this aint meant to be pretty so lets jus fuckin get into it.

im bi & gay, before anyone says anythin, no i wont jus "pick one". fuck you, disrespectfully. im technically gender apathetic, but i prefer unlabeled coz its less words & i dont hafta pull out the queer dictionary to explain what gender apathetic means every so often coz some rando terran needs me to spoon feed them info they can look up themself.

imma part of a system, our origins aint any of your business. yes, im an introject of rocket from gotg. do not call me raccoon or trash panda if you dont fuckin know me; its rude. we dont do the whole "roles" thing in our system, so dont ask me "what i do" or anythin; i exist & thas bout it. (roles are dumb anyways, but thas jus my two cents on the topic.)

i have a tendency to be very sarcastic, blunt & rude (its my "factory settins" as my system mates say), if that makes you nervous or whatever, jus tell me to back off & i will.

dont be a dick about me or my system mates & i wont be a dick to you bout you. thas all. thanks for readin, i guess.

Pub: 14 Jul 2022 15:40 UTC
Edit: 14 Nov 2023 02:26 UTC
Views: 128