Anon4Anon / Solyanka

CLAUDE 3 - current versions (the rest are at the end of the rentry, as well as our other presets):

Version Link Description
3.2 (from 07/07, 01:00) Catbox / FastUpload Minimalistic A4A, no Memorizer, no Thinking, just download and use. 1 Regex for the Infoblock.
7.0 (from 07/20, 20:00) Catbox / FastUpload The Memorizer, Infoblock, Tags and more. A lot of new add-ons, anti-loop for 3.5 and bugfixes. Changes and further plans (pic, translated).

Dear foreingers! I've created this rentry for your convenience, clarifying difficulties and translation issues. Each image is also translated. Please note that new versions are first released on the main rentry and 2ch, and I update this one when I have spare time. If you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Oh, and I'm unable to post on 4ch due to restrictions from my internet provider.

What is Solyanka? Solyanka is a hearty, spicy, and sour soup that is popular in Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian cuisines. It is made from a variety of ingredients that you might find in your fridge. In our case, we've created our own version using numerous prompts and add-ons found in the 2ch /aicg/ thread. The development is still ongoing, so more 'ingredients' will be added in the future.


Quick Replies 4.0 Update (07/02). Now - more than 150 QRs for various needs of your most creative coom (and not only) - many changes, ideas for plot twists and more. Suitable for any AI and any preset.

Also, if you don't want to download the preset, but want different add-ons from there in your preset, check out the add-on warehouse.

How to install (versions 5.1+):

  1. Download the archive - it contains the preset and 4 regexes - 2 are used for the memorizer, 1 for the infoblock and 1 for hiding Coom_Thinking (so that it is sent from and displayed in X last messages (by default one)). Import everything (for regexes - open Regex in the add-ons, and click Import preset).
  2. Set up the infoblock modules and/or add-ons, optionally write down your tags (see below). They are divided by colors - move green to green, orange to orange, etc. Try different combinations.
  3. !! When switching to another preset and/or when turning off the memorizer - do not forget to turn off the regexes !!

Instructions for installing versions below 5.1 is here.

Version 7.0 for Risu 07/25 ('as is' from the thread, I don't use Risu).

Important things:

All the modules and add-ons you need can be taken one time from the drop-down list. Just select them for yourself and/or for a specific chat.

  • (6.0+) The preset contains a "generic" set of tags, which can and should be changed to suit you. It works especially well with your favorite fetishes, attention to detail, etc. Tag collections: Russian and English.
  • (EN) The character's profile and persona @7 work MUCH better than putting it the usual way. We call it 'Memo' and there's XML-schiz's rentry explaining it (in Russian, extremely complex).
  • The preset can be perfectly used without the infoblock and memorizer for those who don't need them. You can also download version 3.2 - it is simple and kind of up-to-date.
  • Chat Examples in 5.0+ are disabled, I strongly advise against enabling them. Just trust me.
  • Regarding Anti-soy, it's a ESL thing we're fighting against. As an English native, don't bother at all, it's our own Russian problem.
  • The response length is "dynamically" set by prefills through random (easily changed to suit yourself).
  • Parameter Randomizer for temperature is included in 5.0+. It is in the ST add-ons, download it through 'Download assets' and set it to 0.1.
  • Adapt everything to your needs! It's a fucking constructor lol.

Pay attention: there are 6 different prefills in the preset. Of course, you only need to use one of them at a time. Also, the solyanka is ideally combined with QRs (see above).

Zapominator (Memorizer)

  • Why use a Memorizer aka Zapominator? Instead of sending large blocks of text with shining eyes and a ton of garbage to the console, it will only contain brief summaries of each message, starting from the 7th (13th in general). This saves tokens tenfold, improves the AI's attention, and even the slowest RP has its history in front of it - the benefits are obvious. It is not mandatory at all!
  • If you haven't used the memorizer before, but want to - start a new chat (5.1+ will work perfectly only in chats where memorizer blocks are present from the very beginning! In the case of old chats - run them through a summary (for example this one) and start new ones). If you don't need it, just turn it off.
  • It may not work correctly sometimes, loop the chat or do schizo things. If happens, just use the usual chat summarization after 20k context.

Preset structure (version 7.0):

Past versions (Catbox):


Standard Regex on Thinking
Regex for hiding Thinking even during generation
Infoblock Regex

A4A Claude:

Version 6.1 (from 17.06) - New prefills, add-ons, infoblock, coom_mode, etc, new memorizer. Changes (pic/rus).
Version 6.0 (from 05.06) - Memo @7 and Tags to change your experience. Changes (pic/rus).
Version 5.2 (from 12.05) - There are bugfixes and a few new bugs, lol.
Version 5.1 (from 27.04) - The first version with the memorizer.
Version 5.0 (from 25.04) - Without the memorizer. Changes here.
Version 4.1 (from 15.04) - An experimental version with bugfixes.
Version 4.0 (from 14.04) - One of the most global updates. Modular thinking, lots of improvements and changes.
Version 3.1 (from 19.04, 23:00) - A classic & stable versoin without any zapominators and and all that stuff. Just download and use.
Version 3.0 Realistic (from 11.04) - Sharpening the previous one to the maximum possible realism, but done in a hurry.
Version 3.0 (from 09.04) - Slightly outdated V3, without modular thinking and with additions not at the bottom, but classically. Better use 3.1.
Version 2.2 (from 03.04) - the latest from V2, stable.
Version 2.1 (from 30.03) - there may be problems with soy.
Version 2.0 (from 26.03) - already with the 2.0.1 hotfix. Small bugs, not critical.
Version 1.6 (from 22.03) - latest from V1, stable, very good reviews.
Version 1.5 (from 21.03) - stable, with the very first version of thinking and fixes.
Version 1.4 (from 16.03) - stable, still without thinking.
Version 1.3 (from 14.03) - stable, but it can loop. 1.3.2 is already glued in.
Version 1.2 (from 09.03) is a miraculously found historical artifact.
Version 1.1 (from 07.03) - that's where it all started.

A4A GPT-4o:

Version GPT 1.0 (from 26.05, 20:00) - The first version of Solyanka for 4omni. Features (pic).
Version GPT 1.1 (from 31.05, 07:30) - Bugfixes. The development of GPT version has been discontinued.

2ch advises:

This is a list of other presets Russian anons did - give them a chance too!

  • NoAss aka No Assistant aka Безжоп - minimalistic presets (3 variants) which require a separate script running alongside the ST. No, it won't steal your tokens, it just squishes all the messages so they are sent to prefill - in general, it's 'RP in prefill' lol. NoAss Ext | Canon NoAss | Tag NoAss
  • AI Brain - a pretty big one, but anons say they love its output. Link
  • Cocksucktor aka Хуйсосатор - a meme one, made by an attentionwhore, but some anons like it. In general, Claude BECOMES the character, no shit. Link

Solyanka is a collection of many achievements of 2ch anons (and foreign anons too). The preset is made for Claude 3 Opus, it has not been tested on other AIs and is not intended to be used (except for GPT version). The original version once contained a mix of V9-12 from CharacterProvider and CrustCrunch V1.5.

Feedback and suggestions are accepted first of all in the 2ch AICG thread (feel free to come here, we're friendly lol). Secondly, if you need a personal contact - email at [email protected]. All my tests are conducted on the current Staging tavern, through a proxy with Opus.

Pub: 21 Jun 2024 15:24 UTC
Edit: 24 Jul 2024 22:53 UTC
Views: 15855