Aphrobyte Plus

Aphrobyte Plus v1.29.0.0 | https://streamable.com/iwq5hq

Recent VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/5490974e4ca7691c01eb7c5f49d9e8d67a9259a1393f751c10996e25fd8181b9?nocache=1

A powerful RAT that uses Discord to communicate with the victim's machine. This versatile trojan has 41 commands with 60+ features.
You can also add an extra feature for $10 (special demand, for your specific backdoor)

Aphrobyte Plus features

  • Multiple user management;
  • Auto updates;
  • Schtask startup (if admin permissions, if not, regular registry startup);
  • UAC Bypass to gain administrator privileges;
  • Adds itself to Defender exclusions;
  • Stealers (all cookies, all passwords, Steam sessions, history, Discord tokens, Telegram account data, autofills);
  • Crypto clipper (only supports BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR);
  • Overwrite MBR;
  • Screamer command (anne.jpg with a loud sound);
  • Keylogger;
  • Desktop flooding, desktop forcing (sends the user to desktop);
  • Stream a microphone of your choice from a list of available ones;
  • File management (download, upload, create, write, execute files, along with snooping through directories);
  • Executes shell commands;
  • Fork bomb;
  • Block or unblock hosts (websites);
  • Disable defender, task manager, system settings;
  • Audio/volume management;
  • USB spread;
  • Messes with the mouse (can swap the mouse buttons, lag the mouse);
  • Task management (view processes, end processes);
  • System information including geolocation, installed browsers and softwares, hardware;
  • Clipboard management (view the clipboard, change the clipboard);
  • Communication through system messages;
  • Spam or open once websites;
  • Messes with the taskbar (can hide it, can return it to being visible if previously hidden);
  • Blue screen;
  • Flip the screen;
  • Can make itself a critical process, which if it is task killed, it will result in a BSOD;
  • Basic system interactions (log off, restart, shut down);
  • Surveillance (screenshots, webcam)
  • Ransomware
  • Program installer
  • Clipboard logger
  • Crowd control tasks


  • !help - Shows the help menu.
  • !clear_category (category) - Clear a category and its channels.
  • !is_admin - Tells you if the user ran the backdoor with admin privileges.
  • !exit - Stops the RAT client from running.
  • !exitb - Stops the RAT client from running, but also deletes the user's category.
  • !tracedel - Delete the traces that this RAT was on the user's PC.


  • !grab (history/discord/passwords/ip/cookies/steam/telegram/browsers/softwares/autofills) - Retrieve browsing history, Discord tokens, passwords, the IP, the cookies, or Telegram account data.
  • !clipboard view - Retrieves user's clipboard.


  • !clipper (start/stop) - Starts a crypto clipper.
  • !ss/!screenshot - Sends a screenshot of the user's desktop.
  • !idletime - Shows the idle time of the user.
  • !cliplog (start/stop) - Starts a clipboard logger.
  • !keylog (start/stop) - Starts a keylogger. (LIVE).
  • !micstream (display/select/start/stop) - Streams the user's microphone in the 'Microphone' voice channel.
  • !webcam - Captures every camera user has available.


  • !ransomware (encrypt/decrypt) - Encrypts all files and asks for $30 in crypto.
  • !forkbomb - Overuses the CPU making the computer unusable.
  • 🛡 !overwritembr - Overwrites the master boot record, completely destroying the PC.
  • 🛡 !critprocess - If the user tries to end the RAT it will result in a blue screen.
  • !screamer (start/stop) - Jumpscares the user. (WARNING: LOUD)
  • !logoff - Logs user off.
  • !shutdown - Shuts user off.
  • !restart - Restarts the PC.
  • !rotate90 - Rotates the infected user's screen by 90 degrees.
  • !bsod - Blue screens the computer.
  • 🛡 !website (block/unblock) (website) - Blocks a website which will make the user unable to visit it.


  • 🛡 !install (python/ngrok) - Install a program on the computer.
  • 🛡 !disable/enable (taskmgr/defende/sys-settings) - Disable task manager or defender.
  • !uacbypass - Bypass UAC to receive elevated permissions.
  • !task (list/kill) - Get the list of all tasks, or kill a task.
  • !shell (command) - Execute a shell command and return output.
  • !file (delete/upload/download/webdownload/execute/create/write) - Interact with files. (upload command adds the file to current directory)
  • !chdir (directory) - Changes the current directory. (add a < to go back one directory)
  • !ls - Shows current directory.
  • !crowdcontrol (create/delete) (autokeylogger/autocryptoclipper/autocliplogger/autotaskmgrdisable/autosyssettingsdisable/autodefenderdisable) - Create automated tasks to run on connection.


  • !epilepsy (start/stop) - Create random patterns of colors on the user's screen.
  • !mouse (hold/release/swap/unswap) - Hold or swap the mouse.
  • !desktop (force/wallpaper/flood) - Force the user to desktop, change the wallpaper or flood it.
  • !notify (text) - Send an information message.
  • !taskbar (hide/return) - Hides or returns the taskbar if it was hidden.
  • !write (text) - Writes something on the user's computer.
  • !audio (play/stop) - Play an audio from attachment. (MP3 ONLY)
  • !website open (website) - Open a website.
  • !volume 0-100 - Changes the machine volume.
  • !clipboard set (text) - Set the user's keyboard to your own piece of text.

This RAT costs 12-30 USD (12 USD for 3 months of access, and 30 USD for lifetime). If you wish to purchase, navigate to https://crax.shop/resources/rat-aphrobyte-plus.2179/ or join this telegram channel, and PM me from there: https://t.me/riotadministration

Created by RIOT Administration
RIOT Administration

Edit Report
Pub: 14 Sep 2023 19:55 UTC
Edit: 13 Feb 2024 18:11 UTC
Views: 3085