osdd, she/they 18+ ✦
european + east asian + carribbean latina
sys of 32

carrd link is here - doesnt work needs to be updated

hosts and co-hosts (including regular fronters):
liana - host - she/her/they/them - adult
mortis - secondary host & often fronts with liana - he or they but choose one only and stick with it - adult
llenn - frequent fronter - she/her - adult

lily - sometimes there - she/her - adult
haru - also sometimes there - he/him - adult

hinari (junna & rui) - frequent fronters, always front together - she/her (rui) and he/him (junna) - adults
yui - frenquent fronter - she/her (doesn't speak english) -17

three littles - 6 -13 years old - she/her for all i believe

  • more but they don't consent to being added to this

Pub: 19 Feb 2023 04:16 UTC
Edit: 11 Jun 2024 14:51 UTC
Views: 177