, Finn and Kaveh!


Pub: 13 Jun 2023 20:24 UTC
Edit: 09 Jul 2023 14:03 UTC
Views: 228