anifaux official flag

- This Rentry is solely to spread information about a term coined on Tumblr by K9emotes. Last updated 5/29/24.

What is Anifaux?

Anifaux is a term for someone deeply connected to an animal(s) due to a psychological attachment early in the developmental stages of childhood. These individuals feel out of place in their bodies and would fit better as a species other than humans. Their behavior, love style, and personality might reflect this behavior naturally. Anifauxies have had a deep connection to their anifauxtype since childhood but could've discovered it recently. They differ from Therians and Otherkin in that it is never religious / specifically due to childhood psychological factors. Their mental state more often than not deeply reflects their anifauxtype. Though they may shift to a heavier anifaux regression, the animalistic view of the world and social struggles never truly disappears.

Well, what kind of Anifauxes are there?

The way this naming system works is based on the scientific groupings of animals. If you don't see yours - look up your Anifauxtypes scientific grouping, shorten it, and slap faux on the end:

• Canidfaux (Dogs, Foxes, Wolves, Coyotes, etc)
• Felidfaux (Domestic Cats, Lions, Jaguars, etc)
• Leporidfaux (Rabbits and Hares)
• Ursidfaux (Bears)
• Avianfaux (Birds)
• Chirofaux (Bats)
• Rodenfaux (Hamsters, Rats, Ferrets, etc)
• Amphifaux (Frogs, Salamanders, etc)
• Arthrofaux (Spiders, Scorpions, Butterflies, Bees, etc)
• Vertefaux (Sharks, Fish, Rays, etc)
• Procyfaux (Raccoons, Ringtails, etc)
• Reptilfaux (Snakes, Turtles, Bearded Dragons, etc)
• Hyaenfaux (Hyenas)
• Ungufaux - (Sheep, Goats, Deer, etc)
• Mustelfaux (Weasels, Badgers, Otters, etc)

Why was this made?

We (K9's) made this because Therianthropy/Nonhuman/Otherkin didn't feel right. The belief of reincarnation that some Therian's experience doesn't fit, but I can see how other nonhuman identities are similar! We just made this term because those didn't feel right and often don't directly relate to childhood attachment / scientific development. It feels as if the universe accidentally put an animal's brain in our body (though we don't believe that, it's just a heavy identity feeling.) Our brain did not latch on to human social behavior due to neglect and neurodivergence, so we have extreme difficulty being seen as "normal" in society. But Dogs? Cats? Befriended and understood instantly. We love like a dog, our physical behavior reflects canines, felines, and other animals we grew up around, but we know we're human. Our minds, however, didn't develop like the average one. It feels as if we were raised as animals because partially, we were. That is why we latch on to them so easily.

Extra facts / criteria of Anifauxies !

• There are separate, more specific terms for your Anifauxtype. We (K9's) are a Canidfaux, Felidfaux, and Mustelfaux. (Dogs, Cats, and Ferret.are)
There is a lengthy range of specific terms for any Anifaux to choose from if they wish for something more specific.
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• Anifauxies know that their body is fully human, but their mind latched onto animals ( due to trauma, hyperfixation, social issues, etc etc.) at a young age and it can't be unlearned. This affects their encounters with others, love languages, sleep habits, body language, and more all the time. it's deep rooted in their being .
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• We don't shift! The feeling of being your anifauxtype is constant but on a fluid scale. One day I can be more human and other days the animal behavior is stronger, but it's persistent. And even on more human days, I still feel incapable of fully connecting with other people.
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• Anifaxues are from the developmental stages in childhood. You can discover you're an Anifaux later in life, but it starts from being a kid. We, as a child, spent more time running around on all fours and climbing trees than we did talking to people. We stayed near our family pets constantly for comfort, and picked up countless behaviors from them. We had more interactions with animals than we did with our parents. We've been ashamed of our lack of social skills for a long time, but we're no longer guilty for being ourselves. This is how we developed, and we can't change that. Now our brain can socialize better with animals than anything else and mimics animal behavior naturally. And that's okay.

frequently asked questions!

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"How does it differ from Nonhuman?"

A. It's only animals (so no vampires, demons, etc. Anifauxies are Anifauxies because they grew up and latched onto outside behavior from animals rather than people due to trauma, neurodivergence, etc etc.)

B. It is never a spiritual connection, but a psychologically developed one.

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"But, this just sounds like a psychological therian?"
A lot of people probably won't get it! That's okay. It completely focuses on the psychological identity rather than the other parts of therianthropy like religion (not saying all Therians are religious) spirituality, reincarnation, or anything else. It's a term that no one would understand unless they're a part of the community, and that has a sense of safety. It's specific which gives a grounding feeling, and it's special. Uncommon. It's safe. Therian, from what I understand, is a wide spectrum of things. If you tell someone "I'm a Therian." they won't have a clue what kind until you dump a ton of differently coined terms. I don't want to go around saying "I'm a psychological suntherian with x y z", it feels unorganized and even those terms don't describe everything. It just doesn't sit right. Doesn't bring any euphoria or safety for me. It isn't specific to the psychology of childhood development, and we don't shift. It's constant with flexibility.

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"How does this differ from Therian's in general?"

• Therian - A subtype of the Kin Belief, meaning someone either believes in the spiritual happening of reincarnation and past lives, or feels a general connection to animals in any form. An extremely broad term that someone could identify with for a huge range of different reasons.

• Anifaux - A fundamental connection to a terrestrial animal or animals, not ever connected to past lives or reincarnation, and a permanent identity specifically started from social development in childhood. It affects the way one sees the world to a greater degree, struggling to mimic other people and having consistent dysphoria in the human body. Uncontrollable animal behavior and world views.

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"Can we make our own flags?"

Yes, you can! In our discord server, we have an entire channel for people who make seperate flags based on their anifauxtype! You are allowed make flags of your own, just be sure to tag @K9emotes on your post! You can also find the already made flags here!

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"Is there a limit to how many anifaux types you could have? If so, can they fluctuate?"

No, not at all! Anifauxes can have as many animals as they attached to / were surrounded by in childhood, and they can fluctuate constantly! You may feel more able to fit in with people one day or may feel your behavior influenced by a separate animal at one point and then a completely different one the next.

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"Does the attachment have to be at a young age, or can it be any age?"

It's rooted in the development stage, between infancy and tweens. It has to be early enough to change your behaviors, social skills and shape who you are fundamentally.

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"If I am a system, and we are anifaux, can different alters be different types?"

They can! No worries at all. However, an alter cannot be an Anifaux if the body itself isn't. ‏‏‎ ‎

Pub: 29 May 2024 17:44 UTC
Edit: 29 May 2024 21:57 UTC
Views: 1376