ACT i ~ SCENE ii










Dr. Igotta stares at you. You're assuming she's surprised, but you honestly can't tell.

DR. IGOTTA | "oh?"
DR. IGOTTA | "and what would that be?"

YOU | "Uhm."
YOU | "Well..."
YOU | "I need a place to stay."
YOU | "..."










So embarrassing...

Dr. Igotta's face nearly seems to light up at that, though.
As if she's been wanting you to say that.










: )
DR. IGOTTA | "well! i wasn't expecting that!
DR. IGOTTA | "but, lucky for you, i think i have somewhere you can stay."
DR. IGOTTA | "but there is one downside. at least, i think you'd consider it that."

YOU | "Really?"
YOU | "Oh my god, thank you so much Doctor, really-"

DR. IGOTTA | "the only available living quarters i have for you are in this building."










Woah woah woah. Stop. Wait a minute.

All of your thought processes screech to a halt as you begin to comprehend what she's just said.
The ultimatum: sleep on the streets or sleep in.... here.

You consider it for a second before deciding you'd literally rather die than be homeless.










YOU | "Fine."
YOU | "I'll stay here."


Pub: 21 Apr 2023 17:21 UTC
Views: 275