/anthro/ - A SFW Discussion General for Anthropomorphic Animals!
Warning: the community is undergoing a minor scuffle right now. If you sincerely love /anthro/, you have to read this
An archive is here: https://archive.ph/qqyiF Do not let 4chan override us.
The community will remain SFW only forever. If that means making a new site, so be it. We'll see.
Thread template
Quick and easy way to make a new thread
/hangout/ - Insert Edition Edition - a /bp/ discussion and chat
Favourite artists
Here is a list of /anthro/'s favourite artists!
- fiddleafox is a famous anthro artist known for her fox character Averi and for her drama that caused chuds around the world to love her worldwide | https://x.com/fiddleafox
- Aurum79 is an anthro artist, possible soyteen, who draws Averi, Starrtoon's Dragon and their own axolotl characters | https://x.com/_Aurum79
- koul is a general anthro artist | https://x.com/Koul_Fardreamer
- ekaki510 is an anthro artist who makes really wholesome and cute drawings | https://x.com/ekaki510
- Starrtoon is a female Christian artist who draws dragons | https://x.com/StarrtoonArt
- feve is an anthro artist who makes a living drawing SFW commissions | https://x.com/brizunzies/
- color_fox is a korean anthro artist who created the "neutral possum" | https://www.deviantart.com/yonge/ | https://x.com/dydrkflqo
Useful links
Comics and Stories
- Prequel Adventure is a comic by Kazerad | https://www.prequeladventure.com/
- Twokinds is a comic by Tom Fischbach, brother of Markiplier | https://twokinds.keenspot.com/
- The Life of Riley | https://othrworlds.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html?m=1
- Architect of Sleep by Steven R. Boyett |
https://buzzheavier.com/njizky7m22nj - The Color of the Moon by JMHthe3rd |
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9845901/1/The-Color-of-the-Moon - The Stone God Awakens by Philip Jose Farmer |
https://buzzheavier.com/jsloa13sixs0 - Destroyermen Series by Taylor Anderson |
All books: https://pixeldrain.com/u/nXVfKH6Q, (Mirror) https://files.catbox.moe/tegzc8.rar, (Mirror) https://small.fileditchstuff.me/s20/YhDKIsfUzBtBPYDzXGzX.rar
Book 1-13: https://buzzheavier.com/p6xm8dwnb9xf
Book 14: https://buzzheavier.com/gjxkwv6vsys0
Book 15: https://buzzheavier.com/v8hvm18tdxqq - A Chronicle of Lies by Abraham Carson |
https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83239/a-chronicle-of-lies - A Story I Suppose by 7oomer
- Claws of Steel | https://xyz-z.itch.io/claws-of-steel | https://streamable.com/9oxgzb
- Snoot Game | https://snootgame.xyz/en/
- I Wani Hug That Gator | https://hugthegator.xyz/
- Averi's Christmas Clash | A Christmas themed anthro game created by Soggy (aka Soygoy, Lachlan) | https://s5cubed.itch.io/averis-christmas-clash | https://s5s5s5.com
Art folders
- The /anthro/ art folder | https://mega.nz/folder/kicUEaxa#PW8rcZ4rWK__S9_nFaFPRg
- Averi Art folder | https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/R70y0KxB
- Fiddleafox Art folder | https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/Vu1S1YQb
- GaryC Art folder | https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/NzkggQJS
- Fanart Folder | https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/4ysCmI6Y
Editor programs
- Krita, an open source painting software | https://krita.org/en/download/
- OBS, an open source video recorder | https://obsproject.com/download
- KDenLive, an open source video editor |https://kdenlive.org/en/download/
- Audacity, an open source audio editor | https://www.audacityteam.org/download/
- Blender, an open source 3D modelling software | https://www.blender.org/download/
Shared drawing space
/ic/'s drawing materials
- How to draw Lackadaisy Cats | https://www.lackadaisycats.com/ishkabibble.php
- Animal Photo Art References | https://x6ud.github.io/
- Animal Skull 3D Models | https://sketchfab.com/calacademy | https://sketchfab.com/uod_museums| https://sketchfab.com/osuecampus
- Aruurara, an artist | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwQnoDwr_NeAcKDRzqNfSRQ/videos
- TFiddlerArt, an artist | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv6Z1VKjRcx8-uUyBNyQm1g/videos
- https://mega.nz/file/b5tFhKhC#ro27W6YRYGpWPCKGolp4Z6Mkeg3o7l9smy8EmZi26O8
soyjak.party era
Old Drama
/anthro/ was a SFW discussion board on the sharty / soyjak.party for discussing Anthropomorphic Animals. The board and it's community went through some trying times, as one of our members had taken the 10M get and caused site wide anger and leakage. This wasn't planned and he got it completely by accident, as such, our board was vandalized in revenge by Janitors and Admins. The users of the site have a fragile ego and are angry that their edgy hugbox safespace had a number taken by anthro chuds.
The once SFW Anthro/Furry art board had been turned into an NSFW board as punishment, a second /trash/ or /nate/ and a shell of it's former self due to poor decision making and power tripping on the admin's part. They also want personal autonomy over us and didn't want us to make a bunker on /g/ or on Steam. They wanted us to endure the NSFW spam and spam in general.
If you're reading this, I recommend you join our Steam group instead here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/anthrosoy
We're not hostile, and 9a0c doesn't particularly like us, but I don't particularly care. That's his problem. THEY are hostile towards US. /anthro/ will live on regardless. Long live /anthro/
However now, you do not need to join the steam group and can browse our site at https://anthro.foo !
Archived threads from /bp/
- Sleepy Edition | https://archive.ph/iVaJ9
- Fluffy Sisa Edition | https://archive.ph/5dTCK
- Antarctica Edition | https://archive.ph/ddPEc
Mostly unarchived threads from /g/
- Frog Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/51212
- Black Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/49317
- Dancing Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/47886
- Headpats Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/46647
- The Night after Halloween Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/45528
- Milk Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/44324
- I really thought you guys would have made a new thread by now edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/41620
- "I'm really fucking pissed off edition" | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/40072
- Gemmed Up Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/35898
- Redeemed Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/33579
- Microsoft Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/32369
- I <3 History Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/31158
- Raccoon Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/28431
- Fresh Start Edition | https://archive.soyjak.st/g/thread/29969
soyjak.blog threads
We're not allowed on soyjak.blog for unknown reasons, but heres a few hilarious attempts.
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-caca-edition.9072
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-bunker.8532/
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-containment.9041/
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-schlog-edition.9042/
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-standby-stop-locking-our-threads.9045/
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-standby-2-stop-locking-our-threads.9049/
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-standby-3-stop-locking-our-threads.9051/
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-standby-4-stop-locking-our-threads.9054/
- https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/anthro-standby-5-stop-locking-our-threads.9056/