i am fat and VERY physically disabled. i talk about these things very often. i do not censor them. the only thing i will censor is specific weight talk.
along with that, i am visually impaired. i talk about this as well.
i need killing stalking, fatshaming, and irl gore tagged.
i leave front sometimes, so you may have to speak with my headmates instead. deal w it lol. (im literally apart of a sys.. soo)
i am a stoner. thumbs up
i am white and tme.
my pronouns preference changes often, so i suggest you ask what they are when interacting with me. if you dont feel like it/cant, feel free to use she/it/slash as a default.
i never shut up about my interests or my boyfriends. u have been warned lol
i make jokes ab my mental illnesses and shit alot, specifically schizophrenia. if this makes you uncomfortable, tell me.
i make kys and kms jokes, tell me if youre not comfortable with that as well.
i try to be online as often as possible, however i am a student & i have a job, so i cant always be here. feel free to message, and ill respond asap.
i believe that communication is key. if i've done something wrong, i probably don't know it. i encourage you to confront me about it, so i can learn from that mistake and apologize to you.

Pub: 09 Jun 2023 03:23 UTC
Edit: 04 Oct 2023 10:07 UTC
Views: 57