answering past me questions
" please tell me im still interested in ii + taco ii "
- girl OBVIOUSLY. taco + ii lover 4ever.
" have things gotten better "
- im not sure yet baby but we're getting there
" do i still have my friends "
- DUHH, besties with them 4lifee
" do i still have bubble "
- sadly no, sry we split up cos we have 2 work on our studies n stuff,, & we drifting apart
" do i still have eridan "
- thankfully not.
" do i still have my gcs ? "
- DEPENDS,, 'MephoneX TARGETS💜' died out sadly.. im sorru :{ BUT IT OK bc theres a replacement called '𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐲✨🛼𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐲🐬🌴 SALTER EGO FANCLUB🥳🥳 again' which has now turned into a gc called da boyz ^_^
" hows my taco shrine going "
- good!! although, i dont plan to buy more photos... i think theres enough
" has my vocabulary and rping improved "
- FOR SURE DUDE. im reading & practicin every night 4 us
" am i performing better in school "
- no.
" did i make any irl friends "
- WELL YEAH but like. only one. and uh spoiler alert sorry but we do NOT like having friends. so were avoiding her.. we ♡ 2 b alone
" did i get the urls i wanteed "
- YES! some of them. /??? and /???? are still yet 2 b bought by me. hhah. we got /ii & /inanimateinsanity though!