My projects.

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Tenebrous is an “art project about the light”, or is it? The series revolves around two friends, Kit Campbell and Vivian Damiano, the two run a fairly obscure channel on the internet where they primarily play video games and commentate on them. The series takes place in 2006, Toronto. There are two sides of this story; And to make it simple and to not prioritize one over the other, Yoko refers to the “main plot” as “The Light” , the other side of the series is titled as “The Dark” . The two may be confusing at first, but they will eventually blend as the story progresses into what Ghost refers to as “The dawn”. Making it easy to understand what happened when, or who did what. Pixel art of a robot

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Promicide is a horror comedy visual novel / RPG Maker parody inspired by the likes of Heathers (Film + Musical) The Journalist Club at Redrum High School down in Larsehs County, Nebraska. In 1990, a high school prom is coming up, but there's a murderer rampant in the school specifically killing anyone wishing to attend, will you figure out the motive and the hands to put the handcuffs on the guilty hands before the sash goes to the slasher?

Promicide has you play as Journalist Vice President, Lisa Thorne, as one of the primary targets bullying, and deemed as the "most secretive in school", who would want to take her in? Well, a killer would, of course. Over the span of several days, Lisa will have spaced out phone calls from a payphone on the subject of "Assisting in getting the crown" which is code for killing the rest of the competition on Prom Night. After rejecting such but you as the protagonist, and your friends in the club you help keep running will investigate as much as you can on suspicious students, make branching choices that can make you simply waste your time, or begin finding damning pieces of evidence on who the potential serial murderer would be if you don't put a stop to their operation. pixel art of a robot

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CHOP SHOP ‧₊˚✦ !

Chop Shop is (technically) a spinoff series of Tenebrous, the series focuses on an man named Scott Blackwood, whom is a close friend to many victims in the "Maggy Lambhead murders". The name describes this perfectly. Teenagers at the time would go into the woods of their usual town or city, hoping to catch a glimpse of a certain lamb headed urban legend, only to never be seen again. Years of anguish and never once was there one case that was solved.. Sara, Ricky, Karen, Joseph, Anthony.. The victims list went on and on over the years until they just.. Stopped. It's only on his anniversary with his wife, Lola, that the two discover an email that lists a few pieces of information that seem quite... Worthy to look into and reopen the case after several years.

The video style mainly switches for each victim we peer through the eyes of. Who they become after death. Stop motion, paper frame by frame, the series wears its inspiration from Bug Murders on its sleeve, and tries to pay homage to it in several ways. Pixel art of a blue robot

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pixel of a robot 01; BYI . 🔲 . 02; DNI . 🔳 . 03; MEDIA . & . 04; HOME !

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Pub: 14 Apr 2024 02:37 UTC
Edit: 16 May 2024 16:37 UTC
Views: 224